  • 如果他感觉到我因没收到某些情人节礼物而失望,他就努力营造出一种欢快的氛围,多抱我一下或是尽可能设法让我这一天过得开心一点。
    If he sensed any disappointment over valentines that didn't arrive for me,he just tried that much harder to create a positive atmosphere,giving me an extra hug and doing what he could to make my day a little brighter.
  • 如果他感觉到我因没有收到情人节的礼物而失望,他就努力创造一种欢快的氛围,多抱我一下或做些他能做的事,让我那天欢快一点。
    If he sensed any disappointment over valentines that didn’t arrive for me, he just tried that much harder to create a positive atmosphere, giving me an extra hug and doing what he could to make my day a little brighter.
  • 这些观察结果使一些人相信,这些动物有某种特别的感知能力,一种人类所缺乏的感知能力。
    Such observations have led some to suggest that these animals have a kind of extra-sensory perception. What is more likely, though, is that they have an extra sense -- a form of perception that people lack.
  • 到目前为止,由国家和自治区出资维修、修复的著名寺庙有:大昭寺,白居寺,则拉雍仲寺,敏竹寺,兴建于八世纪的桑耶寺,藏传佛教格鲁派四大名寺札什伦布寺和哲蚌寺、色拉寺、甘丹寺,昌都强巴林寺,热振寺,萨迦派的萨迦寺,噶玛噶举派的楚布寺、噶玛丹萨寺,直贡派的直贡帖寺,苯教的墨如寺、热拉仲林寺,以及夏鲁派的夏鲁寺等。
    The state and the autonomous region have financed the maintenance and restoration of a number of famous monasteries, including the Jokhang, Palkor, Tselayungdrung, Mindrol, Samye (built in the eighth century), Tashilhunpo, Drepung, Sera and Ganden (the latter four being the four main monasteries of the Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism), the Jampa Ling in Qamdo, the Redreng, the Sakya Monastery of the Sakya Sect, the mTshur-phu and Karma-gdan-sa monasteries of the Karma Kagyu Sect, the Drigung Thil Monastery of the Drigung Sect, the Meru and Rala Yungdrung Ling monasteries of the Bon religion, and the Shalu Monastery of the Shalu Sect.
  • 女拥人或女下属
    A female servant or subordinate.
  • 军优属,政爱民,巩固军政军民团结。
    The government and the people should support the army and give preferential treatment to the families of servicemen and martyrs, and the army should support the government and cherish the people so as to consolidate the solidarity between the army and the government and between the army and the people.
  • 在罗马帝国的版图上最后见到的,便是少数几个家族所有的大片地产。于是为了他们的奢侈生活,以及更多地为了他们的炫富心理,开始生产最昂贵的物品,而土地耕种者则变成了奴隶,小佃农也几乎处于被奴役的境地。
    The Roman empire ultimately became covered with the vast landed possessions of a comparatively few families, for whose luxury,and still more for whose ostentation, the most costly products were raised, soil were slaves, or small tenants in a while the condition. cultivators of the soil were slaves, or small tenants in nearly servile condition.
  • 共产党人把自己的主要注意力集中在德国,因为德国正处在资产阶级革命的前夜,因为同17世纪的英国和18世纪的法国相比,德国将在整个欧洲文明更进步的条件下,有发展得多的无产阶级去实现这个变革,因而德国的资产阶级革命只能是无产阶级革命的直接序幕。
    The Communists turn their attention chiefly to Germany, because that country is on the eve of a bourgeois revolution that is bound to be carried out under more advanced conditions of European civilisation, and with a much more developed proletariat, than that of England was in the seventeenth, and of France in the eighteenth century, and because the bourgeois revolution in Germany will be but the prelude to an immediately following proletarian revolution.
  • 我们有的信息非常丰富,堆积在数据库里,通过宽带网源源不断地流到桌面系统。
    Information we have is in abundance, piling up in databases and streaming onto desktops over broadband networks.
  • 任何谬论都护它的斗士。
    Every absurdity have a champion to defend it.
  • 这种女人的穿着打扮往往使这些贵妇人相形见绌;这种女人在大歌剧院和意大利人歌剧院里,也像她们一样,有自己的包厢,并且就和她们并肩而坐;这种女人恬不知耻地在巴黎街头卖弄她们的姿色,炫耀她们的珠宝,播扬她们的“风流韵事”。
    it is the rooms occupied by those women who have carriages which spatter their own with mud every day of the week, who have their boxes at the Opera or the Theatre-Italien just as they do, and indeed next to theirs, and who display for all Paris to see the insolent opulence of their beauty, diamonds and shameless conduct.
  • 假设某间公司发行了100万股,而你有一股,那就表示你有整间公司的百万分之一。
    Suppose a company has issued a million shares and you own one share,this means that you own one millionth of that company.
  • 假设某间公司发行了100万股,而你有一股,那就表示你有整间公司的百万分之一。
    Suppose a company has issued a million shares and you own one share, this means that you own one millionth of that company.
  • 他拥有50%的股票。
    He owns 50% of the share.
  • 由于有可用于养活劳动者的食物而要求得到的报酬,是另一种性质的报酬,是因节欲而不是因劳动得到的报酬。
    The claim to remuneration founded on the possession of food, available for the maintenance of labourers, is of another kind; remuneration for abstinence, not for labour.
  • 设得兰群岛绿色的山峦绵延起伏,山上没有树木,并受大风的侵袭,但却有一种难以言状的静谧。
    The Shetland Islands' rolling green hills,treeless and windswept,have a tranquillity that can't be explained.
  • 贝灵汉美国华盛顿州西北部城市,位于加拿大的不列颠哥伦比亚省边界南面的贝灵汉湾。是有造船业和加工业的入海港。人口52,179
    A city of northwest Washington on Bellingham Bay south of the British Columbia, Canada, border. It is a port of entry with shipbuilding and processing industries. Population,52, 179.
  • 你的衬衫到上边来了
    Your shirt's riding up.
  • 买东西的人入商店。
    Shoppers crowded into the store.
  • 坚决不行!沃尔玛的购物者们说,他们将一直护护士芭比和长发公主芭比的形象。
    Stick to playing nurse and Rapunzel, say Wal-Mart shoppers.
  • 当地人被不公平地剥夺了有自己那古老土地的权利。
    The native people have been unjustly shorn of their rights to their ancient lands.
  • 他们大部分均向入境事务处自首,并申辩由于其父母在香港有永久性居民身分,因此根据《基本法》第二十四条他们理应享有香港居留权。
    Most had surrendered to the Immigration Department arguing that their parents' permanent resident status entitled them to the right of abode in Hong Kongunder Article 24 of the Basic Law.
  • 政府在调查统计后,估计有160万人可依据终审法院的判决声称有居港权。
    After survey, the Government estimated that 1.6 million people in the Mainland would be able to claim right of abode in Hong Kong as a result of the judgments.
  • 有不正常的性愿望的女人。
    a woman with abnormal sexual desires.
  • 人群非常挤,但我们还是挤过去了。
    The crowd was very thick,but we managed to shove though.
  • 有一种吸引人的非凡能力。
    possessing an extraordinary ability to attract.
  • 她往后退缩不让他抱。
    She shrank back form his grasp.
  • 任何要对持有武器进行管理的企图都会导致一场司法危机,并引起那些枪支有者的愤怒,这些人担心对枪支进行登记或做背景调查会剥夺他们保护自己的权利。
    Any attempt to regulate ownership of firearms precipitates a judicial crisis and draws shrieks of out-rage from gun owners who fear that gun registration programmes and background checks will deprive them of their right to protect themselves.
  • 有枪支的人大多是守法公民,而且使用非常谨慎。
    Most guns are owned by law-abiding citizens and are used carefully.
  • 她往后退缩不让他抱。
    She shrink back from his grasp.
  • 家庭规模缩小了--如今的一对父母平均仅有1.3个孩子,而且更多的母亲在外工作。
    Family sizes have shrunk---today's parents have an average of only l.3 children and more mothers are working outside the home.
  • 政府有六条隧道,包括狮子山隧道、香港仔隧道、机场隧道、城门隧道、将军澳隧道及长青隧道,均交由私营公司根据管理合约经营及管理。
    The government owns six of the road tunnels - Lion Rock, Aberdeen, Airport, Shing Mun, Tseung Kwan O and Cheung Tsing - which are managed and operated by private companies under management contracts.