  • lec在网络的真正atm特征和ip一类协议所期望的传统局域网扑结构之间架设了一座桥梁。
    The LEC provides a bridge between the true ATM nature of the network and the traditional LAN topology that protocols such as IP expect.
  • 凯瑟,威拉·锡伯特1873-1947描写边疆开生活的美国作家。其小说我们中的一员(1922年)获普利策文学奖
    American author who wrote about frontier life. Her novel One of Ours(1922) won a Pulitzer Prize.
  • 簇拓扑学的空间或面
    A topologic space or surface.
  • ——环境科学技术研究领域不断展。
    -- The research spectrum of environmental science and technology has been steadily broadened.
  • 政府制订艺文政策总体方向时,首先要展公平竞争和开放的空间,鼓励民间对文化内容的多元诠释,和容许不同表达方式,才能提供广阔的沃土,让种子发芽茁壮成林,间接在吸引人才方面更易荟萃精英,愿意在此落地生根。
    Therefore, the Singapore government would be well-advised to map out policies on arts and culture conducive to fair competition in an open and liberal environment.Discussion of cultural issues should be encouraged and different modes of expression allowed, so that talent will be more likely to come and stay, just as seeds sprout and take root more easily in rich soil.
  • 对澳洲以至其他国家来说,下一世纪在整个亚洲展经济的机会多不胜数,尤以在中国为甚。
    The depth of economic opportunities in the coming decades in Asia in general, and China in particular, for Australia and indeed the rest of the world, is staggering.
  • 对法国以至其他国家来说,下一世纪在整个亚洲展经济的机会多不胜数,尤以在中国为甚。
    The depth of economic opportunities in the coming decades in Asia in general, and China in particular, for France and indeed the rest of the world, is staggering.
  • 对於德国以至其他国家来说,下一世纪在整个亚洲展经济的机会多不胜数,尤以在中国为甚。
    The depth of economic opportunities in the coming decades in Asia in general, and China in particular, for Germany and indeed the rest if the world, is staggering.
  • 他利用叔父的职位和影响作跳板来开自己的事业。
    He used his uncle's position and influence as stepping stones to his own career.
  • 通过扩大竞争市场、优化企业内部流程和展接触客户途径,internet使商务经营更有效。
    The Internet has made businesses more efficient by expanding the markets in which they compete, streamlining corporate processes, and extending the ways customers are reached.
  • 上帝祝福他们说:“你们要生育繁衍,散布及开全世界,要做海中鱼、空中鸟与地上爬虫走兽之主宰!”
    God blessed them and said to them,"Be fruitful and increase, fill the earth and subdue it, rule over the fish in the sea, the birds of heaven, and every living thing that moves upon the earth."
  • 第i期工程已大致完成,约开了568公顷土地。
    Phase I has been substantially completed, with about 568 hectares of land formed.
  • 中国继续向一些发展中国家提供人员培训、装备器材、后勤物资、医疗卫生等方面的援助,并积极展新的交往领域。
    China continues to provide a number of devel-oping countries with aid in personnel training, equipment, logistical materials and medical care, and will seek to widen the scope of con-tacts in the future.
  • ——市场开取得新的进展,流通秩序有所改善。
    -- New progress has been achieved for market tapping and market order has been improved considerably.
  • 根据一八九八年六月九日在北京签订有关展香港界址的条约,中国同意把九龙界限街以北直至深圳河的新界地域,以及235个岛屿租借予英国,为期99年。
    By a convention signed in Peking on June 9, 1898, respecting an extension of Hong Kong territory, the New Territories - comprising the area north of Kowloon up to the Shum Chun (Shenzhen) River, and 235 islands - was leased for 99 years.
  • 全体成员同意,依照“集成电路知识产权条约”第二条至第七条(其中第六条第3款除外)、第十二条及第十六条第3款,为集成电路布图设计(即朴图,下称“布图设计”)提供保护;此外,全体成员还同意遵守下列规定。
    Members agree to provide protection to the layout-designs (topographies) of integrated circuits (referred to in this Agreement as "layout-designs") in accordance with Articles 2 through 7 (other than paragraph 3 of Article 6), Article 12 and paragraph 3 of Article 16 of the Treaty on Intellectual Property in Respect of Integrated Circuits and, in addition, to comply with the following provisions.
  • 网络的扑结构可以是环形的、星形的或总线形的。
    The topology of the network may be ring, star or bus.
  • 而用光纤通道给出网络扑结构却是一个新事物。
    What's new is that it is being given a network topology.
  • 此部分描述可用于防火墙的网络扑。
    These sections describe the network topology that can be used in a firewall.
  • 您依据商业政策而不是网络朴来保护您的web对象。
    You determine how to secure your web object based on business policy not network topology.
  • cim给出公用的扑信息和公用的命名信息,因而网络中的任何一样东西都可以唯一识别,而不管它们是哪家公司的或哪种物理技术。
    CIM delivers common topology information and common naming information so that everything is uniquely identified within the network, regardless of vendor and physical technology.
  • 这种扑结构的优势是,在同一时刻很多设备可以进行通信,而介质不是共享的,但它需要交换器来运行之。
    The benefit of this topology is that many devices can communicate at the same time and the media is not shared, but it needs a switch to run.
  • 目前,有两种最普通的扑结构,分别称为环形网和总线形网。
    Today,the two most common topologies are called ring and bus networks.
  • 由于话音通信对滞后敏感,所以它对大多数网络朴结构都是一种挑战。
    Voice traffic, because of its sensitivity to delay, can provide a challenge for most network topologies.
  • 局域网有多种不同的扑结构,或者说有多种计算机与网络的连接方式。
    Local area networks have many different topologies,or ways in which computers can be connected to the network.
  • 开拓三十英亩土地
    Developing a30-acre tract.
  • 开路人开拓道路的人
    One that blazes a trail.
  • 一种横穿荒野的由美洲人开的路。
    a trail through the wilderness worn by Amerindians.
  • ——加强国际联运,扩大外运业务,进一步开国际运输市常
    —Enhancing international through transport, with the purpose of increasing transport volume and exploring international transport market.
  • 东涌新市镇位处大屿山东涌和大蚝两个山谷,以及两个山谷之间沿岸填的狭长土地。按照计划,到二零一一年,东涌新市镇的人口将达32万人。
    Tung Chung new town, which is planned to house 320 000 people by 2011, will ultimately occupy two valleys at Tung Chung and Tai Ho at Lantau, plus a coastal strip of reclamation in between.
  • 事实上,尽管香港处於金融风暴之中,我们仍继续建设和投资,展未来。
    Indeed, despite the turmoil around us, we continue to build and invest for the future.
  • 坚持用马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平理论武装全党、教育人民,不断解放思想、实事求是,与时俱进、开创新,尊重群众的首创精神,通过实践来检验和发展党的理论和路线方针政策。
    Attach equal importance to both material and spiritual civilization and run the country by combining the rule of law with the rule of virtue. Socialist spiritual civilization is an important attribute of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Basing ourselves on China's realities, we must carry forward the fine tradition of our national culture and absorb the achievements of foreign cultures in building socialist spiritual civilization. We should unceasingly upgrade the ideological and ethical standards as well as the scientific and cultural qualities of the entire people so as to provide a strong motivation and intellectual support for the modernization drive.