  • 為尋求真理,必須保持一種科學的疑精神。
    In searching after truth, a scientific skepticism must be maintained.
  • 貴函業已悉,並已對您所訂的票作了相應的變動。
    We have receive your letter and have alter the reservation accordingly.
  • 誘惑與浪漫:許多婦女都很念自己跟丈夫戀愛的日子。
    Seduction & Romance: Many women long for the days when they and their husbands were courting.
  • 那個人被疑為共犯。
    The man was suspected as an accomplice.
  • 在韋斯頓夫人告訴愛瑪奈特利先生似乎喜歡並關心簡之後,愛瑪疑送禮的人就是奈特利。
    Emma wondered if it had come from Mr. Knightley, after Mrs. Weston pointed out to her his seeming preference and concern for Jane.
  • 有人指責遴選者有成見纔未吸收他加入該隊。
    The selector is accused of show prejudice in failing to include him in the team.
  • 一個摩擦較小且更顯關愛的對待伴侶疏忽的辦法,就是你自己去做這些事——不是心不滿或遺憾,而是平靜、無私而又充滿關愛的去做。
    A less abrasive, more loving way to deal with your partner's slip?ups is to simply do the task yourself?not with resentment or regret, but quietly, selflessly and lovingly.
  • 相信人性和動機是最壞的;如對他人的無私持嘲笑疑態度的。
    believing the worst of human nature and motives; having a sneering disbelief in e.g. selflessness of others.
  • 我們這一代人將永遠不會忘那些在二戰中出生人死的年輕美國軍人所表現出的無畏。無私精神以及在很多情況下體現出的珍視自由勝過生命的精神。
    My generation will never forget the courage and selflessness of those young Americans who in World War II risked, and in many cases gave, their lives that liberty might prevail.
  • 特教授的討論會取消了。
    Professor White's seminar was cancelled.
  • 特教授的討論會取消了。
    Professor White 's seminar is cancelled.
  • 易洛魁語係加拿大東部和美國的北美印第安語言一語係,包括卡尤加語,莫霍剋語,奧內達語,奧農達加語,塞納卡語,塔斯卡洛拉語,徹羅基語,伊利語,休倫語和恩多特語
    A family of North American Indian languages of the eastern part of Canada and the United States that includes Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca, Tuscarora, Cherokee, Erie, Huron, and Wyandot.
  • 習慣於疑一般被公認的信仰的一些人。
    someone who habitually doubts accepted beliefs.
  • 開始疑一些公認的教條
    Began to doubt some accepted doctrines.
  • 他滿感激地接受了我的幫助。
    he accepted my offer appreciatively.
  • 他們接受該計畫時心不滿.
    Therewas an undercurrent of resentment in their acceptance of the plan.
  • 意識到了這個無法忍受的負擔;對周圍環境感覺非常敏銳的男孩——w·a·特。
    sentient of the intolerable load; a boy so sentient of his surroundings- W.A.White.
  • 有些人疑那些對局勢輕描淡寫的人是為了掩飾負責者的錯誤或粗心。
    There were some who suspected that the seriousness of the situation was being played down in order to cover up the mistakes or the negligence of those responsible for it.
  • 終於,這放下了照相機,悄悄地離開了那兒,心中充滿了對自己是否適合幹這一行的疑。
    At length I lowered the camera and crept away shaken with doubt about my suitability for the journalistic profession.
  • 那本書的價值令人疑。
    the Shakespearean Shylock is of dubious value in the modern world.
  • 13歲及以上:十幾歲的孩子應該知道節制是預防孕和性傳播疾病的惟一百分之百有效的方法,但是他們也應該學會其他有效的生育控製方式。
    13 and over:Teens should know that abstinence is the only 100 percent effective way to prevent pregnancy and STDs, but they should also learn about available forms of birth control.
  • 套在陰莖外部的防止在性交過程中孕的由橡膠或乳膠製成的護套。
    a thin rubber or latex sheath worn over the penis during intercourse as a contraceptive or prophylactic device.
  • 避孕套一種有彈性的套,通常用薄橡皮或橡膠製成,套在陰莖上防止孕或性病的傳染
    A flexible sheath, usually made of thin rubber or latex, designed to cover the penis during sexual intercourse for contraceptive purposes or as a means of preventing sexually transmitted diseases.
  • 在戒酒問題上,特先生是主張完全戒掉。
    In the temperance question, Mr White takes his stand on total abstinence.
  • 很少有人再疑燃燒礦物燃料提取能源在全球變暖中起着重要作用,因為它會嚮空中散發二氧化碳和其它吸熱的或導致溫室效應的氣體。
    Little doubt remains that burning fossil fuels for energy is playing a sigi iificant role in global warming, by spewing carbon dioxide and other heat-absorbing , or "greenhouse," gases into the air.
  • 設得蘭矮種馬提利産下小馬駒的時候,她的主人感到了雙重意外:一來他們根本不知道提利已經孕,二來他們怎麽也沒想到提利會産下一匹"斑馬"。
    The owners of Tilly the Shetland pony received a double shock when she gave birth. They didn't know she was pregnant - and they certainly weren't expecting a zebra.
  • 她對我投以疑的目光。
    She looked shy at me.
  • 她試圖避免受到疑。
    he tried to shield me from suspicion.
  • 他庇護我使我免受敵意的批評。
    He shielded me from hostile criticism.
  • 沒有信心;懷疑
    Absence of confidence; doubt.
  • 船主對港口設備有所疑,請增加運費。
    Shipowner state port discharging facilities doubtful and request increase freight.
  • 這座紀念碑是為了永亞伯拉罕。林肯而建立的。
    This monument was built to perpetuate the memory of Abraham Lincoln.