Chinese English Sentence:
  • 接受者,接受器接受或易接受的人或物
    One that receives or is receptive.
  • 易有一个肯听她倾诉的人,她便把自己心里的苦恼全倒了出来。
    Having at last a receptive listener, she unbosomed herself of all her troubles.
  • 自信与优越感不一样,大家应该以开放态度纳其他文化的优点与价值观。
    The sense confidence must not be accompanied by a sense of superiority; one must be open and receptive to the merits and values of other cultures.
  • 这种善观风色和善择时机的聪明是不易的,惟有虚心研究,勤于考察和思索的人们可以获得。
    This wisdom in sensing changes and choosing the right moment to act is not easily acquired; it can be gained only by those who study with a receptive mind and investigate and ponder diligently.
  • 性转化的结果,导致思考的频率升高,以致于创造性的想像力很易接收到点子。
    The result of sex transmutation, is the increase of the rate of vibration of thoughts to such a pitch that the Creative Imagination becomes highly receptive to ideas, which it picks up from the ether.
  • 以我个人来讲,目睹新加坡的变化,例如,我们的社会已经更能包不同的意见、更能接受外来文化,新加坡也赢得让我们足以自豪的声誉,这些都加强了我的归属感。
    Personally, witnessing changes helped reinforce my sense of belonging. How we have become a society more open to ideas, more receptive of foreign culture and a country with a reputation that we can be proud of.
  • 体内感受体活跃的老鼠即便吃大量高热量高脂肪的食物,也不易发胖。
    The active receptor also protected mice against obesity when fed a high-calorie and high-fat diet.
  • 后来,印度和阿富汗的朋友也给了赫鲁晓夫同样内的回答,只不过语言更婉转一些罢了。
    Later Khruschev received similar messages of thanks from his friends in India and Afghanistan, only the messages were more delicately worded.
  • 铜凹版将所印刷的内镌刻或蚀刻成凹版的印刷铜板
    A copper printing plate engraved or etched to form a recessed pattern of the matter to be printed.
  • 通常一个言语社团的成人成员不易辨认的语言。
    speech that differs from the usual accepted easily-recognizable speech of native adult members of a speech community.
  • 而该书的大部分则是普京的朋友和熟人对普京的回忆,内大多都是温馨美好的往事。
    The result is a selection of memories by Putin's friends and acquaintances who hold nothing but the warmest recollections of him.
  • 在一种包理论中以试图调解信仰和理智的关系而著称的意大利(罗马天主教徒)神学家(1225-1274)。
    Italian (Roman Catholic) theologian remembered for his attempt to reconcile faith and reason in a comprehensive theology (1225-1274).
  • -鼓励制药行业让发展中国家所有有此需要的人更易买到价格相宜的必要药品。
    To encourage the pharmaceutical industry to make essential drugs more widely available and affordable by all who need them in developing countries.
  • 乳房成形术为改变某个乳房或一对乳房的大小或形状而进行的重新整形或美整形外科手术
    Reconstructive or cosmetic plastic surgery to alter the size or shape of the breast or breasts.
  • 能宽容大度
    Can afford to be tolerant.
  • 磁带录像内容
    A recording made on such a tape.
  • 如果你一直随时保存,你可能会丢失半页或一页;如果不随时保存,你会将29页都丢掉。从记忆中恢复丢失的半页、一页要比恢复29页易得多。
    If you've been saving all along,you've lost half a page,maybe a page,both of which are a lot easier to recreate from memory than the 29 pages you would have lost if you hadn't been saving at all.
  • 招募英国男孩入海军是件很易的事,因为他们中间的许多人都很喜欢大海。
    It is easy to recruit English boys into the Navy, as so many of them are keen on the sea.
  • 放纸张的扁平的矩形的纸器。
    a flat rectangular paper container for papers.
  • 矩形的器;可能有盖。
    usually rectangular container; may have a lid.
  • 用整流器充满电器释放并驱使电离子通过加速管的一种高压机器。
    a high-voltage machine in which rectifiers charge capacitors that discharge and drive charged particles through an accelerating tube.
  • 新的领导要首先抓这个问题,这也是整党的一个重要内
    The new leaders should first of all address this problem, which is also an important part of our efforts to rectify the Party.
  • 就实际情况来说,要确定一个人是不是影子董事并不易,这牵涉到是否能够证明:有关的董事会长久以来推卸董事应尽的责任,而仅遵照被断言为影子董事的人的指导、指示办事。
    In practice, it is not always easy to establish a person as a shadow director of a company, which involves the proof that the relevant board of directors has been failing to exercise any discretion or judgment, contending instead to act upon the directions and instructions of the alleged shadow di-rector as a matter of practice over a period of time.
  • 现在,要调动一个人可不易。许多人都喜欢留在大城市,特别是喜欢在北京,要调到别的地方去,很困难,说什么身体不好,调到外地心脏病肯定要复发,可是在北京,心脏病就好了。
    Just shifting someone to a new post is rather difficult nowadays, because many people prefer to remain in the big cities, especially in Beijing. If you want to transfer them to other places it's very hard -- what with talk of poor health and heart trouble which is certain to recur if they are given jobs elsewhere but will disappear if they remain in Beijing.
  •  产品生产者、销售者、使用者应当按照国家有关规定对可以回收利用的产品包装物和器等回收利用。
    Producers, sellers and users of products shall, in accordance with the relevant State regulations, recycle the packaging materials and containers of products that can be recycled.
  • 同时,很易被分开的纸板和编织带也极易回收利用。
    The plastic strips and the cardboard are also easy to recycle, all cleanly separated from each other.
  • 这篇报导为官方人士所断然否认,他们断言根本没有这回事,其内纯属凭空捏造。
    This report is positively denied in official circles, who affirm that nothing of the kind occurred, but that the story is made out of whole cloth.
  • 这篇报导为官方人士断然否认,他们断言根本没有这回事,其内线性凭空捏造。
    This report is positively denied in official circles, who affirm that nothing of the kind occured, but that the story is made of whole cloth.
  • 拔除杂草,疏通河道,清理垃圾。50年代初,从宫内清除出去的上百年的垃圾竟达250,000立方米,自此院焕然一新。故宫博物院制定了“着重保护、重点修缮、全面规划、逐步实施”的古建维修方针,经过几十年的努力,许多残破、渗漏、瀕临倒塌的大小殿堂楼阁得到了修复和油饰,愈显金碧辉煌。
    Where previously the dirty and dilapidated halls and courts lay under weeds and piles of rubbish, some 250,000 cubic metres of accumulated debris were now cleared out, giving the place a sparkling fresh look. A policy of comprehensive rehabilitation was also launched, and in time the crumbling palace buildings, repaired and redecorated, looked resplendent once more.
  • 目录服务也是当前网络操作系统的一项关键内,它也正在由目录驱动网络(den)倡议书进行重新定义,该倡议书由cisco系统公司与微软公司一起挑头提出。
    Directory services, also key component of current network operating systems, are being redefined by the Directory Enabled Network (DEN) initiative spearheaded by Cisco Systems in conjunction with Microsoft.
  • 福音由耶稣及使徒布讲的训言,这是基督教《启示录》的中心内
    The proclamation of the redemption preached by Jesus and the Apostles, which is the central content of Christian revelation.
  • 年内,因应自愿退休计划而出现的职位调派和职务转变,培训处继续全力提供协助,举办了四百多个研讨会和课程,内包括资讯科技、语文、办公室程序、主管人员辅导技巧和思维改革等,参加人数超过9000人。
    In this regard, the momentum to help redeployment and job transition of staff affected by the VR exercise was sustained during the year. Over 400 seminars/courses on various areas including information technology, languages, office procedures, counselling skills for supervisors and mindset change were offered to more than 9 000 staff.