  • 里穷,使他不得不缀学。
    Poverty compelled him to quit school.
  • 我立志要当作家。
    I aim to be a writer.
  • 最近四年哥伦布大道上,差不多二十多服装店(有些别处的分店生意仍然鼎盛)已经歇业。
    Close to two dozen boutiques, some of which still flourish elsewhere, have called it quits on Columbus over the last four years.
  • 我即刻离开了他家。
    I quitted his house instantly.
  • 我想退学回家。
    I feel like quitting school and going home.
  • 他的目标是成为一个成功的作
    He aims to be a successful writer.
  • 对来自法国、德国、日本和许多其他国的专业人员而言,辞职到联合国工作将意味着减薪减福利。
    For professionals from France, Germany, Japan and many other countries, quitting their jobs to join the UN would mean lower salaries and benefits.
  • 在英国刚刚从印度殖民地撤走之后的大屠杀中,有个摄影记者竟让一位死者悲痛的人们数度将埋葬好的亲人挖出来再埋下去,直到获得一张满意的照片为止。
    In the massacre that followed the British quitting India, there was a photographer who made a sorrowing Indian family bury and rebury its dead several times till he got a perfect shot.
  • 这个显要的身份使他觉得太荣幸,从此他就讨厌做生意,讨厌住在一个小镇上,于是歇了生意,告别小镇,带着属迁到那离开麦里屯大约一英里路的一幢房子里去住,从那时候起就把那地方叫做卢庄。他可以在这儿自得其乐,以显要自居,而且,既然摆脱了生意的纠缠,他大可以一心一意地从事社交活动。
    The distinction had perhaps been felt too strongly. It had given him a disgust to his business and to his residence in a small market town; and quitting them both, he had removed with his family to a house about a mile from Meryton, denominated from that period Lucas Lodge, where he could think with pleasure of his own importance, and, unshackled by business, occupy himself solely in being civil to all the world.
  • 如果庭医生发现病人有重病需要治疗,他通常把病人转给专处理。
    If a family doctor finds that a patient needs to be treated for a serious ailment he generally passed him on to a specialist.
  • 因讽刺性地写《唐吉诃德》而被纪念的西班牙作,影响了长篇小说的发展(1547-1616)。
    Spanish writer best remembered for "Don Quixote" which satirizes chivalry and influenced the development of the novel form (1547-1616).
  • 奥奇克说,利什先生“也许有堂·吉诃德与风车作战的素质……这次挨控诉可能被看成是堂·吉诃德式的无的放矢。我知道他既不盲动,也不无的放矢。他心直口快,欲匡正天下。”
    Mr.Lish, said the writer Cynthia Ozick, "may have a quixotic, tilt-at-windmills quality, …The [law]-suit may be seen as tilting at windmills. I know he's neither reckless, nor does he tilt at windmills. He says what he sees. He wants to set the would right."
  • 在这一测验中你与专较量一下技巧吧。
    Match your skill against the experts in this quiz.
  • 当我父亲接管一处境困难的公司并试图重振业务时,他确实碰到了棘手的问题。
    My father opened a real can of worms when he took over the ailing company and tried to get it doing business again.
  • 随后的几天,几个星期我都和别人在一起:一群好不管理的童子军,出席教师和长联席会,照顾生活的母亲。
    The days and weeks that followed belonged to others: a group of unruly Boy Scouts, PTA meetings, an ailing mother.
  • 出于对柴可夫斯基的音乐的深切爱好,冯·梅克大人安排了一份高达3000美元的年金赠送给这位赤贫、多病的作曲
    Out of profound admiration for his music, Mme,von Meck settled an annuity amounting to $ 3, 000 on the destitute arid ailing composer.
  • 当我扶着那个有病的老人回时,他不断气吁吁地说“谢谢你”。
    The ailing old man kept puffing out a "Thank you" as I supported him home.
  • 如该期间届满时,这些表示是否赞成或弃权的国数目,达到会议本身开会的法定人数所缺少的国数目,只要同时也取得了规定的多数票,这些决议即可生效。
    If, at the expiration of this period, the number of countries having thus expressed their vote or abstention attains the number of countries which was lacking for attaining the quorum in the session itself, such decisions shall take effect provided that at the same time the required majority still obtains.
  • 当我扶着那个有病的老人回时,他不断气吁吁地说“谢谢你”。
    The ailing old man kept puffing out a"Thank you" as I supported him home.
  •  受让方在获得国外汇局额度批准和证券投资业务许可证后,受让资产值低于外汇局批准额度的,可以按差额汇入本金。
    After getting Securities Investment Licence from CSRC and investment quota from SAFE, the transferee can remit the difference as its principals if the value of the transferred assets is lower than the investment quota approved by SAFE.
  •  在十多年的扶贫开发过程中,少数民族贫困地区除享受其他贫困地区扶贫开发的优惠政策外,还享受国制定的一系列特殊政策:(一)放宽标准,扩大对少数民族地区的扶持范围。
    During the help-the-poor efforts in the past decade or so, poverty-stricken minority areas have enjoyed the preferential help-the-poor policy offered by the Chinese government to other poverty-stricken areas, as well as a series of special policies formulated by the state: (1) Expanding the sphere of aiding the minority areas.
  • 当然不是说不要引人的话,是说不要处处都引。
    This, of course, does not mean that they should refrain from quoting others altogether.Rather, it means they shouldn't quote others all the time.
  • 从今年春天开始,这些广告便陆陆续续地出现在以女性杂志为主的许多法国杂志上。该广告的策划商法国巴黎灵智广告公司指出,他们在广告中援引了专的见解,旨在把麦当劳食品定位成"每周均衡膳食结构的一部分"。
    The advertisements, quoting information from specialists, aim to show that "McDonald's meals are part of a balanced weekly diet," said Euro RSCG, the agency that came up with the ads, which appeared this spring, mostly in French women's magazines.
  • 作为本文的结局,我想引用英国哲学罗素的一段话。“我们无法防止他人敌视我们,但是我们却可以通过谅解和同情,不让自己敌视他人。”
    I would like to end by quoting from British philosopher Bertrand Russell’s “Principles of Social Reconstruction” - “It is impossible to prevent others from feeling hostile, but it is possible to avoid any reciprocal hostility on one’s own part, by imaginative understanding and the sympathy which grow out of it.”
  • 至于整个社会主义社会历史时期是否始终存在某种阶级斗争,这里包括许多理论上和实践上复杂和困难的问题,不是只靠引证前人的书本所能够解决的,大可以继续研究。
    The problem of whether or not class struggle of one kind or another always exists throughout the entire historical period of socialism involves many complicated and difficult questions both of theory and practice, and they cannot be answered merely by quoting from books by our predecessors.We should continue to study these questions.
  • 以他独特的方式,他描述了撒切尔夫人、里根、喜欢引用诗句的中国国主席江泽民、已故中共领袖毛泽东(李光耀将他比作中国第一位皇帝秦始皇)、正直廉洁的朱(金容)基和中国改革开放的总设计师邓小平(在李光耀的记忆中,尽管邓只有五英尺高,却是人中之杰)。
    In acerbic Lee Kuan Yew style, he describes Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan, China's poetry-quoting Jiang Zemin, the late Mao Zedong (whom he likened to first Chinese emperor Qinshihuang), the incorruptible Zhu Rongji to the bold reformer Deng Xiaoping (whom he remembers as "a five-footer but a giant among men").
  • 与教士站在一起,与人坐在一块儿
    Stood with the rabbi; sat with the family.
  • 从1986年开始,中国政府有关部门根据国扶贫开发的总体战略和要求,适时提出科技扶贫的目标、措施和实施办法,并于1996年提出《1996—2000年全国科技扶贫规划纲要》,加强对科技扶贫的政策指导。
    In 1986, in accordance with the state's general strategy and requirements in poverty relief, relevant authorities of the Chinese Government proposed the aim, measures and implementation methods of aiding the poor with technology. In 1996, they formulated an Outline of the National Plan for Aiding the Poor with Technology (1996-2000), strengthening the policy guidance for aid along this line.
  • 例如,我们调查的一位女性,拉比·米瑞埃姆通过庭旅行产生了一种神圣的信仰--她看出父亲对大自然和拉什莫尔山怀有的敬畏和崇拜之情。
    For example, one of the women we interviewed, Rabbi Miriam Kane, developed a sense of spiritualism from travels with her family-she observed her father's awe and admiration of nature and Mount Rushmore.
  • 完善国资助贫困学生的政策和制度。
    We should improve the state policy and system for aiding students in straitened circumstances.
  • 野兔和兔有何不同?
    What distinguishes the hare from the rabbit?
  • 那个家伙胆小如鼠。
    That fellow is as timid as a rabbit.