Chinese English Sentence:
  • 一种欧洲的多年生草本植物,有一个肉质具分枝的根状茎,有时栽为了它的卵形具长叶柄的大叶而栽,用作调味品。
    perennial of coastal sands and shingles of northern Europe and Baltic and Black Seas having racemes of small white flowers and large fleshy blue-green leaves often used as potherbs.
  • 有短角牛育出来的牛。
    breed evolved from shorthorn beef cattle.
  • 同时在劳动中可以养其社会责任感和遵纪守法的精神。
    At the same time, working gives them a sense of social responsibility and law abiding spirit in addition to improving self-discipline.
  • 毕竟在这两种情况下,简化法无可避免地发生了。它把人体的复杂性简化成皮氏养皿中的一个确定的单细胞。
    In both those cases, after all, an undeniable reductiveness is going on, a shriveling of the complexity of the human body to the certainty of a single cell in a Petri dish.
  • 盆景用这种方式植出的树或灌木
    A tree or shrub grown by this method.
  • 加利福尼亚灌木多年生植物,开巨大的,粉红色或紫罗兰色的花;作为一种观赏花来植。
    shrubby California perennial having large pink or violet flowers; cultivated as an ornamental.
  • 由于在教学设备问题上纠缠不休,优秀老师的养目标问题反而被忽略了。
    The goal of training promising teachers had been lost in the shuffle of educational trappings.
  • 很不幸的,新加坡人所受的教育和训,使他们非常重视效率和成果。一些人不但因此远离艺术,甚至还回避艺术工作者。
    As Singaporeans who have been trained to be efficient and results oriented, we have unfortunately come to shun not only the arts but the artists themselves.
  • 研究人员已经成功地在动物腹腔内养出了新的肠子和膀胱;养肝脏、心脏和肾脏组织的工作也已经开始。
    Researchers have successfully grown new intestines and bladders inside animals' abdominal cavities, and work has begun on building liver,heart and kidney tissue.
  • 在西伯利亚北部育的雪橇狗;与阿拉斯加雪橇狗形似但较大。
    breed of sled dog developed in northeastern Siberia; they resemble the larger Alaskan malamutes.
  • 一种夜间香味浓郁的长期栽的草本植物;野生于欧洲到西伯利亚以至北美一带。
    long-cultivated herb having flowers whose scent is more pronounced in the evening; naturalized throughout Europe to Siberia and into North America.
  • 对时差的感知力很敏锐-伦纳德·根。
    quick-sighted into the faults of the time- Leonard Bacon.
  • 养新加坡人对时事和常识的认识,需要时间和长期的努力。
    To make our citizenry more savvy in general knowledge and current affairs will take time and sustained efforts.
  • 体型中等、皮毛光滑、育用来捕猎狐狸的猎狗。
    medium-sized glossy-coated hounds developed for hunting foxes.
  • 一种抗旱豆类,作为饲料栽,它的种子产生一种胶,这种胶可用作絮凝剂、纸的胶料和纺织物的上浆原料。
    drought-tolerant herb grown for forage and for its seed which yield a gum used as a thickening agent or sizing material.
  • 他给玫瑰培土。
    He earthed up the rose.
  • 对已安装的1亿个以太网产品节点来说,低训成本及投资保护的承诺应该能抓住最挑剔的网络管理人员的注意力。
    The promise of low training costs and investment protection for the 100 million nodes of installed Ethernet products should capture the attention of even the most skeptical network manager.
  • 国会已经要求移民归化局在2003年年初之前建成sevis系统(即学生与访问学者信息汇报系统),使其正常运转。但美国教育部部长戴维·沃德在两院的教育小组委员会的联合会上称,他怀疑学校雇员在此之前能否得到必要的训以掌握这套以互联网为操作平台的系统。
    Congress had asked the INS to have the Sevis system working by then, but David Ward, president of the American Council on Education, told a joint meeting of two House Education subcommittees that he's skeptical college employees will be trained in time on the Internet-based system.
  • 前一个家长将他的积蓄存储生息,叫他的儿子从事于普通力作,而后一个则将积蓄用来养他的儿子,把其中两个教育成为有技术、有知识的地主,使其余三个各随着他们自己的兴趣学习一种行业;
    The one puts out his savings at interest, and keeps his sons at common hard work, while the other employs his savings in educating two of his sons as skilful and intelligent landowners,and in enabling the other three to learn a trade after their respective tastes;
  • 他们毁灭中国的文化机关,焚毁中国的民族典籍,屠杀与监禁爱国的文化人、知识分子和青年学生,建立汉奸文化机关,豢养一批汉奸文人,鼓吹东洋文化,灌输“中日亲善”、“共存共荣”、“东亚新秩序”等奴化思想,养奴化人才。
    They are destroying China's cultural institutions, burning Chinese books and records, killing or imprisoning patriotic men of letters, intellectuals, students and youths, establishing cultural institutions of Chinese collaborators, grooming men of letters among them, preaching Japanese culture, instilling the Chinese people with ideas of "Sino-Japanese goodwill", "coexistence and co-prosperity" and "a new order in East Asia", and training the Chinese to be a slavish people.
  • 在阿拉斯加育的雪橇狗。
    breed of sled dog developed in Alaska.
  • 组织和细胞养(动物)
    tissue and cell culture(animal)
  • 蒲包花一种蒲包花属植物,产自墨西哥到南美地区,因其艳丽的、有小斑点的拖鞋状花朵而广为栽
    Any of various plants of the genus Calceolaria native from Mexico to South America and widely cultivated for their showy, speckled, slipper-shaped flowers.
  • 值此佳节,谨对您的辛勤栽表示感谢。
    Thank you for your hard work and patience on this holiday season.
  • 成纤维细胞很容易制备,它通过在含有适宜养基的盘中放上一薄片皮肤,等待它长大并接触到盘子底部。
    Fibroblasts can be prepared readily by placing a sliver of skin in a dish containing the correct culture media and waiting for them to grow out and attach to the bottom of the dish.
  • 第一,通过生产劳动,使罪犯了解社会财富来之不易,可以养其热爱劳动、习惯劳动的思想,树立“不劳动不得食”的观念,矫正好逸恶劳、贪图享受等恶习;
    Firstly, productive labour helps criminals realize that social wealth does not come easily, fosters a love for work and helps them become accustomed to it, instills the idea of "no work, no food" in their minds, and helps them overcome bad habits such as sloth, aversion to work and hedonism.
  • 幸福的家庭,父母靠慈爱当家,孩子也是出于对父母的爱而顺从大人。(英国哲学家 根.F.)
    Happy are the families where the government of parents is the reign of affection, and obedience of the children the submission to love. (Francis Bacon, British philosopher)
  • 诗人靠天分,不是靠养。(古罗马诗人 弗洛鲁 L A)
    A poet is born, not made. (L.A.Florus, Ancient Roman poet)
  • 热带美洲一种多年生藤本植物,有时由于美丽的总状花序的紫色和黄色而栽,花冠的龙骨瓣盘卷像一个蜗牛的壳。
    perennial tropical American vine cultivated for its racemes of showy yellow and purple flowers having the corolla keel coiled like a snail shell; sometimes placed in genus Phaseolus.
  • 愉快有益于人的身体,但只有悲伤才能养心灵力量。(法国作家 普鲁斯 M)
    Happiness is beneficial for the body , but it is grief that develops the powers of the mind. (Marcel Proust, French writer)
  • 电报是奥斯忒的实验和安的数学研究最出乎人预料而令人惊异的结果;现代航海技术则意外地产生于亚历山大的数学家们对由一平面和一圆锥相交所形成的三条曲线的性质进行的纯粹思辩性的、显然仅仅是出于好奇的探索。
    The electro-magnetic telegraph was the wonderful and most unexpected consequence of the experiments of OErsted and the mathematical investigations ofAmpe: and the modern art of navigation is an unforeseen emanation from the purely speculative and apparently merely curious enquiry, by the mathematicians of Alexandria, into the properties of three curves formed by the intersection of a plane surface and a cone.
  • 酉、我们许多外来干部作风很坏,对本地干部的作用认识不够,没有一心一意地去发现正派的积极分子,大量地养他们成为区村干部,反而提升了一批流氓坏人来当干部,也是我们脱离群众的重要原因。
    10. Many of our cadres who came from other areas exhibited a very bad work style, lacked adequate understanding of the role played by local cadres, and failed to devote their attention to finding large numbers of honest activists or to turning them into cadres at district and village levels through training. Instead, they promoted a bunch of hooligans and scoundrels as cadres. This was an important reason for our becoming alienated from the masses.