  • 我们能将利润汇寄到国外?
    Can we remit our profit to foreign countries?
  • 能不能请您查一查是有我的一笔自广州来的汇款?
    Can you find out whether there's a remittance for me from guangzhou?
  • 能不能请您查一查是有我的一笔自广州来的汇款?
    Could you find out whether there's a remittance for me from Guangzhou?
  • 能不能请您查一查是有我的一笔自广州来的汇款?
    Can you find out whether there 's a remittance for me from Guangzhou?
  • 江青是像慈禧一样的人?
    And was she an adventuress like the Empress Dowager Yehonala?
  • 我犹豫是参加这次探险。
    I would hesitate to get involved in this adventure.
  • 但是,支付的贷款将从收获中获得,因为除非农民预期收获会使贷款得到偿还,并会带来利润,也就是说,除非收获在给农场劳动者带来报酬外,还有足够的余额来支付制犁匠的报酬,给予制犁匠和农民两者以利润,则他是不会支付货款的。
    Nevertheless, it is from the harvest that the payment is to come; since the farmer would not undertake this outlay unless he expected that the harvest would repay him, and with a profit too on this fresh advance; that is, unless the harvest would yield, besides the remuneration of the farm labourers (and a profit for advancing it), a sufficient residue to remunerate the plough-maker's labourers, give the plough-maker a profit, and a profit to the farmer on both.
  • 我是可在此预订租车?
    Can I rent a carhere?
  • 一份正在被考虑是予以续签的合同
    A contract that is up for renewal.
  • 认,拒绝认或拒绝任何要求或关联;断绝关系
    To deny or renounce any claim to or connection with; disown.
  • 这实际上只会引导人们去批评、怀疑和定社会主义,使人们对社会主义、共产主义的前途失去信心,认为社会主义和资本主义一样地没有希望。
    On the contrary, their position will only lead people to criticize, doubt and negate socialism, to consider it as hopeless as capitalism and to renounce their confidence in the future of socialism and communism.
  • 早到那里是否值得?
    Is there any advantage in getting there early?
  • 政府在二零零一年的《施政报告》中,承诺于二零零二年研究可向合资格的非长者家庭提供租金津贴,代替提供租住公屋单位。
    The Government pledged in the 2001 Policy Address exercise to examine in 2002 the feasibility of a pilot scheme to provide rental allowances to eligible non-elderly households as an alternative means of providing public rental flats.
  • 关键的问题在于克林顿政府和中国的“接触”政策,理查森(doesecretaryrichardson)强烈游说国会要求在电视上作广泛的讨论,讨论有关美国和中国之间实验室间的交流与合作是还允许继续下去。结果是,政府取得了足够的票数驳回了由rep.
    Secretary Richardson extensively lobbied Congress, made numerous TV appearances, concentrating on the necessity of continuing to allow "scientific exchange" between the PRC and US nuclear weapons labs, with the result that the Administration marshaled enough votes in the House to defeat an amendment to the FY 2000 NDAA offered by Rep.
  • 洗衣机又坏了,所以她请修理工检查一下,看他能修理好。
    The washing machine broke down again, so she called the repairman to see if he could put it right.
  • 去年四月,国会通过各州可以自行决定是在联邦州际公路上恢复65英里时速……算是一项为期四年的“试验”。其实,撤销这项“试验”是毫无希望的!
    Last April, Congress gave states the option to go to 65 mph on federal interstate highways… supposedly for a 4-year "experiment." Fat chance if will ever be repealed!
  • 不知您是介意把号码再说一遍?
    I wonder if you 'd mind repeating the number?
  • 贝克汉姆透露,有关人员告诉他除了参加英格兰队的比赛,则请他不要离开他酒店单独出行,因为球迷对他的崇拜实在是太疯狂,根本无法控制。
    Beckham said he had been told not to leave his team hotel except when on England duties, because the adulation from Japanese fans was so overwhelming.
  • 信息伞是能代替核武器伞?。
    Can the information umbrella replace the nuclear umbrella replace the nuclear umbrella?
  • 连这样一批原以为是根深蒂固的作品,都可以被完全拔起、移植海外,不禁令人感叹:是文化沙漠的宿命难逃,真的扎不下几棵植物、容不下几株常青生命?
    Yet they can just be uprooted and replanted overseas. One can’t help but lament if we are destined to remain a cultural desert that has no place even for some bonsai plants.
  • 而到底能回收多少,就必须看你是抱持着正确的心态而定了。
    If you render extra service unwillingly or resentfully,you will probably get nothing back.
  • 我是可在此预订饭店?
    Can I reserve a hotel here?
  • 对吸引人才来说,具有东方传统的良好的精神生活环境,是一个必须的条件,精神生活是永久性的,外来的人才能长期的定居下来,很多时候是取决于精神生活和文化环境,而不是单单依靠物质或者金钱的因素。
    To the talented, an intellectual environment steeped in eastern cultures is a prerequisite. Intellectual life is a long-term thing. Whether or not foreign talent are willing to reside permanently in a country is usually dependent on the intellectual life and cultural milieu of that country, not merely material gain and money.
  • “四人帮”组织上和思想上的残余还存在。我们不能低估这些残余的能量,则就要犯错误。
    The residual influence of the Gang of Four is still being felt in the organizational and ideological fields, and we must not underestimate its harmfulness or we are likely to make mistakes.
  • 不可认,这并非寻常的馅饼盘,它长为18英尺,宽为6英尺。
    Admittedly it was an unusual pie dish, for it was eighteen feet long and six feet wide.
  • 不可认,前苏联的教育体系有自身的缺陷:学习基本上都是死记硬背。
    Admittedly the Soviet education system had its defects - learning was largely by rote.
  • 无可认,这些措施并非全部都会即时见效。
    Admittedly, not all these measures will produce an immediate effect.
  • 无可认地它是很难,但并非不可能。
    Admittedly, it was difficult, but it wasn't impossible.
  • 无可认,他当时并不知道。
    Admittedly, he didn't know that at the time.
  • 那些事实不容否认。
    Those facts admit of no contradiction.
  • 午安,这里是波内勒电子工业,我想请问您是要出席电阻器会议?
    Good afternoon, I'm calling from Bonelle Electronics to inquire as to whether you will attend the Resistors Conference or not.
  • 在是采纳科学证据的问题上的关键因素是科学证据是是值得信赖的。
    The key element in whether scientific evidence is admissible is whether it is trustworthy.