  • 他认为,劳拉的大部分表现都可以得到“a+”的评价。一华盛顿资深记者说:“劳拉不希望别人把目光都集中在她身上。
    " Yet for the most part, observers give her raves. " An A plus," says a veteran Washington journalist. " It hasn't been about ' Look at me. Look at me.
  • 洛佩兹对这位歌唱家异乎导常的刻画为她在评论界赢得一片赞誉(她曾获金球奖最佳女演员提),另有据传100万美元的薪金,使其成为历史上片酬最高的拉丁女演员。
    The film made a respectable showing at the box office,and Lopez's uncanny portrayal of the singer won her critical raves (she scored a Golden Globe Best Actress nomination) and a reported $ 1 million salary,a paycheck that made her the highest paid Latin actress in history.
  • 他在两星期前才拿到拉威尔的乐谱,但他是剧院中有的能快速强记的人。
    Until a fortnight age, he had never had Ravel's Score in his hands, but he is what is known in the theatre as a quick study.
  • 侦探很快就于真相大白。
    The detective soon raveled out the truth.
  • 我们将克丽丝蒂的字兴波瓦罗联想在一起。
    We couple the name of Agatha Christie with Hercule Poirot.
  • 这种现象的科学称为"泰多尔效应",更普遍的称之为"雷莱散射"。
    The scientific name for this phenomenon is the Tyndall effect, more commonly known as Rayleigh scattering.
  • 雷蒙德·格伦丹宁在对足球比赛进行实况报道时,具有能记住每一位选手姓的非凡才能。
    Raymond Glendenning had the remarkable ability of remembering every player's name while giving a running commentary on a football match.
  • 橡皮线一种商标,用于内有弹性橡皮线、外由人造纤维、尼龙、丝或棉线包裹的松紧线
    A trademark used for a yarn having a core of elastic rubber wound with rayon, nylon, silk, or cotton threads.
  • 吉列,威廉·胡克1855?-1937美国演员和剧作家,他因把阿瑟·科南·多伊尔的作品改编成戏剧而出
    American inventor and manufacturer who developed the safety razor(c.1895) and founded the Gillette Safety Razor Company(1901).
  • 不多时,又来了四警察规劝工人。
    Shortly afterwards, four more policemen arrived and remonstrated with the workmen.
  • 追求个人名利
    Reach after personal fame and gain
  • 为了受益人而成为受托人的终生拥有的储蓄帐户;后来支付给起初下受益人的余额。
    a savings account deposited by someone who makes themselves the trustee for a beneficiary and who controls it during their lifetime; afterward the balance is payable to the previously named beneficiary.
  • 播下美德,收获望。
    He that soweth virtue shall reap fame.
  • 有些观察家争辩说,控制域系统的机构可以获得显著的经济效益。
    Organizations that control the Domain Name system, some observers argued, could reap substantial financial gains.
  • 他们之中比较出色的,已经成利就。
    The successful among them are reaping handsome financial rewards.
  • 关于他的首批剧作还有一些疑问,因为它们没有署,而巨大部分是改写的。
    There is some doubt about his first plays, for they were anonymous and for the most part rearrangements.
  • 红军后面有国党的追兵。
    his outfit marched to the rearward of the tank divisions.
  • 那个商店以价格适度而出
    the store is famous for the reasonableness of its prices.
  • 以他母亲的名字命名
    Named after her mother.
  • 玛丽·安可以有理由声言她生来就爱打赌。她父亲在伦敦是有的登记赌注人,开有几个赌店。
    Mary Ann can reasonably claim to have betting in her blood. Her father is a well-know London bookie with several shops.
  • 他追求名声。
    He reached after fame.
  • 追逐名誉;追求钱财
    Seek after fame; go after big money.
  • 那孩子以他叔叔的字取
    The boy was named after his uncle.
  • 他是以其父亲的字命的。⑾合乎
    He was named after his father.
  • 我一直留意着不要扯到玛格丽特,生怕一提起这个字会使得情绪已安定下来的病人重新想起他过去的伤心事;
    I studiously avoided speaking to him of Marguerite, for I was still afraid that the name would reawaken some sad memory which slumbered beneath the sick man's apparent calm.
  • 乍得语非洲中西部所讲的亚非语系的一个分支,包括最著的豪萨语支
    A branch of the Afro-Asiatic language family, spoken in west-central Africa and including Hausa as its best-known member.
  • 1975年9月5日香港出版的《远东经济评论》所载《美国中央情报局对西藏的阴谋》一文记述:1958年5月,首批受美训练的两特务携带电台到叛乱头目恩珠仓·公布扎西设在山南的总部与美国中央情报局联系。
    An article entitled The CIA Tibetan Conspiracy in the Hong Kong-based Far Eastern Economic Review disclosed in its September 5 issue of 1975 that in May 1958, two agents trained by the Americans in the first batch brought a transceiver to the headquarter set up by the rebel leader Anzhugcang Goinbo Zhaxi in Shannan to make contact with the CIA.
  • 非洲鬣狗,以其特别的嚎叫而闻
    African hyena noted for its distinctive howl.
  • 我们俘虏了500叛军并缴了他们的械。
    We captured five hundred rebels and disarmed them.
  • 上个月数百妇女儿童死于叛军的炮火。
    Hundreds of women and children fell to the rebels’ gunfire last month.
  • 查理曼法兰克国王(768-814年),而且是罗马灭亡后西欧第一个帝国的创始人,他在艾克斯拉沙佩勒的宫廷成为欧洲文化复兴的中心,因加洛林文艺复兴而闻
    King of the Franks(768-814) and founder of the first empire in western Europe after the fall of Rome. His court at Aix-la-Chapelle became the center of a cultural rebirth in Europe, known as the Carolingian Renaissance.
  • 土耳其西北部一城市;原是一座色雷斯的小城,为罗马皇帝哈德里安重建并重新命
    a city in northwestern Turkey; a Thracian town that was rebuilt and renamed by the Roman emperor Hadrian.