  • 整体而言,市民都能保持冷静,以理性态度面对过渡禧年的问题。
    Overall, the public remained calm and behaved sensibly throughout the transition.
  • 于是他们走遍天涯海角,到处寻觅这样一个倾国倾城的美女。戈孔德的女王,特雷比宗德的公主,鞑靼大可汗的金,等等,等等,他们一一没看中,然后,耕作和教士,贵族和商品,一起来到司法宫这张大理石桌子上面休息,对着老实的听众,口若悬河,警句格言不绝,当时要是有人捡一点去应付文学院的考试,诡辩也罢,决断也罢,修辞也罢,行文也罢,定能捞到学士帽戴一戴的。
    Accordingly, they were roaming the world in search of this Fair One, and, after rejecting successively the Queen of Golconda, the Princess of Trebizonde, the daughter of the Grand Khan of Tartary, etc, etc., Labour and Commerce, Clergy and Nobility, had come to rest themselves awhile on the marble table of the Palais de Justice, and to deliver themselves before an honoured audience of a multitude of sententious phrases, moral maxims, sophisms, flowers of speech, as were freely dispensed in those days by the Faculty of Arts or at the examinations at which the Masters took their degree.
  • 近十年来,国家投入巨资对西藏拉萨的哲蚌寺、色拉寺、甘丹寺,青海的塔尔寺,新疆的克孜尔佛洞等大批国家重点文物古迹进行了维修。
    In addition, in the past decade the state has invested a great deal of capital in maintaining cultural relics and historical sites, including the Drepung, Sera and Gandan monasteries in the Tibetan capital Lhasa, the Kumbum Monastery in Qinghai Province and the Kilzil Thousand-Buddha Cave in Xinjiang.
  • 与此同时,为借鉴世界各国特别是发达国家军队建设的有益经验,1996年至今,人民解放军先后向20多个国家派出军事留学人员近名,其中相当一部分是师、团职军事指挥干部和专业技术干部。
    At the same time, in order to draw on the useful armed forces building experiences of other countries, particularly developed countries, the PLA has since 1996 sent nearly 1,000 servicemen to study in over 20 countries, a considerable number of them being commanding or technical officers at the division or regiment level.
  • 每部都是一两百美元,若贵公司购买一百部的话,我们可以给您百分之十的折扣。
    It costs 1,200 dollars per set. But if you buy one hundred sets, we'll give you a 10 percent discount.
  • 一百八十一万七所有两个洞口,就是门和窗;
    eighteen hundred and seventeen thousand hovels which have but two openings, the door and one window;
  • 据一九三三年九月江西福建两省十七个县的统计,共有各种合作社一四百二十三个,股金三十余万元。
    There are altogether 1,423 co-operatives of various kinds, with a total capital of over 300,000 yuan, according to the September 1933 figures for seventeen counties in Kiangsi and Pukien.
  • 一九五四年,年仅十七岁的我前往英伦求学,先父对我说:「吸收西方文化及价值观之馀,万别忘记自己中国人的身分。」
    As I set sail for the UK at the age of seventeen, my father said that you probably will be acquiring western culture and values, but you should never forget you are Chinese.
  • 黄山上有一些山峰是由整块的花岗石造成的,由看得见的基础到峰尖共有一呎高,而且有半英里长。这些东西鼓动了中国艺术家的灵感;这些山峰的静默、伟大和永久性,可说是中国人喜欢画中的石头的原因。一个人未旅行过黄山之前,是不易相信世间有这么伟大的石头的;十七世纪一些黄山派的画家,从这些静默的花岗石山峰得到了他们的灵感。
    There are peaks in Huangshan or the Yellow Mountains which are formed by single pieces of granite ; thousand feet high from their visible base on the ground to their tops, and half a mile long. These are what inspire the Chinese artists, and their silence, their rugged enormity and their apparent eternity account partly for the Chinese love of rocks in pictures. It is hard to believe that there are such enormous rocks until one visits Huangshan, and there was a Huangshan School of painters in the seventeenth century, deriving their inspiration from these silent peaks of granite.
  • 加强城镇上下水管网道建设和废弃物的处理工作,建成供水管道679.46米、排水管道392.77米;
    Construction of plumbing and treatment of sewage have been pushed ahead in urban areas, and 679,460 m of water supply pipes and 392,770 m of sewage pipes have been laid.
  • 这无数的房顶、尖塔、高高低低的屋宇,把大学城的外廓线,折叠的折叠,扭曲的扭曲,蚕食的蚕食,真是奇百怪。从它们的空隙中,最后可以隐隐约约不时看见一大段布满青苔的院墙、一座厚实的圆塔、一道形似堡垒的有雉堞的城门,那便是菲利浦—奥古斯都修道院。
    Lastly, in the intervals of these roofs, of these spires, of these accidents of numberless edifices, which bent and writhed,and jagged in so eccentric a manner the extreme line of the University, one caught a glimpse, here and there, of a great expanse of moss-grown wall, a thick, round tower, a crenellated city gate, shadowing forth the fortress; it was the wall of Philip Augustus.
  • 有了“年世纪”,微软公司希望实现两项范围广而互相有关的技术——完整而圆满地实现操作系统分布到世界范围的网络上,以及使程序员提升到更高一级的抽象层面上,即他们不必知道大部分基本的机器细节。
    With Millennium, Microsoft hopes to accomplish two broad, interrelated feats -- to completely and seamlessly distribute an operating system across a worldwide network and to take programmers to a higher level of abstraction where they're removed from most of the underlying machine details.
  • 尔后调用此风格单的每一页下载速度就快得多了,改变一个网站的外观也简化了,因为你只须改几张风格单,而不是成上万的html页。
    Every subsequent page that refers to that style sheet downloads much more quickly.Changing the look of the site is simplified because you have to change only a few style sheets, not thousands of HTML pages.
  • 雷暴雨时,万不能到树下去躲雨。
    Never shelter under a tree during thunder-storms.
  • 这张新专辑比《水印》更加成功,最终其在全世界的销量达到一多万张;
    Shepherd Moons was even more successful than its predecessor,eventually selling over ten million copies worldwide;
  • 我们还差一千美元。
    We are still $1000 shy.
  • 这是真万确的事实。
    It's an absolute fact.
  • 不要紧张,或者是不要在不了解清楚情况的时候就发火honey,keepyourshirton,please!i'msorry,butthebossmademeworklateattheoffice.亲爱的,请你万别发火。我很抱歉。可是,我的老板给了我好多活,我不得不在办公室加班嘛.keepyourshirton,harry;wehaveplentyoftimetocatchthetrain.哈里,你别太紧张了,我们还有好多时间,足够我们赶到火车站去的.
    To keep your shirt on
  • 清查“五一六”,徐州市搞了六多人,这是很吓人的数字。
    In the campaign to ferret out members of the "May Sixteenth Group", over 6,000 persons in Xuzhou came under attack. This figure is quite shocking.
  • 大约两千元。
    About two thousand dollars.
  • 七百七十五年十一月底的那个星期五晚上,多佛邮车的押车卫士心里就是这么想的。那时他正随着隆隆响着的邮车往射手山上爬。他站在邮件车厢后面自己的专用踏板上,跺着脚,眼睛不时瞧着面前的武器箱,手也搁在那箱上。箱里有一把子弹上膛的大口径短抢,下面是六或八支上好子弹的马枪,底层还有一把短剑。
    So the guard of the Dover mail thought to himself, that Friday night in November, one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five, lumbering up Shooter's Hill, as he stood on his own particular perch behind the mail, beating his feet, and keeping an eye and a hand on the arm-chest before him, where a loaded blunderbuss lay at the top of six or eight loaded horse-pistols,deposited on a substratum of cutlass.
  • 然而怀疑者仍然摇头,说这个网站永不会赚大钱,尽管它成功地树立了值得信赖的品牌形象并且吸引了逾2万之众的网上购物者。
    But skeptics continue to shake their heads, saying the site will never amount to much, despite its undeniable success in building a trusted brand that has lured more than 20 million shoppers.
  • 突然见诸全世界各大报章的“年虫”问题是在西方格雷果里历(由教皇格雷果里十三提倡并至今通用的西方历法,亦称阳历)进入2000年而将面临的由于日期的变化而可能发生的计算机问题的一种简要的表述。
    The sudden emergence of "Y2K" in headlines all over the world is a simple shorthand for the coming transition of the year 2000 in the western Gregorian calendar and the problems that might occur as a result of the date change.
  • 不是说消灭敌人九个半旅是挑了重担,主要的是撇开一切困难,坚决地挺进一里,挑的就是这个重担。
    I don't mean that it was so difficult to wipe out nine and a half enemy brigades. The difficult thing was to keep advancing for five hundred kilometres in defiance of all sorts of hardships. That was the heavy load we shouldered.
  • 微软公司为避免损失也聪明地下了赌注,正在研究一种分布式操作系统,即代号叫“年世纪项目”的研究项目。
    In a shrewd hedging of bets, Microsoft is also working on a distributed OS, a research endeavor dubbed Project Millennium.
  • 农民总数从七五百万减少到六五百万。
    The peasantry have shrink from 75 millions to 65 millions.
  • 在加大企业破产关闭、下岗分流力度的同时,中国政府十分注意做好保持社会稳定的工作,进一步规范职工下岗程序,大幅度提高国有企业下岗职工基本生活保障、失业保险和城镇居民最低生活保障的水平,确保下岗职工基本生活,方百计促进下岗职工再就业。
    While intensifying the efforts on the bankruptcies and shutdown of large enterprises and the lay-offs, the Chinese government also paid great attention to maintaining social stability, further standardizing the procedures for workers to be laid-off, hiking the three social security standard lines (the basic living guarantee, unemployment insurance and the minimum living guarantee for the town dwellers for the laid-off workers of the state-owned enterprises) by a big margin. to ensure the basic living of these laid-off workers, employing all available means to promote the reemployment of the laid-off workers.
  • 有些疾病,比如镰状细胞血症,就是由于单个基因的突变而引起(构筑整个人体成百上万的基因中的一个)
    Some diseases, such as sickle cell anemia, can be caused by a change in a single gene (one out of the millions of genes, which make up for the entire human body).
  • 我俯视街道,又看见一列灰色或退色的红砖的墙壁,墙壁上有成列的、篇一律的、阴暗的小窗,窗门一半开着,一半给阴影掩蔽着,窗槛上也许有一瓶牛乳,其他的窗槛上有几盆细小的病态的花儿。
    And looking down into a street, I see again a stretch of gray or discolored red brick walls, with tiny, dark, uniform windows in uniform rows, half open and half hidden by shades, with perhaps a bottle of milk standing on a windowsill and a few pots of tiny, sickly flowers on some others.
  • 前缀kilo()的缩写,即十进制数的1000。
    An abbreviation for the prefix kilo, that is,1000 in decimal notation.
  • 毋庸讳言,香港开放与自由的文化政策、官方的财政资助,程度上优于新加坡,不仅因为地域上接近中华文化传统,更重要的是把区域性的广东文化融注生活中,无论教育、旅游、饮食、礼俗、宗教、音乐、电影、建筑、绘画、工艺,都凝聚成独特的多元化魅力,也解释了为何每年有万游客,要一窥“东方之珠”的奥秘了。
    There's no denying that, compared with Singapore, Hong Kong enjoys more open and liberalised cultural policies as well as more generous public financial subsidies.Moreover, adjacent to the mainland, Hong Kong has been benefiting from the mainstream Chinese culture. Nourished by the rich heritage, a vernacular Cantonese subculture has evolved, expressing itself in various facets of life including cuisine, custom and tradition, tourism, education, religion, music, movies, painting, architecture, arts and crafts.The peculiar charm of cultural diversity explains why the Pearl of the Orient appeals to visitors from far and near, who have arrived in myriads year after year.
  • 在几年的封建社会和百余年的半殖民地半封建社会中,中国妇女曾经有过长期受压迫、受屈辱、受摧残的悲惨历史。
    In the feudal society which lasted several millennia and the subsequent century of semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, Chinese women experienced a bitter history of prolonged oppression, degradation and abasement.