  • 实际上,第一张解剖学上的x光照片就是能显示部骨骼的伦琴夫人的左手。
    In fact, the very first radiograph of human anatomy was of Mrs.Roentgen's left hand, revealing the skeleton inside.
  • 射线电影摄制一种诊断技术,通过放射线照相或x光透视法,用电影摄影机拍摄图象,如人体部结构的图象
    A diagnostic technique in which a movie camera is used to film the images, as of internal body structures, produced through radiography or fluoroscopy.
  • 放射检验用x射线或其它穿透性的辐射对不透光的物体的部构造进行的检查;放射学
    Examination of the inner structure of optically opaque objects by x-rays or other penetrating radiation; radiology.
  • 关节造影术注入射线透不过的物质后,用x光对关节部进行的检查
    Examination of the interior of a joint using x-rays following the injection of a radiopaque substance.
  • 一个特定的正整数,用它乘以一个数位的权,得到下一个高位的权。例如,在十进制记数系统中,每个数位的基是10;在二五混合进制编码中,在每一个5以的位上其基为2。
    The positive integer by which the weight of the digit place is multiplied to obtain the weight of the digit place with the next higher weight, for example, in the decimal numeration system the radix of each digit place is 10, in a biquinary code the radix of each fives position is 2.
  • 有些人以为只有实行十年战时期那样的土地革命才算实现了新民主主义,这是不对的。
    Some people think that New Democracy can be considered as accomplished only if there is an agrarian revolution like that of the ten years' civil war, but they are wrong.
  • 又如土地革命战争时期,红色区域部的一切组织和斗争是直接地配合战争的,红色区域外部的一切组织和斗争是间接地配合战争的。
    Again in the period of the War of Agrarian Revolution all organization and struggle inside the Red areas were co-ordinated with the war directly, and outside the Red areas indirectly.
  • 在叙述无产阶级发展的最一般的阶段的时候,我们循序探讨了现存社会部或多或少隐蔽着的国战争,直到这个战争爆发为公开的革命,无产阶级用暴力推翻资产阶级而建立自己的统治。
    In depicting the most general phases of the development of the proletariat, we traced the more or less veiled civil war, raging within existing society, up to the point where that war breaks out into open revolution, and where the violent overthrow of the bourgeoisie lays the foundation for the sway of the proletariat.
  • 他们眼巴巴见他活活烧死而五如焚。
    They suffer the agony of watch him burn to death.
  • 教堂高坛教堂圣坛周围供牧师有时也供唱师班用的通常围以格子或栅栏的高坛,
    The space around the altar of a church for the clergy and sometimes the choir, often enclosed by a lattice or railing.
  • 此外,天文台尖沙咀总部在月有4天录得超过100毫米雨量。
    There were four days with rainfall exceeding 100 millimetres recorded at the Observatory.
  • 录得2575毫米的特高降雨量,相较每年平均2214毫米的降雨量,增加16%。
    A particularly high rainfall of 2 575 millimetres - 16 per cent above the annual average of 2 214 millimetres - was recorded in 1998.
  • 由约70部自动报告雨量器组成的密集网络,能即时提供香港境的雨量分布和雨势资料,以便发出暴雨、水浸和山泥倾泻警告。
    A dense network of about 70 automatic reporting rain-gauges provides real-time information on rain distribution and intensity over Hong Kong for the operation of rainstorm, flood and landslip warnings.
  • 帐篷全是雨水,我们都从睡袋里跳了出来。
    Entirely is the rainwater inside the tent, we have all jumped inside the sleeping bag.
  • 该项目容包括用低成本的特殊容器收集雨水及挖掘微型水库或“地盆”。
    The project involves harvesting rainwater using special lowcost containers and digging mini-reservoirs or “earth pans”.
  • 截至二零零一年年底,已有58家于地注册成立的企业通过发行h股在联合交易所挂牌上市,总集资额超过1,288亿元,其中66亿元在二零零一年集得。
    At the end of the year, 58 Mainland-incorporated enterprises had been listed on the SEHK through the issuance of H-shares, raising a total of more than $128.8 billion. Of this, $6.6 billion was raised in 2001.
  • 当这位老年女演员告别演出时,剧场充满着热情洋溢的气氛
    The air was charged with emotion when the aging actress made her final appearance on stage.
  • 巴克写信给爱默生,希望爱默生说些有关他自己的事:---这个原来在「西联」机构传信的童役,不久便和国那些著名的人物通信,像爱默生、布罗斯、臭利弗、郎菲洛、林肯夫人、休曼将军、和台维斯等。
    Soon our Western Union messenger boy was corresponding with many of the most famous people in the nation: Ralph Waldo Emerson, Oliver Wendell Holmes,Longfellow, Mrs. Abraham Lincoln, Louisa May Alcott,General Sherman and Jefferson Davis.
  • 在一年的时间里,拉尔夫·斯宾塞先生达到了这样一种境况:他赢得了本地大多数居民的尊敬;他的鞋店生意兴隆;他和安娜贝尔也将于两周喜结良缘。
    In a year the situation of Mr. Ralph Spencer was this: he had won the respect of most of the inhabitants of the place, his shoe-store was prospering, and he and Annabel were to be married in two weeks.
  • 送给计算机动态随机存储器的一种信号,以维持其存储的容。参阅crt,dynamicram。
    A signal sent to dynamic RAM to maintain its storage contents.
  • 主存储器又称为随机存取存储器,简称存。
    Primary memory is known as random access memory(RAM) and simple named memory.
  • 能插入电脑提供额外存的可读写的微芯片。
    a RAM microchip that can be plugged into a computer to provide additional memory.
  • 一种常规用途的存池(也在ram区域),其中保存了java对象。
    This is a general-purpose pool of memory (also in the RAM area) where all Java objects live.
  • 自从20世纪70年代起,芯片上的随机存取存得到了广泛的应用,它的容量每三年就要增长四倍。
    Since random-access memory (RAM) on a chip became widely available in the mid- 1 9 7 Os, its capacity has grown fourfold every three years.
  • 能够作为不断更新的特殊的缓冲存储器的随机存储器;用不同的特征在系统原理传送优化数据。
    (computer science) RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage that is continually updated; used to optimize data transfers between system elements with different characteristics.
  • 交谈则不同,它是一种漫淡,容有重复的,陈述有时不清晰,思路时而中断。
    Conversation is different. It rambles, material overlaps, statements aren’t always clear, the thread gets lost.
  • 于是她就得意洋洋地跑开了。她一面跪溜达,一面想到一两天就可以回家,觉得很高兴。
    She then ran gaily off, rejoicing, as she rambled about, in the hope of being at home again in a day or two.
  • 他把弹药装入枪内。
    He rammed a charge into a gun.
  • 他把他的衣服塞进衣箱
    He rammed his clothes into a suitcase.
  • 工人们把木桩打入河床
    The workers rammed piles into a riverbed.
  • 碎砖放入沟并夯实,作为混凝土的基础。
    Broken bricks were rammed down in the trench to make a base for the concrete.
  • 但各公司正在改进dslmodem的生产,发誓要在年把每个装置价格降至250美元。
    Companies, however, are ramping up DSL modem production and vow to have the price down to $250 per device within a year.