  • (勤务送拉兹洛朝飞机方向走去)(里克从口袋里取出信件交给雷诺)。
    This way,please.(Orderly escorts Laszlo off in the direction of the plane)(Rick takes the Letters out of his pocket,and hands them to Renault.)
  • 埃尔帕索城美国得克萨斯州最西端一城市,位于与墨西哥胡亚雷斯相望的里奥格兰德。其周围地区最初是17世纪西班牙传教士、士和商人首先居住。人口515,342
    A city of extreme western Texas on the Rio Grande opposite Ciudad Ju醨ez, Mexico. The surrounding area was first settled by Spanish missionaries, soldiers, and traders in the17th century. Population,515, 342.
  • 他是一位从士奋斗起来的杰出将军。
    He was an outstanding general who had risen from the ranks.
  • 原来是一个士,没注意在河滩附近设的标有“小心地雷”的牌子,踩上一颗地雷,被炸身邙。
    It turned out that a soldier had not noticed the "Danger! Mines!" sign and had accidentally stepped on a mine near the riverbank and was immediately blown to bits.
  • 竭尽全力大喊大叫。“那边的人,站住!
    the guard sang out, as loud as he could roar. `Yo there!
  • 一旦经济发展放缓,很多本地人失去工作,我们这些空降就成为被指“抢了本地人的饭碗”的人。因此新移民有必要积极地融入本地社会。
    But with the economy now slowing down considerably and many locals losing their jobs, fingers are pointed at us newbies for “robbing the locals of their rice bowls”.
  • 关于英国士、俄罗斯的蒸汽压路机、“以战争结束战争”以及“保障世界民主”等一厢情愿的毫无意义的时髦话,我早已知道了。
    I had known all the wishful cant about the British soldier, and the Russian steam roller, and the war to end wars, and making the world safe for democracy.
  • 作为电影史上的一个最高的成就,《拯救大瑞恩》没有美化或诅咒第二次世界大战。
    A crowning[5] cinematic achievement, "Saving Private Ryan" doesn't romanticize or condemn World War II.
  • 许多新都短期开过小差,但无一人真正离开队伍。
    Many rookies have gone temporarily over the hill, but none deserted.
  • 1898年美西战争中,罗斯福领导的志愿骑团的成员。
    a member of the volunteer cavalry regiment led by Theodore Roosevelt in the Spanish-American War (1898).
  • 国民党政府扩军的一种办法,是派军警四处捉拿人民去当,捉来的用绳捆索绑,形同囚犯。
    The Kuomintang expanded its army by press-ganging. Its military and police seized people everywhere, roping them up and treating them like convicts.
  • 炮兵发射了6发炮弹。
    The battery fired off six rounds of shot.
  • 双方都有许多士死于战斗。
    Many sodiers of both sides were killed in action.
  • 进攻的坦克使步溃不成军。
    Charging tanks put the infantry to rout.
  • 我必须将本镇的敌肃清。
    We must rout the last enemy soldier out of the town.
  • 但刘秀利用王莽的将军王寻、王邑轻敌懈怠,以精三千突破王莽军队的中坚,乘锐进击,大破敌军。
    But taking advantage of the negligence of Wang Mang's generals, Wang Hsun and Wang Yi, who underestimated the enemy, Liu Hsiu with only 3,000 picked troops put Wang Mang's main forces to rout. He followed up this victory by crushing the rest of the enemy troops.
  • 两路之具体作战部署,第七、第九两团之东进路线,均由三野首长另以详细命令规定之。
    The specific battle plan for these two routes and the route along which the Seventh and Ninth Armies are to march eastward is to be worked out by the commanders of the Third Field Army.
  • 士兵们胡乱开枪。
    The soldiers shot at rovers.
  • 一种缩写字母经常在第二次世界大战中被士使用:全部正常情况都混乱了。
    an acronym often used by soldiers in World War II: Situation Normal All Fucked Up.
  • 希腊境内的一个个小城邦,特别是那些比较原始和落后的城邦,是士的来源;他们受雇于东方的王公贵族来从事无用和破坏性的战争,然后携带积蓄回到自己的国家安度晚年;他们是非生产性劳动者,他们得到的报酬连同掠夺所得,对于提供这些报酬的国家来说是没有回报的支出;
    The petty states of Greece, especially the ruder and more backward of those states, were nurseries of soldiers, who hired themselves to the princes and satraps of the East to carryon useless and destructive wars, and returned with their savings to pass their declining years in their own country.. these were unproductive labourers, and the pay they received, together with the plunder they took, was an outlay without return to the countries which furnished it;
  • 美国已经准备好可能对伊拉克作战,以色列也在积极准备防范伊拉克导弹袭击。以色列士们来到全国各地学校,教孩子们万一遭受生化武器攻击,如何进行基本的自我保护。
    While the United States readies for possible conflict in Iraq and Israel gears up for feared Iraqi missile strikes, soldiers are visiting classrooms across Israel to acquaint youngsters with the protection they would need in the event of chemical or biological attack.
  • 们纷纷抱怨说那位将军应该被撤职。
    There were rumblings in the ranks that the general should be dismissed.
  • 他在座位上坐着,纹丝不动。此时,年青人对他好奇起来,想象着他的生活历程:或许他是一名海军上尉?或许为躲避妻子,离家出逃?或许是一名老退伍回家?
    He sat rooted in his seat, and the young people began to wonder about him, trying to imagine his life: perhaps he was a sea captain, a runaway from his wife, an old soldier going home.
  • 他们冲向敌兵。
    In their desire to escape, the people rushed the rushed at the enemy soldiers.
  • 他们正在尽快地把员运送到前线去。
    They are rushing men through to the front.
  • 残暴的士野蛮地抽打俘虏。
    The brutal soldiers beat their prisoners ruthlessly.
  • 一个士拔出马刀向她走来
    A soldier came up to her with a drawn saber
  • 一个士拔出马刀向她走来。
    A soldier come up to her with a draw saber.
  • 们把这座城市洗劫一空。
    The soldiers sacked the town.
  • 日本军心已在开始动摇,士不了解战争目的,陷于中国军队和中国人民的包围中,冲锋的勇气远弱于中国等等,都是有利于我之进行歼灭战的客观的条件,这些条件并将随着战争之持久而日益发展起来。
    The Japanese army's morale is beginning to sag, its soldiers do not understand the aim of the war, they are engulfed by the Chinese armies and by the Chinese people, in assault they show far less courage than the Chinese soldiers, and so on; All these are objective factors favourable to waging battles of annihilation, and they will, moreover, steadily develop as the war becomes protracted.
  • 这种时候,敌军虽强,也大大减弱了;力疲劳,士气沮丧,许多弱点都暴露出来。
    By then the enemy army, although still strong, is much weakened, its soldiers are tired, its morale is sagging and many of its weak spots are revealed.
  • 关于怀孕问题,军方未能好好掌握。对于军方来说怀孕的问题乃是不能服勤。而在沙特阿拉伯受伤与不能服勤的官男性较女性为多。可是往往怀孕的责任完全归咎女性,不问协助使他们怀孕的男性。
    Pregnancy? The military doesn't have a good handle on the question. When the military looks at pregnancy, it sees it as nonavailability. We had more injuries and nonavailability among men than women in Saudi. Too often, the women are the only ones held responsible for pregnancy, not the men who helped get them that way.