  • 然后英方又以炮火对敌不断猛轰,西班牙舰船被狂风暴雨打散进入北海,被迫逃往苏格且兵力大减。
    The Spanish came under relentless gunfire and were scattered into the North Sea by the tremendous storms. They were forced to flee around Scotland where their numbers were depleted by the storms.
  • 穆斯林宗教;伊斯兰
    The religion of Moslems; Islam.
  • 克·邱吉尔该走了。他看上去有些恋恋不舍。
    It was now time for Frank Churchill to end his visit, and he departed with seeming reluctance.
  • 比如,唐纳德·特普尽管是个巨富,却没什么等级,而凯瑟琳·赫本(美国女演员)的等级低到同她的脚趾一般高。
    Donald Tromp, for example, while possessed of great wealth, has remarkably little class, while Katherine Hepburn has class down to her toes.
  • 伦布特的画都是杰作。
    Rembrandt's paintings are masterpieces.
  • 几年来此画被看做是林布的真迹。
    For years the picture passed as a genuine Rembrandt.
  • 乔将自己的画伪称是雷姆卜特的画卖出。
    Joe palmed off his own painting as a Rembrandt.
  • 一幅林布肖像画的局部显示了明暗对照的绘画技术
    A detail of a Rembrandt portrait illustrating the technique of chiaroscuro.
  • 艾兹萨贝特·托斯把王子头部里面的泥土型芯的残留物取走。这是非常必要的,因为泥土里满是海盐,它会继续腐蚀青铜。
    Remnants of the original clay core were removed from inside the prince's head by Erzsebet Lantos, a necessity because the clay is laden with sea salts, which would have continued to damage the bronze.
  • 克赖顿,詹姆斯1560-1582苏格冒险家、语言学家和学者,他的学术成就曾受到阿尔杜斯·马努蒂乌斯和托马斯·厄克特的称赞。他在一次街头动乱中被杀害
    Scottish adventurer, linguist, and scholar whose intellectual achievements were lauded by Aldus Manutius and Thomas Urquhart. He was killed in a brawl.
  • 攻击马丁路德的神学的荷文艺复兴人士和罗马天主教的神学者。
    Dutch Renaissance scholar and Roman Catholic theologian who attacked the theology of Martin Luther (1466-1536).
  • 基姆当时是位于新墨西哥州拉斯维加斯的新墨西哥海兹大学的棒球教练。他打电话向加利福尼亚州阿纳海姆市的一家运动服装公司订队服时,克瑞基特正负责销售接待。
    Then the baseball coach at New Mexico Highlands University in Las Vegas, N.Mex., Kim called an Anaheim, Calif., sportswear company to order team jackets. The sales rep happened to be Krickitt.
  • 克主动接近杰克希望能重新和好。
    Frank made the first advances towards making up his quarrel with Jack.
  • 英格亨利八世的第二任妻子,伊丽莎白一世的母亲(1507-1536);以通奸的罪名被处死。
    the second wife of Henry VIII of England and mother of Elizabeth I; was executed on a charge of adultery (1507-1536).
  • 阿尔弗烈德英格韦塞克斯王国国王(871-899年)、学者及立法者,曾击败了丹麦人的侵略并使英格成为统一的王国
    King of the West Saxons(871-899), scholar, and lawmaker who repelled the Danes and helped consolidate England into a unified kingdom.
  • 贝克汉姆透露,有关人员告诉他除了参加英格队的比赛,否则请他不要离开他酒店单独出行,因为球迷对他的崇拜实在是太疯狂,根本无法控制。
    Beckham said he had been told not to leave his team hotel except when on England duties, because the adulation from Japanese fans was so overwhelming.
  • 十六世纪初,伊斯教最终取代佛教成为新疆的主要宗教。
    In the early 16th century, Islam finally became the main religion in Xinjiang, replacing Buddhism.
  • 英格队在重赛中败北。
    England were worsted in the replay.
  • 克和库克认为,随着创意、设计和公司体制越来越容易复制,而且代价低廉,经理、职业人员和交易员这群精英获得的经济权力剧烈增加。
    With ideas, designs, and business systems becoming easier and cheaper to replicate, Frank and Cook argue, the process brings dramatically increased economic power to an elite of managers, professionals, and deal makers.
  • 在爱尔这个地方,由于几乎无妥协可言,年青姑娘不得不从永久偶像与不断怀孕之间选择其一。
    In Ireland there is so little sense of compromise that a girl has to choose between perpetual adoration and perpetual pregnancy.
  • 我们暂且先放下不谈腾格拉尔如何怀着仇恨,竭力在船主莫雷尔的耳边讲他的同伴的坏话的。且说唐太斯横过了卡纳比埃尔街,顺着诺埃尹街转入梅巷,走进了靠左边的一家小房子里。他在黑暗的楼梯上一手扶着栏杆,一手按在他那狂跳的心上,急急地奔上了四层楼梯。他在一扇半开半掩的门前停了下来,那半开的门里是一个小房间。
    WE WILL LEAVE Danglars struggling with the demon of hatred, and endeavoring to insinuate in the ear of the shipowner some evil suspicions against his comrade, and follow Dantès, who, after having traversed La Canebière, took the Rue de Noailles, and entering a small house, on the left of the Allées de Meillan, rapidly ascended four flights of a dark staircase, holding the baluster with one hand, while with the other he repressed the beatings of his heart, and paused before a half-open door, from which he could see the whole of a small room.
  • 欧洲的一种花,花蝇状。
    European orchid whose flowers resemble flies.
  • 与鹪鹩形似的新西鸟。
    birds of New Zealand that resemble wrens.
  • 欧洲的一种,花的形状和颜色像蜜蜂。
    European orchid whose flowers resemble bumble bees in shape and color.
  • 话说回来,他那一声令下,台上几个演员不敢违命,又再说话了,观众一看,也重新再听,只是完整一出戏猛然被砍成两段,现在重新焊接在一起,许多美妙的诗句可丢失了不少,格古瓦不由心酸,悄悄进行思忖。
    Meanwhile the actors had obeyed his injunction, and the public, seeing that they were beginning to speak, resettled itself to listen; not, however, without having lost many a beautiful phrase in the soldering of the two parts of the piece which had so abruptly been cut asunder. Gringoire reflected bitterly on this fact.
  • 吉姆和梅格住在格德旅馆。
    Jim and Meg reside at the Grand Hotel.
  • 格斯格人苏格格斯格人或市民
    A native or resident of Glasgow, Scotland.
  • 新西的一种小乔木,叶大,具树脂质,花绿白色,圆锥花序。
    small round-headed New Zealand tree having large resinous leaves and panicles of green-white flowers.
  • 瞬息间,贵族变贫民,富翁成乞丐,荷陷入一片萧条。
    Soon the nobles became poor and the rich became paupers. Cries of distress resounded everywhere in Holland.
  • 她们出生于英格北部的一个体面家族。
    They were of a respectable family in the north of England;
  • 英美关于纽芬捕渔权之争由美国向英国支付了一笔钱而得以解决。
    The differences between England and American, respecting the Newfoundland fisheries, were settled by America's paying a sum of money to England.
  • 中国是一个有着多种宗教的国家,主要有佛教、道教、伊斯教、天主教、基督教等。
    Respecting and Protecting the Freedom of Religious Belief of Ethnic Minorities China is home to many religions, mainly Buddhism, Taoism, Islam and Christianity.