  • 面对外围环境不明朗,包括全球股票市场表现反覆、美国发生九一一事件、日圆疲弱及阿根廷的局势变化,本港的外汇和货币市场然表现平静,反映市场对联汇制度的信心,而一九九八年九月推出的技术性改革措施亦对联汇制度发挥了巩固作用。
    The exchange and money markets reacted calmly towards uncertainties in the external environment, including increased volatility in the global stock markets, the events of September 11 in the United States, weakening of the Japanese Yen and the turmoil in Argentina. The resilience of these markets reflected confidence in the linked exchange rate system, which has been reinforced by the technical reforms introduced in September 1998.
  • 前面有一段艰难的岁月,我们必须为应付短期内有可能突如其来的风暴时刻警醒,有弹性地克服挑战,并且保持迅速应变的能力。
    Tough times are still ahead and we must remain vigilant, flexible and resilient to any unexpected storms which may emerge in the short-term.
  • 这一科目公认为因难,有少数这生看来放弃努力了,但多数学生在努力试图掌握它。
    Admittedly the subject is difficult, but most of the pupils are making an attempt to have given up the ghost.
  • 另外,香港的公营医疗机构工作相当沉重,以去年为例,急症室求诊人次共有两百万,专科诊所更高达七百万,而市民然能够得到大体良好的服务。
    Despite the enormous pressure on our public health care system, which saw two million admittances to emergency rooms and seven million attendances at specialist clinics last year, the system has served us well.
  • 尽管他的计划被反对,他坚持立常
    Despite the opposition to his plan, he remained resolute.
  • 果敢但没有士气消沉的德国人,虽然严重受挫但并没有被打垮,他们然能够为再次的军事反击打下坚实的基础。
    the resolute but unbroken Germany, grievously wounded but far from destruction, was able to lay the firm foundations for military revival.
  • 在这些管辖区域,被告将会很难排除dna证据,虽然对它可采性的艰难挑战旧会不容怀疑的继续着,至少在不远的将来如此。
    Defendants in these jurisdictions will have a harder time suppressing DNA evidence, although stiff challenges to its admissibility will undoubtedly continue, at least for the near future.
  • 虽然很累,鲍决定参加会议。
    Paul resolve to attend the meeting in spite of great fatigue.
  • 须解决的冲突和摩擦
    T have still to be resolved
  • 零售商在为一部分商品的税率而发愁。
    Retailers still stewed about the taxability of a number of items.
  • 这些玫瑰花仍有馀香.
    These roses retain their scent.
  • 将军们奋力控制着流动战的局势。
    The generals struggled to retain their control over a very fluid battle.
  • 许多清教徒殖民者在新大陆保持他们好争论的脾气。
    Many of the old puritan colonist retain their factious temperament in the new world.
  • 它的通信系统经过强化,可抵抗核爆炸产生的大量电磁脉冲,因此通信网在遭到敌人核攻击后继续运行,使得国家指挥当局能够指挥反击。
    Its communications system is hardened to withstand the massive electromagnetic pulse of a nuclear burst,so that the communication network will function following an enemy attack and enable the NCA to direct a retaliatory strike.
  • 动态持续尤指某个物种在成熟期保持幼年特征
    Retention of juvenile characteristics in the adults of a species, as among certain amphibians.
  • 此外,机关事业单位职工和退休人员实行原有的养老保障制度。
    The existing old-age security system for employees and retirees from government institutions remain unchanged.
  • 当务之急然是落实"两个确保"确保国有企业下岗职工基本生活费和离退休人员基本养老金按时足额发放,任何地方都不得发生新的拖欠。
    The most pressing task is to ensure that subsistence allowances for laid-off workers from state-owned enterprises and basic pensions for retirees are paid on time and in full. We will not allow new arrears to occur anywhere.
  • 原因在于,按国务院《通知》规定,必须是企业给在职人员发放工资或最低工资,退休人员发给退休金,下岗人员发给基本生活费后,家庭人均收入低于当地最低生活保障标准的职工才能得到最低生活保障。
    The reason is that according to the notification of the State Council, only those whose per capita household income is lower than the local guaranteed minimum subsistence level after receiving salary or minimum salary from the enterprises in the case of the employed, retirement benefits in the case of retirees or basic living allowances in the case of the laid-off, are entitled to subsistence security.
  • (三)抗日统一战线中的投降危险、分裂危险和倒退危险然是当前时局中的最大危险,目前的反共现象和倒退现象然是大地主大资产阶级准备投降的步骤。
    3. The danger of capitulation, a split and retrogression within the anti-Japanese united front is still the greatest current danger, and the present anti-Communist and retrogressive actions of the big landlords and the big bourgeoisie continue to be preparatory steps to their capitulation.
  • 我们的任务,然是协同全国一切爱国分子,动员群众,切实执行我党《七七宣言》中“坚持抗战、反对投降”,“坚持团结、反对分裂”,“坚持进步、反对倒退”三大政治口号,以准备反攻力量。
    In order to build up strength for the counter-offensive, it is still our task, in co-operation with all Chinese patriots, to mobilize the masses for the effective application of the three great political slogans put forward in our Party's Manifesto of July 7: "Persist in resistance and oppose capitulation", "Persist in unity and oppose a split", and "Persist in progress and oppose retrogression".
  • 我们还有一个台湾问题没有解决,然面临着完成国家统一的任务。
    Since the Taiwan issue remains unsolved, we still confront the task of reunifying the country.
  • 另一方面不能不看到,美国确也有人至今不愿看到中国的统一,制造种种藉口,施加种种影响,阻挠台湾问题的解决。
    On the other hand, one cannot fail to note that there are people in the U.S. who still do not want to see a reunified China. They have cooked up various pretexts and exerted influence to obstruct the settlement of the Taiwan question.
  • 某些国际势力不希望中国统一,千方百计插手中国内政,支持台湾当局的“反共拒和”政策和岛内的分裂势力,为中国的和平统一制造障碍,严重伤害了中国人民的民族感情。
    Certain foreign forces who do not want to see a reunified China have gone out of their way to meddle in China's internal affairs. They support the anti-Communist stance of the Taiwan authorities of rejecting peace talks and abet the secessionists on the island, thereby erecting barriers to China's peaceful reunification and seriously wounding the national feelings of the Chinese people.
  • 对于应用软件的用户和开发人员来说,组件软件开发的长处,即可重复使用性、可靠性、互用性和可移植性,在很大程度上是难以捉模的。
    For application software users and developers, the benefits of component software development -- namely reusability, reliability, interoperability and portability -- have largely remained elusive.
  • 政情专家们说,无论杰克逊牧师是否成为民主党候选人,共和党若想在1988年在黑人或其他少数族裔中得到可观的选票,是梦想。
    Political experts say it's a pipe dream for Republicans to win black and other minority votes in any significant numbers in 1988, whether the Rev.Jesse Jackson is on the Democratic ticket or not.
  • 这一泄露出来的事实不但令吉姆感到震惊,而且使他怀疑他至今然敬重的长者中还有多少是伪君子。
    The revelation not only shocked Jim, but made him wonder how many of his hitherto respected elders might be whited sepulchers.
  • 虽然这本书并未有大发现,但有许多迷人的有趣珍闻。
    Although the book contains no grand-scale revelations, it is full of fascinating tidbits.
  • 我们的确曾试图说服他们,但他们坚持自己的看法。
    We do try to talk them round, but they adhere to their view.
  • 富爸爸然平静地问我。
    asked rich dad calmly.
  • 这本书的读者当中,有一些会坚信他们无法思考致富,因为他们的思考习惯已沉浸在贫穷、缺乏、失败和不如意之中,而无法自拔。
    Some who will read this, will believe that no one can THINK AND GROW RICH. They cannot think in terms of riches, because their thought habits have been steeped in poverty, want, misery, failure, and defeat.
  • 她举止稳重,体态婀娜,玫瑰色的鼻翅微微张翕着,大大的眼睛四周有一圈淡蓝色,表明她是一种天性热情的人,在这样的人周围,总是散发着一股逗人情欲的香味;就像一些东方的香水瓶一样,不管盖子盖得多严,里面香水的味儿然不免要泄漏出来。
    Her confident bearing, her supple waist, her pink, flared nostrils, her large eyes faintly ringed with blue, all pointed to one of those passionate natures which give out a bouquet of sensuality, just as flasks from the Orient, however tightly sealed they might be, allow the fragrance of the fluids they contain to escape.
  • 我仍耳鸣。
    My ears are still ringing.