Chinese English Sentence:
  • “要算是转弯抹角的自夸,因为你对于你自己写信方面的缺点觉得很得意,你认为你思想敏捷,懒得去注意书法,而且你认为你这方面即使没有什么了不起,完全不考虑到做出来的成绩是不是完美。
    "The indirect boast; -- for you are really proud of your defects in writing, because you consider them as proceeding from a rapidity of thought and carelessness of execution, which if not estimable, you think at least highly interesting. The power of doing any thing with quickness is always much prized by the possessor, and often without any attention to the imperfection of the performance.
  • 所需要的物品常常几乎完全由先进社会的商人来供应,但常常也会在这个国家自身内兴起一个工匠阶级。这人对物品的性质没有太多的了解,全靠敏锐的感觉、耐心的观察和灵巧的双手做出某非常精致的物品,如印度的某棉织品就是这样。
    This demand is often supplied almost exclusively by the merchants of more advanced communities, but often also raises up in the country itself a class of artificers, by whom certain fabrics are carried to as high excellence as can be given by patience,quickness of perception and observation, and manual dexterity,without any considerable knowledge of the properties of objects:such as some of the cotton fabrics of India.
  • 不坚持要报酬就同意那项增长是愚蠢的。
    It would be folly to grant that increase without insisting on some quid pro quo.
  • 西方观察家认为,苏联的经济问题是[西方的]机会。戈尔巴乔夫的经济困境越深,西方越能利用贸易和科技转让诱使苏联在外交上收敛,或在军备控制及人权方面获得进展。另有人,包括英国首相撒切尔夫人的观点是:假定不需任何交换行动,经济改革“对西方有利”。
    Some observers in the West see the Soviet economic problems as opportunities. The worse Mr.Gorbachev's economic bind, the more the West can use trade and technology transfers as inducements for Soviet diplomatic restraint, or progress on arms control and human rights. Others, including Prime Minister Thatcher of Britain, view successful economic reforms as "in the Western interest," presumably without any such quid pro quo.
  • 安静些。够了
    Be quiet already. Enough already.
  • 我们应该到更安静的地方去
    We should go where it is quieter.
  • 政治家有时巴不得能过清静日子。
    Politicians must sometimes long for a quieter life.
  • 同时,你可以多去图书馆,那儿要安静,那儿可以给你认真学习提供一个更有利的环境。
    Meanwhile, make more use of the library. it's quieter and provides a more conducive atmosphere for serious studying.
  • 空军基地遭到猛烈的空袭。
    The air bases were subjected to intense air attack.
  • 开会时气氛显得有兴奋。
    There was an air of excitement at the meeting.
  • 过惯了家庭和中学的平静生活之後,大学简直有可怕了
    After the quietness of home and school, university has been almost frightening
  • 流浪汉徒步毫无目标地四处旅行的人,做零星的工作或以行乞为生;流浪者
    One who travels aimlessly about on foot, doing odd jobs or begging for a living; a vagrant.
  • 奎尼丁一种无色的晶体状生物碱,c20h24n2o2,类似于奎宁,用于治疗疟疾和某心脏疾病
    A colorless crystalline alkaloid, C20H24N2O2, resembling quinine and used in treating malaria and certain heart disorders.
  • 人们津津乐道的令候选人感到灰心丧气的讽刺挖苦,对于任何有可能成为总统的人,都是一场噩梦。
    The unforgettable debate quip that can deflate a candidacy is the worst nightmare of any presidential hopeful.
  • 但如果这相同的事情老是烦扰你,你就应该这样问问,“这究竟是谁有怪癖?”
    But if the same things are bothering you constantly, it helps to ask, “Whose quirk is this, anyway?
  • 那些地方很受欢迎。
    It becomes quite popular.
  • 你们这男孩子为什么不停止打架?
    Why don't you boys stop fighting and cal it quits?
  • “我们对那帮助过我们的人是永远忘不了的。”
    "We are never quits with those who oblige us," was Dantès' reply;
  • 最近四年哥伦布大道上,差不多二十多家服装店(有家别处的分店生意仍然鼎盛)已经歇业。
    Close to two dozen boutiques, some of which still flourish elsewhere, have called it quits on Columbus over the last four years.
  • 他说话时声音有颤抖。
    There was a slight quiver in his voice as he spoke.
  • 他总是诈说自己有什么小毛小病。
    He's always complaining of some ailment.
  • 据称他为推敲这新词观看了大量的动作片、肥皂剧和智力测验节目,真是工作娱乐两不误。
    He says his job also gives him an excuse to watch a lot of action films, soap operas and quiz shows, to look for more new terms.
  • 搞一鼓舞人心的大会、突然袭击的测验、班级里的舞会。
    Pep rallies. Pop quizzes.Proms.
  • 搞一鼓舞人心的大会、突然袭击的测验、班级里的舞会。
    Pep rallies. Pop quizzes. Proms.
  • 不要让你的朋友向你转发那无聊的玩笑、性知识问答和电子信件链接。
    Discourage your friends from forwarding those tiresome joke lists,sex quizzes,and chain e mails.
  • 信息传视技术中的一种显示模式。在此模式下某字符显示为空格,直到用户选择要显露它们时为止。这种功能可以用于游戏或猜谜等方面。
    In videotex, a display mode during which certain characters are displayed as spaces until the viewer chooses to reveal them. This facility can be used in games, quizzes, etc.
  • 她脸上表现出有近乎无礼的嘲弄的表情。
    his face wore a somewhat quizzical almost impertinent air- Lawrence Durrell.
  • 如该期间届满时,这表示是否赞成或弃权的国家数目,达到会议本身开会的法定人数所缺少的国家数目,只要同时也取得了规定的多数票,这决议即可生效。
    If, at the expiration of this period, the number of countries having thus expressed their vote or abstention attains the number of countries which was lacking for attaining the quorum in the session itself, such decisions shall take effect provided that at the same time the required majority still obtains.
  • 我想这香烟得缴税,它们超额了。
    I'm afraid you'll have to pay some taxes on these cigarettes.They're exceeded the quota.
  • 平静的日常生活场景;这是平淡的一天;没有什么能象一位现实中的火车售票员那样为日常的上下班交通线增加色彩的了-阿尼塔·戴曼。
    a placid everyday scene; it was a routine day; there's nothing quite like a real...train conductor to add color to a quotidian commute- Anita Diamant.
  • 弘志下方说:“每天喝米酒或葡萄酒超过540毫升(1品脱多一点)的人,比那完全不喝酒的人智商要低。适量是非常重要的。”
    " People who drink more than 540 milli-litres [a little over a pint] of sake or wine a day had lower intelligence quotients than those who did not drink at all," Hiroshi Shimokata said, " Moderation is very important."
  • 他们引用毛泽东同志的某片言只语来骗人、吓唬人。
    They tried to fool people or intimidate them by quoting a phrase or two from Comrade Mao Zedong.