  • 这个中国革命领导责任的问题,是革命成败的关键。
    This question of responsibility for leadership in the Chinese revolution is the linchpin upon which the success or failure of the revolution depends.
  • 想像力正是人类草拟所有计划至成形的工作场所。
    The imagination is literally the workshop wherein are fashioned all plans created by man.
  • 对两国支配着国家全部财富的老爷来说,国家大局足以万岁千秋是比水晶还清楚的事。
    In both countries it was clearer than crystal to the lords of the State preserves of loaves and fishes, that things in general were settled for ever.
  • 各县之间地方主义很重,一县内的各区至各乡之间也有很深的地方主义。
    Localism exists to a serious extent in the relations between counties and even between districts and townships within the same county.
  • 单纯军事主义和地方主义相反,是主力部队里头的人们只图扩充自己不顾扶助地方武装的一种错误观点。
    As against localism, the purely military approach represents the wrong viewpoint held in the main forces by those who are bent on expanding their own strength and who neglect to assist the local armed units.
  • 我的确是个"孤独的旅行者",从未全心属于我的国、我的家、我的朋友,至我的直系亲属;
    I am truly a "lone traveler"and have never belonged to my country,my home,my friends,or even my immediate family,with my whole heart;
  • 爱情乃爱之母。
    Love is the mother of love.
  • 中国对日本侵华战犯,伪满洲国战犯,国民党战犯,至封建清王朝的末代皇帝,没有一人被判处死刑。
    It did not use capital punishment on any of the Japanese war criminals, the war criminals of the puppet Manchuria regime, the Kuomintang war criminals or on the last emperor of the feudal Qing Dynasty.
  • 不走回头路,智者的座右铭。
    It's a maxim of wise man never to return by the same road he come.
  • 不走回头路,智者的座右铭。
    It 's a maxim of wise man never to return by the same road he comes.
  • 麦氏公司及滴滴香浓意犹未尽美国纽约州通用食品公司注册商标。
    Maxwell House and Good to the Last Drop are registered trademark of General Foods Corporation, NY, USA.
  • 鸡蛋美滋是用蛋黄酱和煮老的鸡蛋做成的.
    Egg mayonnaise is made with mayonnaise and hard-boiled eggs.
  • 他在美滋上滴了数滴油。
    He trickled a few drops of oil into the mayonnaise.
  • 该办公室是自私者与谄媚者汇集之处。
    The office is a menagerie of egotists and sycophants.
  • 我知道我的午餐比那鸽子的午餐复杂得多,我也知道我所要吃的几样东西,是成千累万的人们工作的结果,需要一个极复杂的种植、贸易、运输、递送和烹饪的制度,为了这个原因,人类要获得食物是比动物更困难的。
    I know that my lunch is a more complicated affair than the pigeon's, and that the few articles of food I take involve thousands of people at work and a highly complicated system of cultivation, merchandising, transportation, delivery and preparation. That is why it is harder for man to get food than for animals.
  • 每年,全世界大约使用万公吨的氯氟化碳。
    Each year, the world uses approximately 750,000 metric tons of CFC's.
  • 这一看法为法兰西经济学派所持有,亚当·斯密也未免受其影响,是起源于对地租性质的误解。
    This notion, held by the French Economistes, and from which Adam Smith was not free, arose from a misconception of the nature of rent.
  • 不幸乃良师。
    Misfortune is a good teacher.
  • 不幸不能忍,是大不幸。
    He is unfortunate who cannot bear misfortune.
  • 这些是选择性的“误讯”,在这个媒体发达而人民健忘的时代,借着媒体来加工制造同意,已的确愈来愈容易了。
    This is selective misinformation. In an era where the media is highly sophisticated and the people's memories are short, it is becoming increasingly easy to use the media in the manufacturing of consent.
  • 开头的观念是把人类视为家庭单位的一份子,而不把他视为个人。这观念又得一种人生观和一种哲学观念的赞助。那种人生观可以称为“生命之流”的原理,而那种哲学则认为人类天赋本能的满足,是道德和政治的最后的目标。
    It starts out with a view of man not as an individual, but as a member of a family unit, is backed by the view of life which I may call the "stream-of-life" theory, and justified by a philosophy which regards the fulfillment of man's natural instincts as the ultimate goal of morals and politics.
  • 使成木伊通过防腐和干燥的方式制成木
    To make into a mummy by embalming and drying.
  • 把尸体制成木伊保存起来的风俗从古埃及起就有了。
    The custom of preserving a dead body as a mummy dates from ancient Egypt.
  • 医生们给木伊做了切片送到实验室。
    The doctors removed a section of the mummy and set it to a laboratory.
  • 这种牛头的神像通常都放在木伊里。
    This god which has the head of a cow was normally placed inside a mummy.
  • 这是shepenmut的木伊,她曾一度在梯比斯寺院当过歌手。
    The mummy is that of Shepenmut who was once a singer in the Temple of Thebs.
  • 在古埃及,达官贵人的木伊,皮肤上多要上色,颈腔要填圆,眼窝里还要装上人造眼球。
    In Ancient Egypt the mummy of a nobleman would probably have its skin colored, its neck filled out and man– made eyes fixed in the eye sockets.
  • 今年夏天,法国怀旧影片《艾米丽》在其本土的票房成绩超过了好莱坞大片《珍珠港》和《木伊ⅱ》,这可值得法国好好庆祝一番。
    But the French had cause for celebration this summer when the nostalgic movie "Amelie" took more at the French box office than "Pearl Harbour" and "The Mummy Returns".
  • 说得更明白些,这一区别是或是肌肉的或是神经的;
    or, to express the distinction more comprehensively, either muscular or nervous;
  • 非法斗争的形式也是多样的,如示威游行、抗缴粮款、拒绝维持、组织革命团体,至暴动、反正、武装斗争等等,而以武装斗争为非法斗争的最高形式,这些都是敌人不许可的。
    There are also various forms of illegal struggle, such as holding demonstrations, refusing to pay government taxes in grain and cash, rejecting associations for the preservation of order, setting up revolutionary organizations, and even staging rebellions, instigating mutiny within enemy camps, and carrying out an armed struggle, which is the chief method. None of these forms is permitted by the enemy.
  • 不加掩饰是真理的最好装饰。
    Truth's best ornament is nakedness.
  • 如果他亲自经营管理自己的业务,则他个人或家庭的开支只要不超过按市价计算的他的劳动报酬,就应看作是生产资本的一部分,而他的个人消费,就生活必需品而言,是生产性消费。
    If he personally conducts his operations, as much of his personal or household expenditure as does not exceed a fair remuneration of his labour at the market price, must be considered a part of his capital, expended, like any other capital, for production: and his personal consumption, so far as it consists of necessaries, is productive consumption.