  • 房间已被彻底洗劫过,抽屉和橱柜里的西都乱七八糟地摊在地板上。
    The room had been thoroughly ransacked and the contents of drawers and cupboards lay in confusion on the floor.
  • 马里恩美国衣阿华州中部一部城市,是塞达拉皮兹的一个居民郊区。人口20,403
    A city of east-central Iowa, a residential suburb of Cedar Rapids. Population,20, 403.
  • 衣阿华城衣阿华州部城市,位于塞达拉皮兹南偏南的衣阿华河边。它是衣阿华大学(建于1847年)所在地。人口59,738
    A city of eastern Iowa on the Iowa River south-southeast of Cedar Rapids. It is the seat of the University of Iowa(established1847). Population,59, 738.
  • 与你认为是敌人的人们随意交谈可以学到很多西。
    You can learn a lot by rapping with people you think might be your enemies.
  • 由于在1995~1996年赛季之前多伦多猛龙队和温哥华灰熊队的加入,nba扩大到29支球队,比赛分、西两个区各4个组举行。
    With the addition of the Toronto Raptors and the ancouver Grizzlies prior to the 1995~ 1996 season,the NBA expanded to 29 teams competing in two conferences,the Eastern and Western,in four separate divisions.
  • 没有一样西比新毕业的年轻小伙子更叫人恼火的了,要不理他么,年纪已嫌太大,要踢他一脚么,又嫌年轻太幼。
    There is nothing so aggravating as a fresh boy who is too old to ignore and too young to kick.
  • 没有一样西比新毕业的年轻小伙子更叫人恼火了,要不理他么,年纪已嫌太大,要踢他一脚么,又嫌年纪太幼。
    There is nothing so aggravating as fresh boy who is too old to ignore and too young to kick.
  • 那个坏包喜欢这类西,再者今天正碰上他的福利演出场。……”
    The rascal is fond of such things, and by the way it is his benefit tonight.
  • 在这一方面拒绝历史事实,反对保留有用的西,贸然地脱离现阶段,盲目地跑向可望不可即的、在当前没有现实意义的所谓“新阶段”,同样是不许可的,是有害的,是不利于当前作战的。
    In this connection, it is equally impermissible, disadvantageous and harmful to our present operations to deny the facts of history, oppose the retention of what is useful, and rashly leave the present stage in order to rush blindly towards a "new stage", which as yet is beyond reach and has no real significance.
  • 原产于北美部的一种覆盆子,具有黑色的套环形果实。
    raspberry native to eastern North America having black thimble-shaped fruit.
  • 日本统治者想从战争中解决这个困难问题,但同样,将达到其所期求的反面,这就是说,它为解决这个困难问题而发动战争,结果将因战争而增加困难,战争将连它原有的西也消耗掉。
    Japan's rulers are endeavouring to resolve this difficulty through war, but again they will get the very reverse of what they desire; That is to say, the war they have launched to resolve this difficulty will eventually aggravate it and even exhaust Japan's original resources.
  • 北美部的一种蔓生灌丛,具有艳丽的、玫瑰红色至微紫色花朵和红色或桔红色套环状果实。
    shrubby raspberry of eastern North America having showy rose to purplish flowers and red or orange thimble-shaped fruit.
  • 元数据的例子有文档的作者、拥有者、日期、题目、保密等级、定价信息、版权范围等——与文档有关但又不是文档一部分的任何西。
    Examples of metadata are document authorship, ownership, date, subject, security rating, pricing information, copyright over age -- anything that is about the document but not part of it.
  • 一些债券还给投资者进一步的保护,例如在大股减持股权或一些财务比率无法达到一个水平时,债券持有人可把债券卖给发行机构。
    Some bond cove-nants provide further protection to the in-vestors by stipulating that the bonds can be put back to the issuer in the event the ma-jority shareholder sells down his stake or when certain financial ratios, eg. debt to e-quity ratio, breach a set level.
  • 中东社
    The Middle East News Agency,MENA
  • 发噪音器(或人)发出嘈杂声的西,尤指在聚会上用来发出声响的设备如喇叭或铃铛
    One that makes noise, especially a device such as a horn or rattle used to make noise at a party.
  • 这时安全出口处一阵响动,随后跳进来了为爱而疯狂、痴迷的约翰·德莱尼,他企求爱伦与他一同离开,奔向部海岸或布朗克斯或者任何一个有着意大利式天空的地方。
    Then there was a rattle of the fire-escape, and into her room jumps the mad and infatuated John Delaney, entreating her to flee or fly with him to the Riviera, or the Bronx, or any old place where there are Italian skies.
  • 前往方诸国的奇异旅行;这场电影太棒了;巨大的成功;一流珍本书籍的收藏;进行了一次关于政治的生机勃勃的对话;巨大的成就。
    a fantastic trip to the Orient; the film was fantastic!; a howling success; a marvelous collection of rare books; had a rattling conversation about politics; a tremendous achievement.
  • 我们的目光继续朝这伸向远处的圆形行宫一层层往上攀登,视线越过新城圣安街那条在鳞次栉比的屋顶之间的峡谷,便可以看到——我们总是只谈主要的文物——昂古莱姆府邸,一座经过好几个时期才告成的庞大建筑物。其中有些部分簇新雪白,在整体中显得有些格格不入,就好比一件蓝色短外套补了一块红补丁。
    Continuing to mount the stories of this amphitheatre of palaces spread out afar upon the ground, after crossing a deep ravine hollowed out of the roofs in the Town, which marked the passage of the Rue Saint-Antoine, the eye reached the house of Angoul阭e, a vast construction of many epochs,where there were perfectly new and very white parts, which melted no better into the whole than a red patch on a blue doublet.
  • 马盖麻一种龙舌兰属植物(马盖麻龙舌兰属),主要为获得其叶纤维而在半球大陆的温暖地区种植
    A species of agave(Agave cantula) cultivated chiefly in warm regions of the Old World for its leaf fibers.
  • 迈锡尼伯罗奔尼撒半岛北部的古希腊城市,在青铜器时期作为一个早期文化中心繁荣一时。它是阿伽门农的传奇式首府
    An ancient Greek city in the northeast Peloponnesus that flourished during the Bronze Age as the center of an early civilization. It was the legendary capital of Agamemnon.
  • 太平洋沿岸地区(美国、亚洲北部)年生芳香草本植物,叶子上有硬毛,开暗黄色的花。
    annual aromatic weed of Pacific coastal areas (United States; northeastern Asia) having bristle-pointed leaves and rayless yellow flowers.
  • 有一样西撞在我身上。
    Something bumped against me.
  • 有销售至欧洲的成衣,以及销售至南亚的人造丝围巾。
    The made-up goods for Europe, and the rayon scarves for Southeast Asia.
  • 法国中部一城市,位于罗纳河边;丝绸和人造纤维的主要生产地。
    a city in east-central France on the Rhone River; a principal producer of silk and rayon.
  • 那患病的孩子不管吃下什么西过不了多久都给呕吐出来。
    Everything the sick child had eaten would come up soon afterwards.
  • 钻石是真正引人注目的西。
    Diamond is real eye- catcher.
  • 精神上的西;那极其重要的先验的灵魂属于精神的王国——刘易斯·穆菲德。
    spiritual beings; the vital transcendental soul belonging to the spiritual realm-Lewis Mumford.
  • 但是,属于文化领域的西,一定要用马克思主义对它们的思想内容和表现方法进行分析、鉴别和批判。
    But in learning things in the cultural realm, we must adopt a Marxist approach, analysing them, distinguishing the good from the bad and making a critical judgement about their ideological content and artistic form.
  • 每天早上,弗兰基依旧来和琼打招呼,把嘴伸到他口袋里找为他准备的好吃的西。午后它再次出现。
    Still, every morning he was there to greet Jean, exploring the pocket for the treat Jean always brought, and in the afternoon he would reappear.
  • 每星期一下午两点钟,我和博要去密尔沃基北方向的银泉康复中心,为住在那里的老年人进行一小时宠物治疗。
    On Monday afternoons at two o’clock,Beau and I would arrive at the Silver Spring Convalescent Center on Milwaukee’s northeast side of town for an hour of pet therapy with the seniors who lived there.
  • 午安!这里是京贸易公司。
    Good afternoon. tokyo trading.