  • 這些字之間終究沒有大差別。
    Ultimately, there is not much difference between these words.
  • 但是切忌過左,加薪減時,均不應過
    But we must strictly guard against being ultra-Leftist;
  • 這就是說,極端民主化的根苗還深種在許同志的思想中。
    In other words, ultra-democracy is still deep-rooted in the minds of many comrades.
  • 紅軍第四軍在接受中央指示之後,極端民主化的現象,減少了許
    Since the Fourth Army of the Red Army accepted the directives of the Central Committee, there has been a great decrease in the manifestations of ultra-democracy.
  • 另外一種技術是超聲波,因為能看出子宮內胎兒的樣於而被許人瞭解。
    Another technique is ultrasound, known by many for its pictures of babies in the womb.
  • 毒牛芹一種生長於北美洲的年生草本植物(毒牛芹),生有羽狀的復葉,開傘狀小白花
    A perennial North American herb(Oxypolis rigidior) having pinnately compound leaves and umbels of small white flowers.
  • 百子蓮屬衆植物中的任何一種,具有豔麗的藍色至紫色的花,成傘狀花序。
    any of various plants of the genus Agapanthus having umbels of showy blue to purple flowers.
  • 南美洲六出花屬中衆植物的任何一種,具有漂亮的花組成的傘狀花序。
    any of various South American plants of the genus Alstroemeria valued for their handsome umbels of beautiful flowers.
  • 他們許多人都走了.
    Umpteen of them left.
  • 那部影片我已看過遍了。
    I've seen that film umpteen times.
  • 今天我有許事要做。
    I have umpteen things to do today.
  • 他們或許盼望着一天的休息,或許國慶的意義對他們已是理所當然,或許曾經參加過遊行、在電視上也看過不知少回了,因此覺得“乏味”。
    Maybe they were looking forward to a day of rest. Or have they taken the significance of National Day for granted? Are they "bored" because they have been to the parade and seen it umpteen times on TV?
  • 這件事我告訴過你好次了。
    I'm telling you this the umpteenth time.
  • 我對你不知說過少次了,不要那樣做!
    That's the umpteenth time I've told you not to do that!
  • 無伴奏的三部重唱麯無伴奏的三部或部合唱麯,流行於18世紀
    An unaccompanied part song scored for three or more male voices that was popular in the18th century.
  • 前面說了農民成就了年未曾成就的革命事業,農民做了國民革命的重要工作。
    We said above that the peasants have accomplished a revolutionary task which had been left unaccomplished for many years and have done an important job for the national revolution.
  • 不曾習慣的快樂;樣、不同尋常的食物;不尋常的節儉的預算。
    an unaccustomed pleasure; many varieties of unaccustomed foods; a new budget of unaccustomed austerity.
  • 則第一組人開始顯示出某些性格上的不正常現象,而另一組人似乎沒有受少影響。
    Began to show some personality disorders while the others seemed more or less unaffected.
  • 則第一組人開始顯示出某些性格上的不正常現象,而另一組人似乎沒有受少影響。
    The first group began to show some personality disorders while the others seemed more or less unaffected.
  • 再說伊麗莎白,雖說彈琴彈得並不如她,可是落落大方,沒有矯揉造作的氣習,因此大傢聽起來就高興得了。
    Elizabeth, easy and unaffected, had been listened to with much more pleasure, though not playing half so well;
  • 中國支持在平等參與、協商一致、求同存異、循序漸進基礎上,開展層次、渠道、形式的地區安全對話與合作。
    China advocates regional-security dialogue and cooperation at different levels, through various channels and in different forms. Such dialogue and cooperation should follow these principles: participation on an equal footing, reaching unanimity through consultation, seeking common ground while reserving differences, and proceeding in an orderly way and step by step.
  • 在會議最後文件的磋商過程中,中國政府代表團提出了許建設性方案和建議,在堅持原則的基礎上,以顧全大局和靈活合作的態度,處理、協調起草過程中的問題與矛盾,促進與會各國達成協商一致,使《維也納宣言和行動綱領》得以順利通過。
    During consultations over the conference's final documents the Chinese government delegation put forward many constructive plans and suggestions and handled and coordinated the problems and contradictions that occurred during the drafting of documents on the basis of adhering to principle and, with a flexible and cooperative attitude, taking the situation as a whole into account, thus helping all countries to reach unanimity through consultation and achieve the smooth adoption of the Vienna Declaration and Program of Action.
  • 數學生而言,這問題無法回答。
    For most of the students the question was unanswerable.
  • 清潔的外表給你增添了許光彩。
    Your neat appearance does credit to those unanswered letters.
  • 還有許問題沒有解决,例如,我們的血液能自動調節以適應水下的環境嗎?
    Many questions remain unanswered, for example, can our blood adjust itself to underwater surroundings?
  • 工作壓力包含很方面,如工作量過大、對工作感到不滿意、或在工作中不得志等。
    Work stress involves too much work as well as a lack of satisfaction and feeling undervalued and unappreciated.
  • 為了消磨時間,他走進機場的一傢雞尾酒吧,要了一杯兌水的蘇格蘭威士忌、他一邊慢慢地喝着酒,一邊望着大廳裏川流不息的乘客——他想,其中有好一定都是未婚的漂亮女人,她們穿的是時裝雜志上介紹的那種衣服——直到後來他又瞥見那個穿皮外套的黑發姑娘。
    To kill time, the man steps into one of the airport cocktail bars and orders a scotch and water. While he sips it he watches the flow of travelers through the terminal-including a remarkable number, he thinks, of an unattached pretty women dressed in fashion magazine clothes-until he catches sight of the black-haired girl in the leather coat.
  • 今天,中國婦女已享有中國社會幾千年來從未達到、許發達國傢歷時數百年方纔得到承認的平等權利。
    Today, Chinese women enjoy the equal rights which had remained unattainable in Chinese society over millennia and which only became accepted in many developed countries after some centuries.
  • 今天,中國婦女已享有中國社會幾千年來從未達到、許發達國傢歷時數百年方纔得到承認的平等權利。
    Today, as an important token of civilization and progress, Chinese women enjoy the equal rights which had remained unattainable in Chinese society over millennia and which only became accepted in many developed countries after some centuries.
  • 這座城鎮中大數建物都不太好看,但這座教堂是個例外.
    Most of the buildings in this town are rather unattractive, but this church is an exception.
  • 在澳星簽訂合同後三年來的歷次技術協調會以及這次雙方的聯合操作中,均未出現未經許可的技術轉讓。
    In the technical coordination meetings in the three years since the Aussat contract was signed, and the joint operation in this campaign, no unauthorized technology transfer has occurred.
  • 一條綫路或一種設備不能再提供更的通話業務。
    A line or plant which is unavailable for more traffic.