  • 由作者自负出版费用的出版社出版了他的小说,但仅卖出了几本。
    A vanity press published his novel but only a few copies were sold.
  • 第四,他们要在尊重他们现有的义务下,努力促使所有国,不分大小,战胜者或战败者,都有机会在同等条件下,为了实现它们经济的繁荣,参加世界贸易和获得世界的原料;
    Fourth, they will endeavor, with due respect for their existing obligations, to further the enjoyment by all States, great or small, victor or vanquished, of access, on equal terms, to the trade and to the raw materials of the world which are needed for their economic prosperity;
  • 她们从不同角度对国大事和政府工作提出意见,进行协商,发挥民主监督作用。
    From their different vantage points, they express their opinions on national affairs and government work, render consultation and carry out democratic supervision.
  • 通过对这些辐射源的高能辐射变化及能量的测量,γ射线的观察有助于天文学了解这些通常直接来自能量中心的辐射源的基本物理性质。
    Gamma-ray observations help astronomers understand the basic physics of these sources by measuring the energy and variability of the highest energy radiation coming from these sources, radiation often comes directly from the central engine.
  • 约翰逊一与邻居关系不和。
    The Johnsons are at variance with their neighbours.
  • 他们跟踪研究了有躁郁症病史的庭中带有这种变体的父母和孩子之间的遗传情况。
    They tracked the inheritance of this variant from parent to child in families with a history of bipolar disorder.
  • 这种基因变体和躁郁症之间的研究结果是在分别对153个庭和275个庭进行调查之后得出的。
    The association between the variant gene and the disorder appeared in one group of 153 families and a second group of 275 families.
  • 用燃料的消耗量变动很大,严冬每月耗油150加仑,而七八月份几乎等于零。
    Consumption of domestic fuel oil varies between150 gallons a month at the height of winter and practically nothing in July-August.
  • 我家中有好多书。
    I have a variety of books at home.
  • 经院哲学所采用的烦琐而且传统的抽象推理方法。
    orthodoxy of a scholastic variety.
  • 一回到里,我就把花在花瓶里插好。
    I arranged the flowers in the vase as soon as I came back home.
  • 从实际的角度来看,作为拥有十二亿人民,并决意透过市场经济大力改善人民生活水平的国,中国必须维持一个稳定的社会环境。
    "From a practical point of view, with a population of 1.2 billion people and a commitment to vastly improve the standard of living of people through a market economy. China needs social stability.
  • 从实际的角度来看,作为拥有十二亿人民,并决意透过市场经济大力改善人民生活水平的国,中国必须维持一个稳定的社会环境,亚洲和世界各地和平安定,亦有助中国发展,和许多其他发展中国一样,加强军力并不是扩张势力的工具,而是向国际宣示主权独立和作出政治声明。
    From a practical point of view, with a population of 1.2 billion people and a commitment to vastly improve the standard of living of people through a market economy, China needs social stability. China also needs stability and peace in Asia and around the world. Like many other developing nations, the strengthening of the military is not a tool for expansion but a declaration of independence and a political statement to the international audience.
  • 从今年1月1日起,中国对国鼓励和支持发展的投资项目的进口设备,兔征关税和进口环节增值税。
    Starting on January l, 1998, the Chinese government has exempted equipment imports for foreign-funded projects encouraged by the state from import tax and VAT.
  • 中国和梵蒂冈的关系首先是国关系,只有在国关系改善后才能谈宗教问题。
    In the first place, the relationship between China and the Vatican is one between two countries. Therefore, only when the relations between the two countries improve can religious issues be discussed.
  • 我们决不相信这个国巨大的机会宝库会资金不足。
    We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation.
  • 银行大肆吹嘘的保安设施完全无济于事。
    The bank's much-vaunted security system failed completely.
  • 她正向大炫耀她的成就。
    She is vaunting her successes to all of us.
  • 比赛结束时,船改变航向,顺风朝驶去。
    At the end of the race, the boats veered round and headed for home.
  • 别着急,风正在转向,我们很快就能到了。
    Don't worry, the wind is veering from its course and we shall soon be able to reach home.
  • 他们在该地区经营着唯一的一供应蔬菜的商店,因此他们的生活非常好。
    They run the only shop in the district that caters for vegetarians so they're on to a good thing.
  • 在许多穆斯林国,妇女们蒙面纱。
    In many Muslim countries, the women wear veils.
  • 如果采用目前的燃料,科学们认为单级火箭达不到逃逸速度。
    With present fuels, scientists agree that a single rocket can not attain escape velocity.
  • 非洲国的许多所谓自由主义独裁者们往往采用口蜜腹剑的方法进行统治。
    Many of the so-called liberal dictators of African nations rule using an iron hand in a velvet glove.
  • 两位专之间的个人恩怨,称为“淀粉之战”,加剧了这场争论,而后又延伸了一年。
    A personal vendetta between two experts, known as the "starch wars," exacerbated the controversy which dragged on for a full year.
  • 不过,他们也必须能够分辨针对他们的敌意行动,和为了国整体利益而实行的政策。
    But the Malays must distinguish between a personal vendetta acting against them and a conscious effort within the system to make policies for the common good of the nation.
  • 许多现代俱用的并非实心木料,而是在胶合板上镶上一层木板饰面而已。
    Much modern furniture is not solid but using a sandwich of wood veneer on plywood.
  • 用薄表层覆盖在具上。
    cover with veneer, as of furniture.
  • 几年前,我和妻子科妮莉亚买了一套扁平型、松木镶面的具,价格便宜。
    Some years ago, my wife,Cornelia,and I bought a piece of cheap,flat packed,pine veneered furniture.
  • (1490-1576)威尼斯画派的画
    (1490-1576) painter of the Venetian school.
  • 甚至还对我说,尤其是弗尔南多,他的报复心可重了。”
    It was even told me that Fernand, especially, was terrible in his vengeance."
  • 某个兄弟辈住在威尼斯而其他人等则住在国外的族合营方法变得普遍。
    Family partnerships, in which one brother would stay in Venice while the others would live abroad, became common.