  • 人们都普遍认为郁金香的供不应求将永远持续下去,价钱一定会上升,因为人们以为全世界会有越来越的人爱上它。
    At that time, everyone thought that the high demand for tulips would continue forever and prices could only go up because more and more people from all over the world would start to like tulips.
  • 郁金香的价值达到这个地步,已没有少人是买它来种在庭园里。
    When the prices of tulips reached such an exorbitant level, few people bought them for planting in their gardens.
  • 得了甜头后,大家信心大增,倾家荡产把更的钱投入郁金香买卖,希望赚取更的钱。
    After the initial gains, confidence rose and many sold away their assets in order to invest more money in tulips, hoping to make more money.
  • 当越来越人知道贵族们愿意为一束郁金香付出高昂的价格时,他们晓得已经寻到梦寐以求的金矿。
    When more people learned of the prices that the rich were willing to pay for tulips, they knew they just found a 'get-rich-quick' gold mine.
  • 数运动员采用翻腾式转身,因为这是最快的转身方式。
    Most swimmers take the tumble turn, for it is the fastest turn.
  • 不管他爱慕她,她对他仍冷若冰霜。
    No matter how he admires her, she won't give him a tumble.
  • 我在这条船上生活了差不一年,初次尝到了海上生活的艰辛。
    I had spent nearly a year in this ship, and got the first rough and tumble of a sea-life.
  • 肿瘤越大,它吸收的b-12也就越
    The more aggressive the tumor, the more B-12 it absorbs.
  • 太平洋大数食用鱼的肉;与金枪鱼同种,但较小。
    flesh of mostly Pacific food fishes of the genus Sarda of the family Scombridae; related to but smaller than tuna.
  • 鲭亚目中的种鱼,体型和特征介于鲭鱼和金枪鱼之间。
    any of various scombroid fishes intermediate in size and characteristics between mackerels and tunas.
  • 你已经有长时间没有请汽车修理工调整这台引擎了?
    How long has it been since you have had a mechanic tuned this engine?
  • 西洋式长袍西洋样式的这种长袍,有一宽松的、有光亮色彩的长及腰部或踝部的外袍
    A westernized version of this garment consisting of a loose, usually brightly colored waist-length or ankle-length tunic.
  • 这倒不像布切尔先生,他在代表英格兰队踢球时在场上用头撞击突尼斯队队员,从而给别人树立了么好的榜样!
    Unlike Mr Butcher, who set them such a fine example by head-butting Tunisians on the field while playing for England.
  • 在赤濸角兴建新的国际机场计划,连同各项配套设施,规模庞大,范围广泛,其中土木工程项目尤为繁,如开山填海工程、隧道挖掘工程、挢梁架设工程,以及铁路、高速公路和机场跑道的辟建工程等,规模浩大,前所未有。
    The construction of a new airport at Chek Lap Kok is a large-scale project, which covers a wide range of works, including the supporting facilities. The civil engineering projects, such as slope excavation, reclamation, tunnelling, the construction of bridges, railways, expressways and runways, etc., far exceed other projects in number and in size.
  • 对旧政权的摧毁是完全必要的,也是符合于大数人民要求的,但在新政权毫无准备的时候,我们也失之过于性急,不懂得暂时地有领导地利用旧政府来维持秩序,解决军需,造成了严重的混乱。
    True, smashing the old regime was absolutely necessary and was demanded by the overwhelming majority of the people. However, when we were ready to establish our new regime, we became impatient, not realizing that we could have, for the time being, used the old regime and provided it with guidance to maintain order and obtain military supplies. Therefore, the result was turbulent disorder.
  • 欧洲草,用作干草,在美国也作草坪和绿肥作物。
    European grass much used for hay and in United States also for turf and green manure.
  • 埋在宪法里的真正定时炸弹,是给予土耳其族(少数)对希腊族(数)立法是提议否决权的那些条款。
    The real time bombs in the constitution were the clauses that gave the Turkish (minority) the right to veto the … legislative proposals of the Greek (majority).(Maclean's)
  • 国际金融风暴的冲击,使处地方的华文报纸都遭遇困难。
    The international financial turmoil has dealt a hard blow to the Chinese newspapers in many places.
  • 人命与萝卜依然是而且便宜。
    Human life and turnip remain cheap and plentiful.
  • 在许地区选民投票率很低。
    The turnout of voters was low in many localities.
  • 举办校友联欢会或嘉年华会可以说是新马华校生的传统,槟城钟灵中学校友举办嘉年华会的历史比南大校友联欢会更加悠久,钟灵校友嘉年华会每年轮流在世界各地举行,参加人数众,声势浩大。
    It is a tradition for Chinese-educated students in Singapore and Malaysia to meet up regularly after graduating from school. For instance, the Chung Ling High School in Penang has a longer history than Nantah of organising such reunions. Held every year at a different place in the world, it is a grand event with a big turnout to boot.
  • 您能完成的年销售总量是少?
    What is the total annual turnover you could fulfill?
  • 你认为在新的协议中年销售量应是少呢?
    What annual turnover would you suggest for the new agreement then?
  • 海龟一次下许多蛋。
    A turtle lays many eggs at once.
  • 海龟一次下许多蛋。
    A turtle lays many eggs at once.
  • “训政”年,毫无结果。
    The long years of "political tutelage" have yielded nothing.
  • 为了挣些钱,她在周末当家庭教师。
    For extra money, she tutors on weekends.
  • 程序还提供辅导性的渐进指南,引导你掌握程序的基本用法。
    Many also come with a tutorial step by step guide that walks you through the basic use of the programs.
  • 如今,学生人数增,两个或更的学生一起上辅导课已是司空见惯。
    Nowadays, with the increased number of students, it is quite usual for two or more students to attend a tutorial together.
  • 现在差不12点了。
    It's just about twelve o’clock.
  • 孩子们都已经二十岁了。气温降到了二十
    The children are now in their twenties. The temperature dipped into the twenties.
  • 但是,同志们回想一下,我们中间许人当大干部、做大事,开始的时候还不是二三十岁?
    But if you think back, many of us were in our twenties or thirties when we became higher cadres and were given rather important tasks.