  • 如果匹配到的记录数量过(这将由每个操作入口站点来独自决断),或者返回的记录将超过由maxrows属性限定的条目数,操作入口站点将对返回值执行截断操作。
    In the event of a large number of matches, (as determined by each Operator Site), or if the number of matches exceeds the value of the maxRows attribute, the Operator site will truncate the result set.
  • 感情难免受到伤害,但不能因此不再信任他人,只是下次信任时要加小心。
    There's always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around.
  • 钢铁企业联合兼并了许小企业。
    The steel trusts merged various small businesses.
  • 在许村子里,後门仍然放心地大开著。
    In many village back door is still leave trustingly open.
  • 在许村子里,後门仍然放心地大开著。
    In many villages back door is still left trustingly open.
  • 内韦说:"我们应该将政治更看作是一种纸牌游戏,而不是一种做出真实声明的活动。
    "Politics should be regarded as less like an exercise in producing truthful statements and more like a poker game," he said.
  • 但是,老实说,我自己所处的地位,也是和他差不了,我很想叫他们暂住在我的寓处,可是一念到自己住的一块豆腐干大的地方,一个女人,三个小孩子,睡在里面,已经转侧都没有余地了,再加上一个落花生的夫人和他们的四个小孩子,怎么插得下!
    But truthfully, my own position was not very different from his. I really wanted to invite them to stay with me temporarily. But just imagine the size of my own place, which was about as big as a postage stamp; It already accommodated my wife and three children with hardly an inch of space left. How could I possibly squeeze in Peanuts and his wife and their four children?
  • 但是,老实说,我自己所处的地位,也是和他差不了,我很想叫他们暂住在我的寓处,可是一念到自己住的一块豆腐干大的地方,一个女人,三个小孩子,睡在里面,已经转侧都没有余地了,再加上一个落花生的夫人和他们的四个小孩子,怎么插得下!
    But truthfully, my own position was not very different from his. I really wanted to invite them to stay with me temporarily. But just imagine the size of my own place, which was about as big as a postage stamp; It already accommodated my wife and three children with hardly an inch of space left. How could I possibly squeeze in Peanuts and his wife and their four children?
  • 一种广泛传播的年生莎草,具有小的、可食的、坚果状块茎。
    a widely distributed perennial sedge having small edible nutlike tubers.
  • 一种依靠球茎或块茎繁殖的年生植物。
    a perennial plant that propagates by underground bulbs or tubers or corms.
  • 年生的高珠草本,毛的茎和叶;因为有可食的肥厚块茎而被广泛种植。
    tall perennial with hairy stems and leaves; widely cultivated for its large irregular edible tubers.
  • 热带美洲块茎年生植物的一个小属,叶大,颜色不同。
    small genus of tropical South American tuberous perennials with large variously colored leaves.
  • 年生草本植物的一个属,具块茎根,花美丽;产于北温带和南温带地区。
    perennial herbs with tuberous roots and beautiful flowers; of north and south temperate regions.
  • 有类似百合的花的一个年生块茎草本属;产于墨西哥;有时归入石蒜科植物的一个科。
    genus of perennial tuberous herbs having lilylike flowers; Mexico; sometimes placed in family Amaryllidaceae.
  • 任何薯蓣属的热带藤蔓植物,许有可食的块根。
    any of a number of tropical vines of the genus Dioscorea many having edible tuberous roots.
  • 天南星科的模式属;欧亚产的一个年生草本属,块茎,通常具心形叶。
    type genus of the Araceae: tuberous perennial herbs of Europe and Asia with usually heart-shaped leaves.
  • 薯蓣一种大部分为薯蓣属的热带藤本植物,许长有可食用的块茎状根
    Any of numerous chiefly tropical vines of the genus Dioscorea, many of which have edible tuberous roots.
  • 美国东部和中部到加拿大一带的一种非常高大的美洲种年生向日葵,其块状根可食。
    very tall American perennial of central and the eastern United States to Canada having edible tuberous roots.
  • 美国西南部和墨西哥北部的长有粘质树枝的年生植物,具有块状根茎和深红色花朵。
    viscid branched perennial of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico having tuberous roots and deep red flowers.
  • 晚香玉年生墨西哥块茎草木植物(晚香玉晚香玉属),叶片如草,因芳香的白花而具栽培价值
    A tuberous perennial Mexican herb(Polianthes tuberosa) having grasslike leaves and cultivated for its highly fragrant white flowers.
  • 你该看看那孩子一顿能吃少!
    You should see the amount of food that boy can tuck away in one meal!
  • 减肥行业每年可以挣几十亿美元;然而在美国腹地,夫妇们又把过的蛋黄酱抹在他们的巨无霸汉堡包上,再来上一大袋薯条。
    the weight-loss industry generates bil- lions of dollars per year, yet back in the heartland Mr. and Mrs. America are dolloping extra mayon- naise on their Big Macs and tucking into a large order of fries.
  • 当地猎杀协会的负责人图尔·达内26日对记者说:"我们已经杀掉了3头,接下来的几周内计划还要再杀4头。
    "We've put down three and plan to kill another four in the coming weeks," the head of the local hunting association, Tudor Danet, told reporters on Thursday.
  • 禾本科一个年丛生禾草属。
    a genus of tufted perennial grasses of the family Gramineae.
  • 一个禾本科植物属,有蔓,丛生或年生或一年生;指状禾草;蔓延阿利昂花。
    tufted or perennial or annual grasses having runners: finger grass; windmill grass.
  • 菠萝美洲热带凤梨科植物(凤梨凤梨属),具有大如剑的叶子和很大、肉质、可食并伴有一簇叶子的果实
    A tropical American plant(Ananas comosus) having large swordlike leaves and a large, fleshy, edible, multiple fruit with a terminal tuft of leaves.
  • 美国东部线形丛生年紫菀,坚硬的立茎,线形叶片,紫色大花。
    wiry tufted perennial of the eastern United States with stiff erect rough stems, linear leaves and large violet flowers.
  • 岩蕨属一种岩蕨属的小且丛生的羊齿植物,有裂开的羽状叶,生长在荫凉的、岩地区
    Any of several small tufted ferns of the genus Woodsia, having pinnately divided fronds and growing in cool, rocky areas.
  • 学生甲:比起“耳朵拔河”,这个还差不
    Student A: Compare with the tug of war by ears, it is all right.
  • 学费是多少?
    How much is the tuition?
  • 因渴望得到最优秀的学生,美国很较有实力的大学正在积极地实施学费打折。
    Hungry for the brightest students, many of the country's stronger universities are actively discounting tuition.
  • 饲草属的种鳞茎植物的任何一种,开有各色的郁金香状的花朵,其花具有三个萼片和三个花瓣;产于北美洲西部和墨西哥。
    any of several plants of the genus Calochortus having tulip-shaped flowers with 3 sepals and 3 petals; southwestern United States and Mexico.