  • 写得过多,描述过用矫情的或过多的描写,书写格式来写
    To write about in an artificial or an excessively elaborate, wordy style.
  • 光想不干的原因是绝大部人接受学校教育后却没有掌握钱真正的运转规律,所以他们终生都在为钱而工作。
    The reason positive thinking alone does not work is because most people went to school and never learned how money works, so they spend their lives working for money.
  • 比如我们在大别山,不是加强宣传队、剧团、文化工作的组织和领导,而是把这些机构的干部散去进行土改工作,以致失去或减少了他们的作用。
    For instance, in the Dabie Mountains, instead of strengthening the organization and leadership of propaganda teams, theatrical troupes and cultural works, we sent the cadres working in these fields to undertake land reform work, and so their role was weakened or eliminated.
  • 我已经计算出你应摊的费用是10英镑.
    I've worked out your share of the expenses at 10.
  • 同时切实地鼓励工农干部加紧学习,提高他们的文化水平,使工农干部的知识子化和知识子的工农群众化,同时实现起来。
    At the same time, we should work effectively to encourage worker and peasant cadres to study hard and raise their cultural level. Thus worker and peasant cadres will at the same time become intellectuals, while the intellectuals will at the same time become workers and peasants.
  • 这个队技巧表现得十熟练。
    The team produced a very workmanlike performance.
  • 鞋子做得很考究,事实上,它是做工十精细的样品。
    They were carefully made, in fact, they were models of good workmanship.
  • 实验表明,志愿者在运动之后感觉更自信,在创造性测试中得也更高。
    Following the workout, volunteers in the experiment felt more positive and scored higher on creative exercises.
  • 假设他原来打算用一部收入养一群猎狗,或雇一些仆人,而现在改变了主意,把这部收入用于从事生产活动,用于向增加的工人支付工资。
    Suppose that with a portion of the proceeds he intended to maintain a pack of hounds, or an establishment of servants; and that he changes his intention, and employs it in his business, paying it in wages to additional workpeople.
  • 在创建初期,宝洁公司就开创了某些传统,比如缩短每周工作时间,为员工制订利润享计划等。
    Early in its history, the company pioneered traditions like a short workweek and a profit-sharing plan for employees.
  • 给她很多好处;在外交政策中歧很大的候选人们
    Did her a world of good; candidates that are worlds apart on foreign policy.
  • 我们在前面说,毛泽东同志在他的晚年还提出了关于三个世界划的战略思想,并且亲自开创了中美关系和中日关系的新阶段,从而为世界反霸斗争和世界政治前途创造了新的发展条件。
    As I have already mentioned, in the evening of his life Comrade Mao Zedong formulated the strategy of differentiating the three worlds and personally ushered in a new stage in Sino-American and Sino-Japanese relations.By so doing he created new conditions for the development of the worldwide struggle against hegemonism and for the future of world politics.
  • 比较细长的蓝色鲨鱼;几乎布在世界各地的热带和温带水域。
    relatively slender blue-gray shark; nearly worldwide in tropical and temperate waters.
  • 特征是大耳并主要以昆虫为食;广泛布在世界各地。
    typically having large ears and feeding primarily on insects; worldwide in distribution.
  • 我听了这消息十不安。
    The news had me worried.
  • 阿克修斯城堡充展现了奥斯陆与自然之间的融洽,绝对值得再多看一眼。
    Another look at the fortress of Akershus, which once again demonstrates the harmony of the city with nature, is all the more worthwhile.
  • 若是你愿意为我做这件事, 我将万感激 。
    If you would do this for me, I should be grateful indeed.
  • 之后,她在医务所做了人流,10钟的手术完后,她却陷入深深的焦虑之中。
    The next thing she knew, she was in a doctor's office, having an abortion. When the 10-minute procedure ended, she was wracked by anxiety.
  • 请分开装。
    Can you wrap this separately, please?
  • 售货员:是开包还是包在一起?
    Shall I wrap them together or separately?
  • 各公司可以通过数字包装器确保安全地向远地发软件,以保护内部程序,需要用特殊的代码或口令才能打开程序。
    Companies can ensure safe software distribution to remote locations by using digital wrappers to protect the program inside, requiring special codes or passwords to open the programs.
  • 遇难的船(或船的一部)。
    a wrecked ship (or a part of one).
  • “四人帮”在那里危害党的时候,绝大多数人,可以说百之九十九的干部、党员和人民,都是十担心,忧心忡忡。
    When the Gang of Four was wrecking the Party, the overwhelming majority of the people -- one can say, 99 per cent of our cadres, Party members and people generally -- were deeply disturbed.
  • 同她的孩子们别是一项很大的痛苦。
    Separation from her children was a terrible wrench.
  • 同母亲别对她是极大的痛苦。
    Parting with her mother was a great wrench.
  • 他觉得离开家十痛苦。
    Leaving home was a terrible wrench for him.
  • 同母亲别对她是极大的痛苦。
    Parting with her mother was a great wrench.
  • 当他和孩子离时,他感到离别的痛苦
    Felt a wrench when he was parted from his children.
  • 当一名摔跤运动员抱压对方使双肩触垫达到规定时间,则裁判员给获胜
    The referee awards a fall when one wrestler holds his opponent's shoulders in contact with the mat for a fixed count.
  • 摔跤选手按体重级。
    Wrestlers are divided according to their weight.
  • 公司配给赖特先生一项艰巨而又令人不快的工作后,又雪上加霜、降低了他的薪水。
    After giving Mr Wright a difficult and unpleasant job to do, the company put the boot in and reduced his salary.
  • 褶皱缝得很紧的衣服上的皱纹或起皱纹的部
    A wrinkle or wrinkled part, as in tightly stitched cloth.