  • 俱装坐垫的人为俱配制填塞物弹簧,坐垫和被覆物的人
    One that upholsters furniture.
  • 她从前是个大女人,看上去与其说是穿着衣服,不如说是挂着具布。
    She is a large woman who seems not so much dress as upholster.
  • 有公开的警告发表:各各户,凡要离城外出,务须把具什物存入具店的仓库,以保安全。
    families were publicly cautioned not to go out of town without removing their furniture to upholsterers' warehouses for security;
  • 装饰用的俱布一种用于装潢房间的装有厚绒毛的重织物
    A heavy fabric with a thick nap, used for upholstery.
  • 拉绒织物一种以丝绒的拉毛紧密的织物,主要用于制衣业和具装饰用品业
    A closely napped fabric resembling velvet, used chiefly for clothing and upholstery.
  • 为你的房子或具及保养感到得意。
    proud of your house or its furnishings or upkeep.
  • 关心事的,讲究庭摆设的,(主妇等)以庭为骄傲的,热衷于庭装饰或保养的
    Proud of one's house or its furnishings or upkeep.
  • 农村妇女增加了劳动收入,促进了庭、社会地位的提高
    5. Rural Women have increased their income, hence uplifting their family and social status.
  • 妇女收入的增加不仅改善了农村庭生活质量,也提高了妇女的庭和社会地位。
    The increase of women's income has not only improved the quality of family life in the countryside, but also uplifted their social and family status.
  • 秋收起义文市会师旧址
    Site of the Autumn Harvest Uprising Revolutionary Armies Joining Forces at Wenjiashi
  • 尽管他在学校里有很严格的纪律要求,但他富于幽默感,喜欢给孩子们讲一些小故事,常引得大哄然大笑。
    Although he was quite strict about discipline within the school, he had a keen sense of humor and would delight in telling the children small stories that would make us laugh uproariously.
  • 他为接受新的工作不得不举迁居,在国外重新安
    To take the new job he had to uproot his whole family and settled abroad.
  • 新中国成立后,立即废除帝国主义列强强加给中国的一切不平等条约及其攫取的各种特权,坚决没收法西斯国的在华财产,彻底铲除帝国主义殖民统治在华的政治、经济特权,实现了国的完全独立。
    New China, after its founding, promptly abolished all unequal treaties which had been imposed on China by various imperialist countries and all the privileges they had grabbed from China, resolutely confiscated the property of fascist countries in China, completely uprooted the political and economic privileges of the imperialists' colonial rule in China and realized complete state independence.
  • “他们会把我里搞翻天的!”
    'After turning the place upside down?'
  • "犹太人正在作极大努力向这些庭伸出友好之手,欢迎他们,并从某种意义上说,共同品尝这块多元文化蛋糕。
    "There's been a tremendous upsurge in efforts to reach out to these families, to invite them in and, in a way, to have a multicultural cake and eat it, too."
  • 现在,我们可以满怀信心地说,这种形势的出现已经为期不远;真正实现百花齐放、百争鸣这个马克思主义方针的条件,也在日益成熟。
    We can now say with full assurance that this upsurge will not take long to appear and that the conditions are daily ripening that will enable us genuinely to put into practice the Marxist policy of "letting a hundred flowers bloom, a hundred schools of thought contend".
  • 我们大清楚了解,美国不是非走下坡不可。美国可心蒸蒸日上。我们可以有更好的工作,更好的待遇。我们想要美国成为什么样的国,它就会成为什么样的国
    I want you to understand clearly that America doesn't have to be in decline. America can be on the upswing. We can have better jobs and better pay. We can make this country that we want it to be.
  • 在农村,农业就业虽仍以庭为主,但随着城镇化战略的实施和非农产业的发展,非农就业和农村劳动力转移迅速发展。
    In the countryside, the household is still the dominant unit of agricultural employment. However, with the implementation of the urbanization strategy and the development of non-agricultural industries, non-agricultural employment and the transfer of rural labor have increased rapidly.
  • 同其他国一样,中国在城市化进程中也产生了环境污染问题,对此,中国政府采取有力措施加以控制,努力改善城市环境质量。
    Just like other countries, the issue of environmental pollution has also appeared in the course of China's urbanization. Therefore the Chinese government has adopted effective measures to control environmental pollution and done its best to improve the quality of the urban environment.
  • 到2008年,城市建成区噪声基本达到国标准,电磁辐射和放射性环境继续符合国标准。
    By 2008, the noise level in urbanized areas will be reduced to meet the national standard and the electromagnetic radiation and radioactive environment will remain to be up to the national standard.
  • 如果可能的话,务活应该按缓急程度来分类,快性子的人负责更为紧迫的任务。
    When possible, chores should be classified by their urgency, with the faster person responsible for the more pressing tasks.
  • 忽视这一时刻的紧迫性,对于国将会是致命的。
    It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment and to underestimate the determination of the Negro.
  • 一旦某成员进入国紧急状态,或在其他特别紧急情况下,或在公共的非商业性场合,则可以不受上述要求约束。
    This requirement may be waived by a Member in the case of a national emergency or other circumstances of extreme urgency or in cases of public non-commercial use.
  • 芒罗先生说,如果在许多加拿大人中存在紧迫感,那是由于那些人被误导而相信国正处于大量生物灭绝的危机之中。
    "If there exists a sense of urgency among many Canadians," Mr.Munro continued, "it results from them having wrongly been led to believe the country is in the midst of a mass crisis of extinction."
  • 华特知道有实业公司的经理,对这情形最清楚,可以提供他所需要的资料,华特就去拜访那位经理。
    He knew of only one person who possessed the facts he needed so urgently.
  • 目前自然还不能提出国农业和集体农业的问题,但是为着促进农业的发展,在各地组织小范围的农事试验场,并设立农业研究学校和农产品展览所,却是迫切地需要的。
    Of course, we cannot as yet bring up the question of state or collective farming, but it is urgently necessary to set up small experimental farms, agricultural research schools and exhibitions of farm produce in various places to stimulate the development of agriculture.
  • 发达国应切实履行乌拉圭回合协议中承诺的义务,改进发展中国的市场准入环境;
    the developed nations should earnestly implement their obligations committed in the Uruguay Round Agreement and improve the environment of market access for developing countries;
  • 美国已经同化了许多来自不同国的人。
    The USA has assimilated people from many different countries.
  • 公司现在使用电脑来计算所有的帐目。
    The company now uses a computer to do all its account.
  • 用来覆盖长期闲置的具的大布。
    a large cloth used to cover furniture that is not in use for a long period.
  • 他为什么在具店一逛几个小时?他本可以利用那些时间干点有意义的事的。
    Why did he poke along for hours in the furniture shop? He might have spent the time more usefully.
  • 他为什么在旧具店里一逛几个小时?他本可以利用那些时间干点有意义的事的。
    Why did he poke about for hours in the old furniture shop? He might have spent the time more usefully.