Chinese English Sentence:
  • 瞧那对时髦夫妇,打扮么入时。
    Look at that trendy couple- kitted up all the latest gear!
  • 瞧那对时髦夫妇,打扮么入时。
    Look at that trendy couple - kitted up all the latest gear!
  • 我们只得叨光你们照顾几天啦。”
    We must trespass a little longer on your kindness."
  • 他们虽然慷慨,但是如果我们再拿,就太过分了。
    It would be trespassing upon their generosity to accept any more.
  • 一个大规模的导弹防御"三位一体体系",即布什和他的共和党同僚正在鼓吹的系统,包括海、空和陆基截击系统,其费用可达2400亿美元或更
    A full- scale missile defense “ triad” consisting of sea ,space ,and ground- based interceptors-- the system Bush and his Republican colleagues are advocating--could cost $ 240 billion or more.
  • 长腿和小的三角形身体的蟹。
    any of numerous crabs with very long legs and small triangular bodies.
  • 经过了许考验和磨难之後,我们终於到达了目的地。
    After many trial and tribulation, we finally reach our destination.
  • 这可以理解,然而这毕竟是个大遗憾。因为不论过去或现在,许品格崇高,才华横溢而又坎坷一生的艺术家往往并不长寿,甚至英年早逝。
    Though we can understand why such a condition was imposed, this is really unfortunate as a number of writers, whose great talents enable them to produce brilliant literary works, tend to encounter tribulations in their lives and die at the height of their profession.
  • 一条发源于新墨西哥州的河流,向西流经南亚里桑那州,最后成为科罗拉河的一条支流。
    a river that rises in western New Mexico and flows westward through southern Arizona to become a tributary of the Colorado River.
  • 被征服的国家要向古罗马的统治者纳贡。
    Many conquered nations have to pay tribute to the ruler of ancient Rome.
  • 诡计端的爱耍花招的;有诡计或花招的特征的
    Characterized by or tending to use tricks or trickery.
  • 诡计端的行骗术的,会耍花招的
    Given to or characterized by trickery.
  • 开始只来零星几个人,过了没久,来了一大群人。
    At first there was only a trickle of people, but soon a crowd arrived.
  • 即使做了这么变动,影片所迭的公映时间仍然大为不妙。
    Even with the changes, however, the film will open at a tricky moment in Japan.
  • 这是一个微妙的道义问题,而不仅仅是要看在这个时候一个人有大勇气的问题,因为没有了反映事实的照片,世界怎么能够知道,又怎么会相信有人犯下了暴行呢?
    It's a tricky ethical question, not just a matter of how brave anyone is feeling at the time; because without authentic pictures, how will the world know, how should the world believe what atrocities are committed?
  • 有的则有些特别,祖籍、出生地、成长地、成家地、工作地各有不同,跨城市、跨省份、跨国家,被问到“你是哪里人?”的时候,背后选项越,选择某一答案的考量就颇有意思了。
    But it is trickier for a person whose ancestral home, birthplace, the place he grew up, got married and worked in are not the same - in different cities, provinces and even countries. There is a lot more that he can choose to say in response to the simple "Where are you from? "query. Why and what he decides to say may reveal a lot about him.
  • 为了鼓励工业界参与和支持高等教育院校进行的应用研究,研资局于一九九八至二零零一的三年度拨款2,000万元成立个新的合作研究中心。每个中心均有一个或以上的工商界伙伴。
    To stimulate and encourage industrial participation in and support for applied research in the tertiary institutions, the RGC allocated $20 million in the 1998-2001 triennium for the establishment of new Co-operative Research Centres (CRC), each of which had one or more industrial/business partners.
  • 应该由审问者、法官或者陪审团来决定应该给予证据大的重要性。
    It is up to the trier of fact, the judge or the jury, to determine how much weight or consideration to give that evidence.
  • 应该由审问者、法官或者陪审团来决定应该给予证据大的重要性。
    It is up to the trier of fact, the judge or the jury, to determine how much weight or consideration to give that evidence.
  • 但是,当你购买某种进口产品时,就产生了一种复杂得的交换过程。
    But when you buy an imported product, a much more complicated exchange process is triggered.
  • 如果你同数人一样,这个幽默故事至少也会让你放声大哭。
    If you are like most people, that punch line triggered at least a hearty laugh.
  • interbase和watcomsql共有许特征,包括存储过程,触发器,和全套事务处理控制。
    Interbase and watcom sql share many common feature, including stored procedures, trigger, and full transaction control.
  • 三角测量法一种测量技术,通过将某一地区分成许三角形,这些三角形是以一条已知长度的线为底,由此可通过使用平面直角三角形计算工具精确地测量距离和方向
    A surveying technique in which a region is divided into a series of triangular elements based on a line of known length so that accurate measurements of distances and directions may be made by the application of trigonometry.
  • 耳朵上边多剪一点。
    Trim a little more above the ears.
  • 中国队的这一三人组合成为美国队中的nba对手议论最的话题。
    The Chinese trio received top reviews from NBA foes on the US team at the Games.
  • 目前,北京、天津、河北、山西、江苏等十个省、直辖市以及深圳、大连等城市已建立了地区性劳动关系三方协调机制。
    So far, a dozen provinces and municipalities, including Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi and Jiangsu, and the two cities of Shenzhen and Dalian have set up regional tripartite coordination mechanisms for labor relations.
  • 例如:有关低体重出生研究方面,研究者们已然考虑到这样的事实,即那些想通过医学手段而受精生育的夫妻们年龄比一般生育年龄大些,而且一次胎--双胞胎、三胞胎等等。
    In the low-birth-weight study,for example,the researchers allowed for the fact that parents who use assisted reproduction tend to be older than average and to have more multiple births--twins,triplets and so on.
  • 我们花了一个小时打扫游客扔下的所有废纸和其他东西。
    We spent over an hour clearing up all the waste paper and that which the trippers has left behind.
  • 我们的许研究都浪费在一些无足轻重的琐事上。
    Much of our research is wasted on trivia.
  • 在老谢嫁女婚宴上,几位年不见面的老同事久别重逢,无所不谈,从身边琐事谈到养老金问题。
    At a recent wedding dinner of the daughter of an old friend, I met some former colleagues whom I had not seen for ages. Like me, they had also retired from the civil service. We had a good time catching up with one another. But in addition to trivialities, we also talked about the more serious issue of pension.
  • 有许许影片把暴力行为描述成是鸡毛蒜皮的事。
    Too many films trivialize violence.
  • 她当了年的演员,最后才在“绝不在周日”一剧中取得了国际声誉。
    She had trodden many boards before achieving world fame in “Never on Sunday”.