  • 运输需要多少天?
    How many day for transportation?
  • 句子里一个或个词的字母、音、或音节发生变换的一种语言变化过程。
    a linguistic process of transposition of sounds or syllables within a word or words within a sentence.
  • 句子里一个或个词的字母、音、或音节发生变换的一种语言变化过程。
    a linguistic process of transposition of sounds or syllables within a word or words within a sentence.
  • 装多个或一个阀门
    To furnish with traps or a trap.
  • 这星期你用你这特别的夹子抓住了少只兔子?
    How may rabbits have you trapped in your special trap this week?
  • 我们必须赶快,陷在井下的矿工不能坚持久了。
    We must hurry, because the trapped miners can's hold out much longer.
  • 大城市称不上是美丽的,街道上被乱丢东西。
    Many large cities are anything but beautiful, streets are littered with trash.
  • 大城市称不上是美的,街道上乱丢东西。
    Many large cities are any thing but beautiful , streets are littered with trash.
  • 在许国家到处漂泊;他到处游历。
    wandered wide through many lands; he traveled widely.
  • 他会说这么种语言,因此环游世界毫无问题。
    So many languages can he speak that he should have no problem traveling around the world.
  • 他做了很多的旅行。
    He has done a lot of traveling.
  • 下面是ngio与其他技术之间在数据传输方式上的三大差异:建立个i/o通道(今天,数据传到处理器只有一个通道)。
    The following are the three major differences between other technology and NGIO for the way data travels: The creation of multiple I/O channels (today there's one channel for data traveling to the processor).
  • 你们旅行了长时间?
    How long have you been travelling?
  • 你们旅行了多长时间?
    How long have you is travelling?
  • 她在旅行时遇到了许伤脑筋的事。
    She met with many difficulties when travelling.
  • 光的传导比声音快得
    Light travels much faster than sound.
  • 一个包一路上可能要通过100台机器才能到达目的地。
    A packet may need to traverse more than 100 machines on its way to its destination.
  • 新加坡之小,是客观事实。一个小岛,不过六百平方公里的土地,坐地铁从淡滨尼到裕廊西,一个小时,差不已是从东北到西南,横贯全国了。
    As a matter of fact, the country covers only 600-odd square kilometres, and one can traverse it by train from the east end to the west in less than two hours.
  • 通过把服务器配置成个vlan中的成员,则通过路由器的流量可以进一步减少,让个工作组不用经过路由器就能访问服务器上的数据。
    Traffic through the router can be further reduced by configuring servers to be members of more than one VLAN, giving multiple workgroups access to server data without traversing a router.
  • 随着各公司越来越地依赖于动态网——以及随着保护跨越这些网络的数据变得更为紧要,包加密很可能成为公司安全策略中的重要工具。
    As corporations depend more on increasingly dynamic networks -- and as it becomes more critical to protect the data traversing those networks -- packet encryption likely will become an important tool in corporate security strategies.
  • 例如:相对于经过区域通信次数较少的航班,管制员比较容易记住那些通信次数较的航班。
    For example, if a controller has communicated with a particular aircraft several times, s/he will be more likely to remember "seeing" that aircraft and less likely to remember another aircraft that traversed the sector with little communication.
  • 他办公桌上的文件盘里有很信。
    Letter is piled high in the tray on his desk.
  • 当我们有了更的时间,我的早餐托盘上就变得更加具有喜庆色彩。
    When we had more time, my tray became more festive.
  • 那个出纳员充其量是对俱乐部的钱有点大意,但大数人却认为他为人不诚实。
    The treasurer had at best been careless with the club's money, but most people thought he had been dishonest.
  • 公司的金库里存有少钱?
    How much money is in the company's treasury?
  • 在联合国支持下,通过边谈判(如裁军谈判会议中的边谈判)达成了广泛的协定,包括《核不扩散条约》、《全面禁止核试验条约》以及关于建立无核区的各项条约。
    With UN support, multilateral negotiations, such as those in the Conference on Disarmament, have resulted in a wide range of agreements, including the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, and treaties to establish nuclear-free zones.
  • “你可以翻三倍,说是一百五十年前,也差不。”
    `You might treble that, and say a hundred and fifty, yet not be far from the truth.'
  • 低级花色梅花中的一张扑克牌(其上有一个或个三叶型符号)。
    a playing card in the minor suit of clubs (having one or more black trefoils on it).
  • 使妇女可在家门口收集新鲜、未污染的水,而不必跋涉许里路。
    It allows women to collect fresh and unpolluted water on their doorsteps rather than being forced to trek many frustrating miles.
  • 亚洲从这个过程中获益良,特别是亚洲的经济增长,主要由出口带动。
    Asia has benefited tremendously from the process, especially when the region's growth has been largely export led.
  • 但是,改革开放20年来,中国的综合国力不断提高,并积累了应对复杂变的国际经济形势的经验,国际竞争力和抵御风险的能力大大增强;
    However, through reform and opening up over the past 20 years, China's comprehensive strength has been constantly raised with much experience to respond to the complicated international economic situation accumulated and international competitiveness and ability to withstand the risks tremendously heightened.
  • 求食者多得冷炙。
    He that wait for another's trencher eat many a late dinner.