  • 在仓促跳跑时,许小牛被踩死。
    Many young cows were trampled to death in the rush.
  • 人在慌乱中被踩伤。
    A lot of people were trampled under foot in the rush.
  • 起火时,人群中的很人都被踩在脚下。
    Many people in the crowd were trampled on when the fire began.
  • 被踩死的人实际上比被火烧死的人还要
    More people were trampled to death than were actually killed by the fire.
  • 世界还很不安宁,人类面临着许严峻挑战。
    The world is far from being tranquil and mankind is faced with many grave challenges.
  • 组织有足够的成员进行办理事务。
    a gathering of members of an organization large enough to transact business.
  • 他与很商店进行交易。
    He transacts business with a large number of stores.
  • 该项交易使他蒙受少亏损?
    How much did he lose on the transaction?
  • 这笔交易使他受到少亏损?
    How much did you lose on the transaction?
  • 将数据从个低速存储设备中传送到一个高速存储设备中去的过程。在这种传输过程中,高速设备不必被迫“等待”低速设备。
    The process of transferring data from several storage devices operating at relatively low transfer rates to one storage device operating at a high- speed which is not obliged to"wait" for the low-speed units.
  • 利亚车站可以不转车吗?
    Can I get to Victoria Station without transferring?
  • 在中国的投资增意味着有更的高薪就业机会、更的政府税收收入和更的技术转让。
    And more money invested in China means more high-paying jobs, more government tax receipts, and more technology transfers.
  • 变形金刚比玩具火车贵得
    The transformer is more expensive than the toy train.
  • 1995年到1998年,新修基本农田1000万亩,修建公路6.9万公里,架设输变电线路11.7万公里。
    Between 1995 and 1998 about 667,000 ha of basic farmland were constructed, newly built highways and rough roads extended 69,000 km, and transmission and transformer lines totaled 117,000 km.
  • 那个受伤的男子失血过,必须进行输血。
    The injured man has lost a lot of blood and has to be given a transfusion.
  • 但是该手术会导致大量流血,而福尔所信仰的宗教拒绝输血。
    But such surgery involves extensive bleeding--and Fodor is a member of a religious group that refuses blood transfusions.
  • 货物如果转运,我们得付运费。
    In case of transhipment, we have to pay extra transportation charges.
  • 具有一个输出通道和一个或个输入通道的一种器件,除开关瞬间外,其输出通道的状态完全由输入通道的状态决定。
    A device having one output channel and one or more input channels, such that the output channel state is completely determined by the input channel states, except during switching transients.
  • 新型晶体管正在实验中,不久将投产。
    Many new types of transistors are still being on and will soon be produced.
  • 例如英特尔p6芯片上容纳了550万个晶体管,该芯片比仅容纳2300个晶体管的英特尔4004芯片要大得
    The Intel P6, for example, contains 5.5 million transistors and is much larger than the Intel 4004, which had a mere 2, 300 transistors.
  • 这是要译成种语言的那本书。
    This is the book to is translate into many language.
  • 这是要译成种语言的那本书。
    This is the book to is translate into many language.
  • 我认为她对这篇文章的翻译要比他强的
    I think her translation of the article is much better than his.
  • 这篇文字有很潜在的难点, 译者稍一不慎就要出错.
    This text presents many pitfalls for the translator.
  • 时候,翻译员因不熟悉语文之间的文化差异,而作出错误或不妥的翻译。
    There are many examples of mis-translations or bad translations because the translators were ignorant of the cultural differences between languages.
  • 公司的华文名都是简单的音译,字词的选择马虎轻率,白白失去以文传名的机会。
    Many companies rely on simple transliteration with poor and careless choice of words. As a result, they sometimes lose great opportunities to promote the business with a carefully-chosen name.
  • 当两个或个数据站想在同一时间通过共享信道发送数据,或两个数据站想在同一时间在双向交替通信中发送数据时产生的一种状态。
    A condition arising when two or more data stations attempt to transmit at the same time over a shared channel, or when two data stations attempt to transmit at the same time in two-way alternate communication.
  • 还有众其他的例子,因此移植治疗对减轻成千上万甚至上百万患者的痛苦具有很大的潜力。
    There are numerous other examples. So transplantation therapy could potentially relieve suffering in many thousands or even millions of patients.
  • 使用该项技术(即通过核转移制备克隆)与通过分离胚胎制备克隆的方法不同,核转移技术可以安全获得许具有相同dna的生命形式。
    By using this technology (making clones by nuclear transplantation), unlike the way to make clones from separating the embryo, it is possible to make many lifeforms that have the exact same DNA safely.
  • 到1996年,西藏已建成无线电台2座,无线电视台2座,广播发射或转播台35座,电视转播(差转)台240座,卫星地面接收站700座。
    By 1996 Tibet had two radio stations, two TV stations, 35 radio broadcasting, relaying and transmitting stations, 240 television transponder stations and over 700 ground satellite receiving stations.
  • 到1996年,西藏已建成无线电台2座,无线电视台2座,广播发射或转播台35座,电视转播(差转)台240座,卫星地面接收站700座。
    By 1996 Tibet had two radio stations, two TV stations, 35 radio broadcasting, relaying and transmitting stations, 240 television transponder stations and over 700 ground satellite receiving stations.
  • 卡车大多用来运输。
    Lorries are much used for transport.