Chinese English Sentence:
  • 风暴使4/5的房屋遭到破坏而无法居住,造成50万人无可归。
    Half a million people were left homeless as storm damage made four out of five homes uninhabitable.
  • 即使这样做也需要小心谨慎,要知道一只560磅重的伙可在无意中给人以很大伤害。
    Even this required care,since a 560 pound creature could do a lot of damage to a human unintentionally.
  • 真正完全的国独立的取得,为中国人民按照自己的意愿自主地选择社会政治制度和发展道路,为后来国的对外开放和稳定健康的发展,进而为人权的不断改善创造了根本前提。
    The genuine and complete independence of China has created the fundamental premise for the Chinese people's selection of their own social and political systems and a path for development with the initiative in their own hands, for China's opening to the outside world, for steady and healthy development, and for the uninterrupted improvement of human rights in China.
  • 州的联盟构成国家
    the union of states to form a country
  • 当人类处于原始阶段时,最初实现的是族的联合,然后有了城市、城市同盟与整个国的联合,最后是若干个邦处于同一政府之下的联合。
    In the primitive state of the human race, first unions of families took place, then towns, then confederations of towns,then union of whole countries, finally unions of several states under one and the same government.
  • 西域都护府的设立,标志着西汉开始在西域行使国主权,新疆成为中国统一多民族国的一个组成部分。
    The establishment of the Western Regions Frontier Command indicated that the Western Han had begun to exercise state sovereignty over the Western Regions, and that Xinjiang had become a component part of the unitary multi-ethnic Chinese nation.
  • 西藏人民和中国其他各族人民的紧密相联有着几千年悠久的历史,西藏地区和中国各省区统一为一个国也已有七个世纪,在这么长的时期中,始终没有分裂,而是关系日益密切,这绝不是偶然的。
    The close relations between the Tibetan people and other ethnic groups in China have lasted for several thousand years. And Tibet has been unified with other provinces and autonomous regions to make up a unitary country for seven centuries. In such a long period of time, Tibet's relations with other provinces and autonomous regions have become closer and closer, and there has never been separation.
  • 西藏人民和中国其他各族人民的紧密相联有着几千年悠久的历史,西藏地区和中国各省区统一为一个国也已有七个世纪,在这么长的时期中,始终没有分裂,而是关系日益密切,这绝不是偶然的。
    The close relations between the Tibetan people and other ethnic groups in China have lasted for several thousand years. And Tibet has been unified with other provinces and autonomous regions to make up a unitary country for seven centuries. In such a long period of time, Tibet's relations with other provinces and autonomous regions have become closer and closer, and there has never been separation. This is by no means fortuitous.
  • 那两家公司合并了。
    The two companies united.
  • 个人计算机大都感兴趣,每个人都在学习怎样使用微机。
    Personal computers are of universal interest; everyone is learning how to use them.
  • *普遍性:制订重大政策决定时,所有国都有发言权。
    * Its universality: all countries have a voice when major policy decisions are made.
  • 然而,各国也有许多共同点,都承认人权的普遍性,在人权问题上有共同遵守的国际准则,承认没有任何国的人权状况是十全十美的,都肩负着进一步促进和保护人权的重任。
    But we do have common ground in many other aspects. We all recognize the universality of human rights and observe the same international norms on human rights, we all recognize that no country's human rights situation is perfect, and that all countries are confronted with a weighty task of further promoting and protecting human rights.
  • 在2000年基本普及九年义务教育和扫除青壮年文盲的基础上,到2010年,全面普及九年义务教育,并在城镇和发达地区普及高中阶段教育,使居民平均受教育年限接近中等收入国水平。
    On the basis of basically universalizing the nine-year compulsory education and eliminating illiteracy among youth and the middle aged by the year 2000, the educational sector must complete the universalization of the nine-year compulsory education by the year 2010 and universalize senior secondary education in urban and developed regions. This will bring the average schooling of the Chinese close to that of middle-income countries.
  • 宇宙慢慢地向科学展现了自己的秘密.
    The universe is slowly yielding up its secrets to scientists.
  • 宇宙慢慢地向科学展现了自己的秘密
    The universe is slowly yielding up its secrets to scientists
  • 据专们称,一般来讲,unix被认为更安全和更可靠,但在过去几年中,对windowsnt作网站服务器平台的信任在增加。
    According to experts, Unix has generally been considered more secure and reliable, but trust in Windows NT as a Web-server platform has grown stronger during the past couple of years.
  • 未知的数量;未知的岛屿;不知名的作;未知的原始资料。
    an unknown amount; an unknown island; an unknown writer; an unknown source.
  • 商行是搞非法活动的隐蔽处。
    This business is a cover for unlawful activity.
  • 侵入民宅非法侵入或进入他人宅的行为
    The act of unlawfully breaking into and entering another's house.
  • 经常破门而入到别人盗窃的盗。
    a burglar who unlawfully breaks into and enters another person's house.
  • 要打第三次世界大战,任何一个国都没有能力,只有两个超级大国才有资格发动。
    If there were to be a third world war, only the two superpowers would have the capacity to unleash it.
  • 新闻出版署、公安部、国工商局三部门又联合组织了对全国印刷企业的整顿清理。在这项工作中,全国共压缩印刷企业33148,取缔无证非法印刷企业3723,查处违法违规印刷案件1167起。
    The printing firms have also been targeted by the authorities, who reduced the number of legal printing firms by 33,148, shut down 3,723 unlicensed printing
  • 例如,浙江省专利管理机关就一起外国人提出的打火打专利侵权案件进行了公正处理。责令厂停止侵权行为和赔偿损失。
    For instance, the Zhejiang Provincial Patent Administration Office recently reached a just settlement in a complaint brought by a foreign plaintiff concerning unlicensed production of a cigarette lighter to which he held patent.
  • 例如,浙江省专利管理机关就一起外国人提出的打火打专利侵权案件进行了公正处理,责令厂停止侵权行为和赔偿损失。
    For instance, the Zhejiang Provincial Patent Administration Office recently reached a just settlement in a complaint brought by a foreign plaintiff concerning unlicensed production of a cigarette lighter to which he held patent. The competent authorities ordered the factory concerned to cease all acts of infringement and compensate the foreigner for his losses.
  • 她不同于她里的其他成员
    She's unlike the rest of her family.
  • 专制主义国由某个拥有无限权力的单个人所统治的国或州
    A country or state that is governed by a single person with unlimited power.
  • 请大设想一下,在数十年后,当中国必然成为全世界最大的经济体系时,将会带来无穷的机会。
    Imagine the unlimited economic opportunities which will present themselves in the coming decades as China surely will become the world's largest economy.
  • 早晨4点钟我们回到她的。她母亲出来开门时,我听到她的叫骂声,于是我赶忙说了声再见离开了,留下她任其父母打骂了。
    We arrived back at her house at 4o’clock in the morning. I could heart her mother shouting and swearing as she came to unlock the door, so I said good-bye quickly and left her to the tender mercies of her parents.
  • 古埃及的占星在每月中命名两个不吉利日,但4月份的最后一个星期一、8月的第二个星期一、12月的第三个星期一似乎是三个最不吉利的日子。
    The ancient Egyptian astrologers named two in each month, but the last Monday in April, the second Monday of August, and the third Monday of December seem to have been specially unlucky.
  • 一个男人的生活,尤其是他的庭生活,是由他所娶的妻子所创造或破坏的,未来庭的整个性格是受她的支配的:这是颇为合理的推断。
    It is pretty well suspected that a man's life, particularly his home life, is made or unmade by the wife he marries, and the entire character of the future family is determined by her.
  • 格雷对《新科学》周刊说:“做了父亲的男子与未婚男子的差异更明显。”
    "And fathers seem to show an even more dramatic difference from unmarried men," Gray told New Scientist magazine.
  • 实际上,独身者也许可以成为最好的朋友,最好的主人,最好的仆人,但很难成为最好的公民。因为他们随时可以迁逃,所以差不多一切流窜犯都是无者。
    Unmarried men are best friends, best masters, best servants; but not always best subjects; for they are light to run away; and almost all fugitives, are of that condition.