  • 资本主义社会也不允许无法无天,何况我们坚持的是社会主义制度,我们要建设的是具有中国特色的社会主义!
    Even capitalist society doesn't allow people to defy the law; far less can we, who uphold the socialist system and want to build a Chinese-style socialism.
  • 神或女神。与the连用
    A deity, such as a god or goddess. Used with the.
  • 删除用一系列的x来表示清除、取消、删除,常与out
    To delete, cancel, or obliterate with a series of X's. Often used with out.
  • 该名成员说,这次的演说其实有很多的观念性文字都没有放进去,包括“中国人”和“中国文化”都没有放进去,“一个中国,各自表述”也被最后删掉了。
    References to many key concepts had been omitted from the speech, the writer admitted. For example, "the Chinese people" and "Chinese culture" were missing, and even the "one-China principle open to interpretation by both sides" was deleted from the final version.
  • 我们的孩子喜欢看环画。
    Our children take delight in reading picture-books.
  • 诺亚时期的大洪水旧约全书上记载的发生在诺亚生活时期的大洪水。常与the
    The universal deluge recorded in the Old Testament as having occurred during the life of Noah. Often used with the.
  • (从调制解调器)通过电话线和电脑相的通讯方式。
    (from MOdulate-DEModulate) a communications device used to connect computers by a telephone line.
  • 要被认为是值得信赖的,它必须具有精确性(有效性)和贯性(可靠性)。
    To be considered trustworthy, it must demonstrate accuracy (validity) and consistency (reliability).
  • 低年级在遭挫折后有点士气低落,我们必须想法鼓励他们。
    The junior team is a bit demoralized after a succession of defeats. We must find a way of putting fresh heart into them.
  • 应当吃的食物也拒而不吃。
    He denied himself proper food.
  • 因为如果我们不坚持社会主义,最终发展起来也不过成为一个附庸国,而且就想要发展起来也不容易。
    Because if we did not uphold socialism, we would eventually become, at best, a dependency of other countries, and it would be even more difficult for us to develop.
  • 他判断敌情准确,计划战斗周密,长于出奇制胜,就敌人也不得不佩服他的神机妙算。
    He would size up the enemy's situation correctly, make meticulous plans and carefully deploy his forces. As a result, his troops often defeated the enemy by a surprise move, and even the enemy admired his wonderful foresight in directing battles.
  • 不整合面位于不同地质年代的岩石层之间显示沉积作用非续性的侵蚀面
    A surface of erosion between rock layers of different ages indicating that deposition was not continuous.
  • 这念头令她大为惊讶,似乎向她泄露了她某种做梦也不曾想到的低劣天性。
    She was shocked by this thought. It seemed to reveal to her an undreamed depravity in her nature.
  • 他很沮丧,甚至想去自杀。这甚至孩子都知道得更清楚
    He was depressed, even suicidal. Even a child knows better.
  • 这小镇太沉闷了!一家可以消磨时间的咖啡店都找不到。
    What a depressing little town! I can not even find a coffee shop to go kill some time in.
  • 尽管拥有了偶像地位,特拉沃尔塔的事业却开始进入一个无法避免的重大转折:他70年代后期和大多数80年代的影片遭受了一串的票房惨败,而且形势似乎无法逆转。
    Iconic status aside,Travolta's career was nonetheless headed for a major and inevitable derailment:the late '70s and most of the next decade dished up a seemingly endless string of box office bummers.
  • 由于手指与心脏相,人们给手指的这一特殊的血管起了个描绘性的名称,拉丁文名为venaamori,意为"爱情静脉"。
    Because of the hand-heart connection, they chose the descriptive name vena amori, Latin for the vein of love, for this particular vein.
  • 首先,把atm接到桌面系统已经失宠,因为以太网和快速以太网已经占据了桌面系统的接。
    First, ATM to the desktop lost favor because Ethernet and Fast Ethernet were already well-entrenched in desktop connections.
  • constellation有别于微软现行台式环境的另一方面是,用户可以从任何一台与internet相的机器和java驱动的浏览器来访问个人化的台式web页面。
    Another aspect of Constellation that differs from Microsoft's active desktop is that users can access their personalized desktop Web pages from any machine with an Internet connection and a Java-enabled browser.
  • 工作组交换机也像台式交换机那样,能支持接到单一用户的专用以太网接。
    Like a desktop switch, the workgroup switch can support private Ethernet connections to a single user.
  • 命运三女神克劳丝、莱凯西丝和阿特波斯三位掌握人类命运的女神。与the
    The three goddesses, Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos, who control human destiny. Used with the.
  • 中国政府将按照集中片的原则,把贫困人口集中的中西部少数民族地区、革命老区、边疆地区和特困地区作为2001年至2010年扶贫开发的重点,并确定扶贫开发工作重点县,集中财力、物力和人力,实行统筹规划,分年实施,分类指导,综合治理。
    From 2001 to 2010, the Chinese government will concentrate its poverty alleviation efforts on the ethnic minority areas, old revolutionary base areas, border areas and destitute areas in the central and western regions. Some counties will be designated for special help. The government will use its financial, material and human resources in a concentrated way in the comparatively concentrated poor areas. A unified plan will be drawn up, which will be carried out on a yearly basis. The government will combine separate guidance with a comprehensive approach in the work.
  • 彻底的破坏,根拔起。
    destroy completely, as if down to the roots.
  • 可分开的锁;能够通过搭钩的钉和相的链的锁并能突然关闭。
    a detachable lock; has a hinged shackle that can be passed through the staple of a hasp or the links in a chain and then snapped shut.
  • 序列,即探测随时间相关的事件;
    sequences, or detecting events linked over time;
  • 它们是联想,即探测与单一事件相发生的事情;
    These are associations, or detecting occurrences linked in a single event;
  • 全世界的地震实验室里摆放着的精密的震动监测仪都无法测出的地震前震,似乎也不会被动物所察觉。
    It seems unlikely that these animals could have detected seismic"pre-shocks" that were missed by the sensitive vibration-detecting equipment that clutters the world's earthquake laboratories.
  • 侦探认为这根木棒和谋杀案有牵
    The detective thought the stick was relative to the murder case.
  • 二是取消了作为行政强制措施的收容审查制度,进一步规范了传唤、拘传、拘留等强制措施,明确规定“传唤、拘传持续的时间最长不得超过十二小时。不得以续传唤、拘传的形式变相拘禁犯罪嫌疑人。”
    It explicitly stipulates that "the longest time for summons and summons for detention shall not exceed 12 hours”, and that “it is forbidden to take criminal suspects into custody in disguised forms through continuous summons or summons for detention".
  • 你穿着那件新衫裙真是好看极了。
    You look devastating in that new dress.
  • 大楼的边边角角也遭到了彻底的破坏。第二架飞机的翼尖擦过了南楼78层,正在等电梯的几十人当即死亡。
    Even at the margins, the collisions were devastating: the wingtip of the second plane grazed the 78th floor sky lobby in the south tower, instantly killing dozens of people waiting for elevators.