  • 丛,结合体在一特定地理区域里由一种或两种主要种类构成的区域的大量有机体
    A large number of organisms in a specific geographic area constituting a community with one or two dominant species.
  • 植物生态地理群
    eco-geographical group of plant
  • 宏观进化产生新的分类体形的跨越地质时代的大规模进化
    Large-scale evolution occurring over geologic time that results in the formation of new taxonomic groups.
  • 更重要的是,新加坡的华人社已经适应了这里的地缘政治环境。
    More importantly, the outlook of the Chinese community in Singapore has been attuned to its geopolitical environment.
  • 格勒人住在美国南卡罗来纳州、佐治亚州和佛罗里达州北部沿海一带及沿海岛屿上的具有非洲血统的人之一员
    One of a group of people of African ancestry inhabiting the Sea Islands and coastal areas of South Carolina, Georgia, and northern Florida.
  • 费罗语费罗岛居民使用的北德语
    The North Germanic language spoken by the inhabitants of the Faeroe Islands.
  • 实际上,许多百万富翁说,他们的智力并不超,他们的才华不足以使他们获得成功。
    In fact, most millionaires were told they were not intellectually gifted, not smart enough to succeed.
  • 例如,在华北的开辟阶段,与历史上的前例又有其不同特点,首先抓住以强大的八路军的力量打开局面为中心,接着把中心放在建立政权,自上而下地建立、发展党和众组织,建设财政经济,建立社会秩序。
    For instance, our work at the initial state in north China had certain different characteristics compared with what we had done previous to this. We concentrated first on making a breakthrough with the help of the gigantic forces of the Eighth Route Army, then on establishing political power, establishing and expanding Party and mass organizations from the top down, building financial and economic systems and securing public order.
  • 位于吉尔伯特岛西部的密克罗尼西亚岛中的一个岛屿。
    an island in Micronesia west of the Gilbert Islands.
  • 基里巴斯原称吉尔伯特岛,1979年脱离英国独立。
    Formerly the Gilbert Islands,Kiribati achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1979.
  • 位于图瓦卢岛上的一个岛国;以前该岛成为去尔伯特和埃利斯岛殖民地的一部分,年获得独立。
    an island country on the Tuvalu islands; formerly part of the British colony of Gilbert and Ellice Islands until it withdrew in 1075 and became independent in 1978.
  • 夏威夷以西南的密克罗尼西亚中的一组岛屿;英属吉尔伯特殖民地和埃利斯岛的非正式的一部分,直到年成为了基里巴斯共和国的一部分。
    a group of islands in Micronesia southwest of Hawaii; formerly part of the British colony of Gilbert and Ellice Islands until it became part of the Republic of Kiribati in 1979.
  • 这样,古罗马人称之为岛(insula)的这一片浩瀚的市民住宅区,左右两边各有一大密集的宫殿,一边以小塔宫为首,另一边则以卢浮宫为首,北边是一长带寺院和围起来的田园,纵目眺望,浑然一体。
    Thus an immense block, which the Romans called ~iusula~, or island, of bourgeois houses, flanked on the right and the left by two blocks of palaces, crowned, the one by the Louvre, the other by the Tournelles, bordered on the north by a long girdle of abbeys and cultivated enclosures, all amalgamated and melted together in one view;
  • 那些女孩子们成地围绕着他。
    The girls clustered around him.
  • 两位男子站着醉醺醺地怒目相视,而人饶有趣味地看着他们。
    The two men stood glaring drunkenly at each other while the crowd looked on with amusement.
  • 我瞥见她在人当中。
    I glimpsed her among the crowd.
  • 他看见她一闪就在人中消失了
    He caught a glimpse of her before she vanished into the crowd
  • 保罗只见她一晃就消失在人中了。
    Paul caught a glimpse of her before she vanished into the crowd.
  • 涌向人行道,想看一眼总统的车。
    The crowd swarmed over the pavements, trying to catch a glimpse of the President's car.
  • 我站在人的后面,因此当公爵驱车经过时,我仅看到一眼。
    I was at the back of the crowd and so I only caugt a glimpse of the Duke when he drove past.
  • 小而闪光的鱼游过。
    a school of small glittering fish swam by.
  • 这碧夜良宵,星闪烁着。
    It's such a clear night that the sky is glittering with stars.
  • 权球顶上装有一个十字架并象征着权和公正的球
    A globe surmounted by a cross, used as a symbol of monarchial power and justice.
  • 我们的任务是,继续坚决地执行中央反对把个人突出、反对对个人歌功颂德的方针,真正巩固领导者同众的联系,使党的民主原则和众路线,在一切方面都得到贯彻执行。
    It is our task to continue to observe faithfully the Central Committee's principle of opposition to the elevation and glorification of the individual and to achieve a real consolidation of the ties between the leaders and the masses so that the Party's democratic principle and its mass line will be carried out in every field of endeavour.
  • 羽毛有金属光泽的居鸟;在民居或其它建筑物周围筑巢的鸟;迁栖至世界各地。
    gregarious bird having plumage with dark metallic gloss; builds nests around dwellings and other structures; naturalized worldwide.
  • 粟蚕蛾幼虫;以规则的顺序大行进。
    larva of fungus gnat; march in large companies in regular order.
  • 为发展某种文化目标在一起工作的一人。
    a group of people working together to advance certain cultural goals.
  • 惊恐地大叫,避开山羊。
    The crowd cried out in terror and moved away from the goat.
  • 取缔法轮功组织得到了广大人民众的支持。
    This action of banning Falun Gong organizations has enjoyed broad support of the people.
  • 牧人的全部工作几乎就是保护畜不受伤害,做到了这一点,畜自己就会发展壮大。
    The herdsman has little other occupation than to protect the cattle from harm: the positive agencies concerned in the realization of the product, goon nearly of themselves.
  • 我相信那成女人们的服装颜色一定是一种华丽的奇观,我会百看不厌的。
    I am certain that the colors of women's dresses moving in a throng must be a gorgeous spectacle of which I should never tire.
  • 那帮派头目无论到哪儿都带著他的一打手。
    The gang boss bring his gorilla with him everywhere he go.