  • 然离开然或匆忙地离开
    To leave abruptly or hurriedly.
  • 突然肃静下来。
    There was a sudden hush.
  • 旁观者们然静了下来。
    A hush fell over the onlookers.
  • 竞选中途,战略然改变,借用徐顺全提供的一个天赐缺口,转而集中火力猛攻这两个反对党堡垒。
    But with an opportunity created by Chee Soon Juan halfway through the hustings, he changed tactics and started wooing voters in the two opposition strongholds.
  • 我们一打开兔箱,兔子就然跑出来了。
    The rabbits popped out as soon as we opened the hutch.
  • 我们一打开兔箱,兔子就然跑出来了。
    The rabbit pop out as soon as we open the hutch.
  • 尽管亚伯拉罕的药物治疗已经停上,但他情绪上的问题变的更糟了,他是活动是亢进型的,已经变得有发暴力的倾向,以至于加西亚太太已经要求社会工作者,在明年他们和他们准备领养的约瑟夫一起搬回佛罗里达去的时候,为亚伯拉罕找个新家。
    Even though Abraham's medical needs have eased, his emotional problems have worsened; he is hyperactive and has become so prone to violent outbursts that the Garcias have asked social workers to find him a new home next year when they move back to Florida with Joseph, whom they plan to adopt.
  • 眼球出的甲状腺功能亢进。
    hyperthyroidism with protrusion of the eyeballs.
  • 依照拉宾的看法,以色列人应在大处着眼,意思就是别因阿拉伯人发的暴乱事件而失去理智以致忽略他们多少年来所追求的重要的目标:[与巴勒斯坦人]缔结和平条约。
    To Mr. Rabin, Israelis have to keep their eyes on the ball, which means not letting bursts of Arab violence get them so hysterical that they lose sight of the bigger objective they have pursued for years: a peace treaty.
  • 只有冰山的尖端出于水面。
    Only the tip of an iceberg pokes up above water.
  • 启程四天过去了,正当泰坦尼克号航行于北大西洋多冰的水域时,嘹望员然发现一座巨大冰山。
    Four days after setting out, while the Titanic was sailing across the icy waters of the North Atlantic, a huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a look-out.
  • 锅柄状的出地带从比较广阔的地域出去的狭窄的一个条带,如阿拉斯加州、爱达荷州、俄克拉荷马州、得克萨斯州和西维尔日尼亚
    A narrow strip of territory projecting from a larger, broader area, as in Alaska, Idaho, Oklahoma, Texas, and West Virginia.
  • 然想到一个主意。
    An idea struck me.
  • 与标识符不同,一个命名空间在域内没有一系列事先定义的值,但达到了避免冲的效果。
    In contrast to an identifier, a namespace does not have a predefined set of values within the domain, but acts to avoid collisions.
  • 然的微笑使她容光焕发。
    A sudden smile illuminated her face.
  • 那句话然启发了她。
    That sentence suddenly illumined her.
  • 例如,联合国参与了欧洲航天局、法国、国家空间研究中心和欧洲核研究组织的价值120万美元的项目,以便能为联合国机构和非政府组织进行人道主义援助或冲后恢复与重建项目的所在地连续不断地提供上网可得的卫星图像、图像处理服务、地图和其他地理资料。
    For instance, it participates in a $1.2 million venture with the European Space Agency, France, the Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) to provide continuous web-accessed satellite imagery, image-processing services, maps and other geographic information for any place where UN agencies and non-governmental organizations are providing humanitarian assistance or carrying out post-conflict rehabilitation and reconstruction projects.
  • 其幼体有触须的栉水母;身体在垂直平面扁平,并产生两个大型口瓣和四个带尖出物。
    ctenophore having tentacles only in the immature stage; body compressed vertically having two large oral lobes and four pointed processes.
  • 然精力充沛地投入工作
    Fell to work immediately.
  • 她为有出的才能而欣慰。
    She is blessed with immense talent.
  • 新贵,暴发户一个出身低贱的人然获得财富,权力或重要的位置,尤指此种变化后变得不谦虚或放纵无礼的;暴发户
    A person of humble origin who attains sudden wealth, power, or importance, especially one made immodest or presumptuous by the change; a parvenu.
  • 在东方人看来是不谦虚的作法,从现实结果看,西方的作风是占优势,不出自己的成就,就不能生存,也不能发挥本身的才华。
    What is immodesty in the Eastern ethics has thus become an advantage in reality. So there is some merit in the Western way — one can hardly survive, let alone thrive, without highlighting one's own achievements and potentials.
  • 这种缺乏耐心的急躁情绪在美国的饮食习惯方面则表现得最为出,悠闲自在地坐下来吃顿饭似乎是一种奢侈。
    Nowhere is this impatience more evident than in American eating habits. Sitting down to a leisurely meal seems to be a luxury.
  • 然而,在她然逝世于1997年12月19日胜安空难的一周年,我觉得我必须与她的朋友们分享我心中的悲痛和惋惜。
    However, I feel impelled to join her circleof friends in sharing my sense of sorrow and loss on the first anniversary of her sudden death in the tragic SilkAir crash on December 19, 1997.
  • 然而,在她然逝世于1997年12月19日胜安空难的一周年,我觉得我必须与她的朋友们分享我心中的悲痛和惋惜。
    However, I feel impelled to join her circle of friends in sharing my sense of sorrow and loss on the first anniversary of her sudden death in the tragic SilkAir crash on December 19, 1997.
  • 危机政治、社会或经济等方面的包含即将来临的然变化或决定性变化的不稳定状态
    An unstable condition, as in political, social, or economic affairs, involving an impending abrupt or decisive change.
  • 不能破的堡垒;茂密的热带雨林。
    an impenetrable fortress; impenetrable rain forests.
  • 第二种在感情方面解释的可能性似乎要大一些,因为第一种解释是唐无礼的,不管玛格丽特对自己有什么样的看法,她也是不会接受的。
    The second interpretation seemed the more likely, for the first was impertinently frank, and Marguerite could never have accepted it, whatever opinion she had of herself.
  • 目前的冲可能会给和谈提供新的推动力。
    The present conflict may provide fresh impetus for peace talk.
  • 在项目选择上,出重点行业、重点企业、重点地区。
    On program selection, stress shall be placed on the important sectors, important enterprises and important regions.
  • 他的纵跳能力和腿部爆发力非常出。
    He has very impressive jumping ability and explosive leg strength.
  • 然奋勇加速力图超过别人。
    She put on an impressive turn of speed to overtake the others.