| - 为全面具体地落实《民族区域自治法》,1991年以来,中国制定了20多个民族区域自治条例和一批单行条例,进一步保障了各民族自治地方的自治权。
In order to implement the Law on Regional National Autonomy, since 1991 China has formulated more than 20 regulations on regional national autonomy and some special regulations. This has further guaranteed autonomy in the national autonomous areas. - 《中华人民共和国民族区域自治法》规定:“民族自治地方的人民代表大会有权依照当地民族的政治、经济和文化的特点,制定自治条例和单行条例。”
"The Law of the People's Republic of China Governing Regional National Autonomy "stipulates, "People's congresses in the areas of national autonomy have the right to formulate regulations on the exercise of autonomy or specific regulations in accordance with the political, economic and cultural characteristics of the local nationalities." - 我们想了解一下你们在这方面的供货能力和销售条件。
We'd like to know the availability and the conditions of sale of this line. - 他们加宽了这条大道。
They have broadened out the avenue. - 他们把这条马路拓宽了不少。
They have broadened out the avenue considerably. - 狭长通道形成这种远景的一条街道或一条通道
An avenue or other passage affording such a view. - 我家门前有一条大街。
There is an avenue in front of my house. - 期待不好的刺激出现的一种条件反应。
a conditioned response that anticipates the occurrence of an aversive stimulus. - (五)人工影响天气,是指为避免或者减轻气象灾害,合理利用气候资源,在适当条件下通过科技手段对局部大气的物理、化学过程进行人工影响,实现增雨雪、防雹、消雨、消雾、防霜等目的的活动。
Weather modification refers to efforts aimed at rain or snow enhancement, hail suppression, rain suppression, fog dispersal, frost prevention by exerting, under appropriate conditions, artificial influence on local atmospheric physical and chemical processes through scientific and technological means, in order to avert or mitigate meteorological disasters and rationally exploit climatic resources. - 第二十九条 县级以上地方人民政府应当根据防御气象灾害的需要,制定气象灾害防御方案,并根据气象主管机构提供的气象信息,组织实施气象灾害防御方案,避免或者减轻气象灾害。
Article 29 Local people's governments at or above the county level shall, in light of the need for preventing meteorological disasters, work out plans for the purpose and, on the basis of the meteorological information provided by the competent meteorological departments, make arrangements for carrying out such plans, in order to avert or mitigate meteorological disasters. - 无论何方失败,都直接地、迅速地引起失败者方面的一种新的努力,就是企图挽救危局的努力,使自己脱出这种新出现的不利于我有利于敌的条件和形势,而重新创造出有利于我不利于敌的条件和形势去压迫对方。
A defeat for either side will lead directly and speedily to a new effort by the defeated side to avert disaster, to extricate itself from the new conditions and the new situation unfavourable to it and favourable to the enemy and to re-create such conditions and such a situation as are favourable to it and unfavourable to its opponent, in order to bring pressure to bear on the latter. - 《航空保安条例》提供完备的本地法例,以实施国际民用航空组织所颁布各项关于航空保安的公约及协议。
The Aviation Security Ordinance provides comprehensive local legislation to implement aviation security-related conventions and agreements promulgated by the International Civil Aviation Organisation. - 享乐主义认为行动是追求享乐逃避痛苦为动机的信条
The doctrine holding that behavior is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain. - 回归以后,香港特区政府按照《基本法》第一百五十一条的规定,就海关事宜的合作、资讯科技的合作、避免双重征税等事务单独地与外国及海外地区签署了四项国际协议。
After reunification, the HKSAR Government has, on its own, concluded four international agreements with foreign states and region on matters such as co-operation in customs matters, co-operation in information technology, avoidance of double taxation, etc. - 选干部,标准有好多条,主要是两条,一条是拥护三中全会的政治路线和思想路线,一条是讲党性,不搞派性。
We have several criteria for selecting cadres, but two of them are most important.One is support for the political and ideological lines established by the Third Plenary Session of the Party's Eleventh Central Committee, and the other is strength of Party spirit and avoidance of factionalism. - 信条对特定宗教教义信仰的声明;教义
An avowal of belief in the doctrines of a particular faith; a creed. - 春天,我摸着树干的枝条满怀希望地搜索着嫩芽,那是严冬的沉睡后,大自然苏醒的第一个迹象。
In the spring I touch the branches of trees hopefully in search of a bud the first sign of awakening Nature after her winter's sleep. - 我们十分清楚你们对我们提出的条件肯定会有什么反应。
We were quite aware (of) how you would respond to our terms. - 把那条狗赶走。
Drive the dog away. - 看那个!”第一条鱼上钩后,他充满敬畏地喊道。
Look at that," he said when the first fish struck. He was truly awed. - 天篷吊索一组穿过板条或接头上的孔并用来辅助支撑天篷的龙骨细索
A set of small lines passed through holes of a batten or fitting to help support the backbone of an awning. - 无菌条件;无菌动物。
axenic conditions; germfree animals. - 他们用斧头在树林里劈出一条路。
They cut their way through the forest with their axes. - 正交的属于、关于不同长度的三条相互垂直的轴线所组成的晶体结构的
Of or relating to a crystalline structure of three mutually perpendicular axes of different length. - 立方的属于或与具有三条互相垂的晶形体有关的;等量度的
Of or relating to a crystalline form that has three equal axes at right angles to each other; isometric. - 单斜晶系的有三条不等晶轴,其中两条倾斜相交并垂直于第三条的、或与之有关的
Of or relating to three unequal crystal axes, two of which intersect obliquely and are perpendicular to the third. - 六方晶系的在一个平面内有三条等长的相交成六十度角的轴线和一条与其它轴线垂直的长度可变的轴线
Having three equal axes intersecting at angles of60= in one plane and one axis of variable length that is perpendicular to the others. - 把……视为前提条件;把……认作公理。
take as a given; assume as a postulate or axiom. - 汽车修理厂的机修工发现汽车的後车轴上有一条裂缝。
The garage mechanic find a crack in the back axle of the car. - 轮子由辐条连于轮毂之上的实心圆盘或坚硬的圆环,被设计用以围绕穿过其中心的轴旋转
A solid disk or a rigid circular ring connected by spokes to a hub, designed to turn around an axle passed through the center. - 他对每条潺潺的小溪都感到亲切。
In every babbling brook he finds a friend. - 是啊,虽然工作条件很重要,但我想要在有很多俏妞的地方工作。
Yeah, work condition matter, but I want a job where there are lots of babe.