  • 你的血压正常。
    Your blood pressure is normal.
  • 力、缺乏锻炼、不合理的饮食习惯、隐藏的健康问题——都会造成他的性爱欲望急剧滑坡。
    Stress, lack of exercise, poor eating habits, hidden health problems -- all can make his sex drive nosedive.
  • 任务到我身上了;通报受害者双亲的任务落到我身上了。
    The task fell to me; It fell to me to notify the parents of the victims.
  • 现在,徽章是青铜用模具冲出来的。
    Nowadays badges are stamped out of gun metal.
  • 喷射流体在力迫使下从小喷嘴或小孔中喷出的高速流体
    A high-velocity fluid stream forced under pressure out of a small-diameter opening or nozzle.
  • 在进入喷嘴之前,蒸汽处于高状态。
    Prior to entering the nozzle, the steam is at high pressure.
  • 风箱能产生强气流的一种装置,如用于探检管状器官或给火增加风量,由一个活动的带有阀门的空气室组成,可通过一喷嘴向空气室打气使之缩或膨胀
    An apparatus for producing a strong current of air, as for sounding a pipe organ or increasing the draft to a fire, consisting of a flexible, valved air chamber that is contracted and expanded by pumping to force the air through a nozzle.
  • 用鼻子触;以鼻推压
    To touch with the nose; nuzzle.
  • 我梦想有一天,甚至连密西西比州——一个非正义和迫的热浪逼人的荒漠之州,也会改造成为自由和公正的青青绿洲。
    I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a desert state, sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.
  • 的燕麦和脱水水果、坚果、蜂蜜或红糖做成的谷类食品。
    cereal made of especially rolled oats with dried fruits and nuts and honey or brown sugar.
  • 固执的不屈服于力的或不听从劝告的;固执的
    Not giving way to pressure or persuasion; obdurate.
  • 先生,我只想有一颗舒坦的心,没有被大量的恩惠倒的心。
    I only wanted an easy mind, sir; not crushed by crowded obligations.
  • 没有注意到政治改革的越来越大的力;没有注意到她所冒的危险;并非没有意识到重大的责任。
    oblivious of the mounting pressures for political reform; oblivious to the risks she ran; not unmindful of the heavy responsibility.
  • 那种无形又跟自己形影不离的迫感,可怕可怕。
    What a sad existence for those obsessed by such an urge to push forward!
  • 我们只醉心于优异的考试成绩,把这视为教育的终极目标。莘莘学子几乎完全没有时间追求他们的兴趣,让自己得到更全面的教育,同时减少求学的力,使学习的过程更有意义。
    Instead, e are too obsessed with achieving excellent examination results as the ultimate goal in education, leaving our young with hardly any time to pursue other interests that will give them a more balanced education and help make student life more fulfilling and less stressful.
  • 所以,下次您再看到有关报道日本小学生在重下向成功的阶梯上攀登的文章,请扪心自问,我或我的朋友有什么不同吗?
    So the next time you read about Japan's over-the-top obsession with pushing kids up the success ladder, ask yourself: Am I or my friends all that different?
  • 四、帝国主义列强还在中国经营了许多轻工业和重工业的企业,以便直接利用中国的原料和廉价的劳动力,并以此对中国的民族工业进行直接的经济迫,直接地阻碍中国生产力的发展。
    The imperialist powers operate many enterprises in both light and heavy industry in China in order to utilize her raw materials and cheap labour on the spot, and they thereby directly exert economic pressure on China's national industry and obstruct the development of her productive forces.
  • 维持力直到把堵塞排除。
    Keep the pressure up till you have blown the occlusion out.
  • 无疑地,美德有如名香,经燃烧或榨而其香愈烈,盖幸运最能显露恶德而厄运最能显露美德也。
    Certainly,virtue is like precious odours, most fragrant when they are incensed, or crushed:for prosperity doth best discover vice; but adversity doth best discover virtue.
  • 我的压力很大。
    I'm under a lot of pressure.
  • 树干上的一个分枝在雪的重下折断从高处掉了下来
    One of the offshoot of the trunk fall from high under the weight of the snow
  • 欧姆定律告诉我们:电流等于电除以电阻。
    Ohm's law tells us electric current is equal to voltage divided by resistance.
  • 在物理学中,一个众所周知的定律叫欧姆定律,根据这个定律我们可以知道电流,电和电阻之间存在的关系。
    In physics, one of the well-known laws is Ohm's law, on the basis of this law we can know the relation of the current, the voltage and the resistance.
  • 乌云顶,来势不妙。
    Those black clouds look a bit ominous.
  • 乌云顶,来势不妙。
    Those black clouds are/look a bit ominous.
  • 我太太用洋葱住了这臭肉的味道。
    My wife masked the taste of the bad meat with onions.
  • 力作用到踏板上操作。
    operated by pressing on a pedal.
  • 通过挤按钮操纵的电开关。
    an electrical switch operated by pressing a button.
  • 看来这是对他施加力的最适当时机。
    The moment seemed opportune to turn the heat on him.
  • 他们把反对意见都了下去。
    They broke down all opposition.
  • 国王以苛捐杂税和严刑来迫人民。
    The king oppressed his people with terrible taxes and punishments.
  • 外部没有民族迫,有的是自己民族迫别的民族。
    in their external relations, they are not oppressed by, but themselves oppress, other nations.