  • 代表一个预定义的汇编语言指令序的一种广义上的指令。
    A generalized instruction representing a predefined sequence of assembler language instruction.
  • 但是我们相信毛泽东同志总结出的一个比较重要的原则,这就是每一个党都必须把马克思宁主义的普遍真理同本国的革命实践、本国的实际情况相结合,才能够制定正确的战略和策略,才能够赢得革命的胜利。
    However, we do believe in a fairly important principle, generalized by Comrade Mao Zedong, that is, in order to formulate correct strategies and tactics and achieve victory in revolution, a party must integrate the universal truth of Marxism-Leninism with the revolutionary practice and actual conditions in its own country.
  • 清朝在西域设立伊犁将军并建立新疆行省,在西藏设立驻藏大臣,并确立了由中央政府册封达赖、班禅两大活佛的历史定制,在西南地区实行“改土归流”(少数民族地方行政长官由中央政府委派)等一系政策。
    The Qing Dynasty set up the Ili Generalship and Xinjiang Province in the Western Regions, appointed resident officials in Tibet and established the historical convention of conferring honorific titles on the two Living Buddhas Dalai and Panchen lamas by the Central Government. In addition, the Qing Dynasty carried out a series of policies, including a system of local administrators in minority areas appointed by the Central Government, in southwestern China.
  • 打印机也可以打印程序表和图形图片。
    Printers can also generate listings of programs and graphic images.
  • 气功是种系呼吸运动,它们都强调全神贯注。
    Qigong is the generic range of breathing exercises. They all focus on quiet concentration.
  • 遗传学中研究生物体之基因(其脱氧核糖核酸序)的分支。
    the branch of genetics that studies organisms in terms of their genomes (their full DNA sequences).
  • 最后,确定大片段人类基因组和其它机体的dna序
    Finally, to determine the DNA sequence of a large fraction of the human genome and other organisins.
  • 大约3年前,科学家们宣布,他们已绘制出所谓的人类基因组序草图。
    Nearly three years ago, scientists announced a so called rough draft of the sequence of human genome.
  • 同样地,当我们有了染色体组序,在完全明白它是如何运作的以及它能让我们达到什么目的之前,我们也还有许许多多的工作要做。
    Similarly when we have the sequence of the genome there will still be a lot of work to do before it is fully understood how it works and what can be achieved with it.
  • 对染色体组序的了解能实现什么目的已经有很多推测,一些政治家和报纸已经预言它将可能治愈癌症或让人活到130岁。
    There has been much speculation15 about what can be achieved from knowledge of the sequence of the genome.Some politicians and newspapers have prophesied16 that it will be possible to cure cancer or live to 130.
  • 到目前为止,这在医学上还不可能,但我相信如果我们搞清了染色体组序,那么就能更好地了解我们的身体是如何运作的,并且当我们生病时,我们就能知道是什么出了毛病,这是可能实现的事。
    Hitherto19 that has not been possible for medical science but we believe that if we have the sequence of the genome it will be possible to understand much better how the body works and what goes wrong when we have diseases.
  • 生物界对基因自我修补的兴趣使探索者对耐放射线的细菌(deinococcusradiodurans)的基因组的排顺序进行了研究,这有助于理解小行星上有机物精妙的生理机制,这种机制能使它们在宇宙中长途跋涉后仍能生存下来。
    Biological interest in genetic self-repair led investigators to sequence the genome of the radiation-tolerant bacterium Demococcus Radiodurans. That work constitutes an important step in understanding an ingenious biological mechanuism that might enable an organism to survive a long ride through space on a meteoroid.
  • 水稻基因组精细图完成、10兆瓦高温气冷核反应堆实验工程建成、超大规模并行处理计算机研制成功、“神舟”系飞船试验成功等,标志着我国在相关领域跨入世界先进行
    A detailed map of indica rice genome was completed, an experimental 10 mw high temperature gas-cooled reactor was built, a super-large parallel processing computer was developed, and the Shenzhou series of spacecraft was successfully tested. All these achievements show that China ranks among the advanced countries in the related fields.
  • 我认为我最重要的发现是测定dna核苷酸顺序的"2?脱氧?化学结构",这一方法现在正被用来解读人类染色体组序。人类染色体组也许是最重要的化学物质,因为它包含了我们人体结构和功能的所有信息。
    I think my most important discovery was the “dideoxy10”method for determining the sequence11 of nucleotides12 in DNA,which is now being used to read the sequence in the human genome13.The human genome is probably the most important chemical substance since it contains all the information for the construction and functioning of our bodies.
  • 被誉为维吾尔族“音乐之母”的维吾尔族大型古典音乐套曲“十二木卡姆”,在新中国成立前已濒于灭绝,新疆地方政府将其为重点抢救的艺术品种组织力量搜集、整理。
    The Twelve Muqams opera, a classical musical treasure of the Uygur people, which was also on the way out before the founding of New China, has long been an artistic form on the top of the list for rescue by the local government of Xinjiang, which has mobilized efforts for collecting and editing works of this genre.
  • 2.在地理标志方面,成员应提供法律措施以使利害关系人阻止下行为:
    2. In respect of geographical indications, Members shall provide the legal means for interested parties to prevent:
  • 上新世的上新世的、属于或表示第三纪五世中最后一世的地质时代、岩石系和沉积物的,以明显地出现现代动物为特征
    Of, belonging to, or designating the geologic time, rock series, and sedimentary deposits of the last of the five epochs of the Tertiary Period, characterized by the appearance of distinctly modern animals.
  • 宁夏地质陈列馆
    Geological Museum of Ningxia
  • 石油大学地质陈列馆
    Geological Museum of Petroleum University
  • 长春地质学院陈列馆
    Exhibition Hall of Changchun Geological Institute
  • 北京大学地质陈列馆
    Exhibition Hall of Geology, Beijing University
  • 内蒙古地质矿产陈
    Museum of Geology and Mineral Resources of Inner Mongolia
  • 几何排表明几何图形或线条的一种物质排
    A physical arrangement suggesting geometric forms or lines.
  • 五个一组的花的组成部分花朵中的组成部分,如花瓣、萼片和雄蕊成五个一组排的,如在天竺葵中
    Having flower parts, such as petals, sepals, and stamens, in sets of five, as in the geranium.
  • 侵华日军第七三一细菌部队罪证陈
    Exhibition Hall of Crime Evidence of Japanese Germ Factory in Harbin
  • 凡得90分的学生为甲等.
    A student who gets 90% is graded A.
  • 布雷克又喝了一杯吉布森鸡尾酒,然后看了看钟表,发现他已经错过了特快车。
    Blake drank a second Gibson and saw by the clock that he had missed the express.
  • 布兰似巨人般的凯尔特人的上帝和不颠统治者。在战斗中因伤致死后,他的头被埋葬在伦敦,以作为一种反对侵略者的保护力量
    A gigantic Celtic god and ruler of Britain. After he was mortally wounded in battle, his head was buried in London, where it served as a protection against invaders.
  • 按面积大小依次排各省。
    R-the provinces in the order of size.
  • 腺囊前腺的一个小的发育不全的囊
    A small vestigial blind pouch of the prostate gland.
  • 腺炎前腺的炎症
    Inflammation of the prostate gland.
  • 腺的前腺的,与其有关的
    Of or relating to the prostate gland.