  • 严重的精神病,例如精神分裂症和严重的情绪失衡,大多在青少年期和成年初期现。
    Severe mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia and severe mood disorders, often start at teenage and in early adulthood.
  • (市场)将现五类硬件产品,为向千兆位过渡服务,它们是千兆位以太网卡(nic)、连接100兆和1千兆位/秒以太网段的混合交换机、全千兆位以太网交换机、全千兆位以太网中继器和千兆位使能的路由器。
    Five types of hardware will appear to serve the gigabit migration: Gigabit Ethernet network interface cards (NIC), aggregating switches that connect 100M and 1G bit/sec Ethernet segments, all-gigabit Ethernet switches, all-gigabit Ethernet repeaters and gigabit-enabled routers.
  • 他的话别人实在说不口(如因太下流)。
    His language won't bear repeating, eg because it's too obscene.
  • 及时调部队,将敌人从他们的国土上赶去。
    The troops were brought up in time to repel the enemy from their country.
  • 后来农业部落变得强大得能够击退这种入侵,入侵的部落便失去了这种路,也就被迫变成农业社会。
    until, these having become sufficiently powerful to repel such inroads, the invading nations, deprived of this outlet, were obliged also to become agricultural communities.
  • 与抗磁性(轻微受磁体排斥)有关,或显示抗磁性。
    relating to or exhibiting diamagnetism; slightly repelled by a magnet.
  • 格林先生被他的一个同伴从这家公司排挤去了。
    Mr Green was repelled from the company by one of his partners.
  • 由于人民团结一致,侵略者终于被逐我国。
    The invaders were repelled from our country, as a result of people's unity as one.
  • 角质一种现在某些植物细胞的细胞壁上的蜡状抗水物质,它形成覆盖在表皮外面的角质层
    A waxlike, water-repellent material present in the walls of some plant cells and forming the cuticle, which covers the epidermis.
  • 澳大利亚东海岸的大堡礁常有鲨群没。3月27日,澳大利亚的一个科技公司宣布他们成功发明了一种驱鲨器。只要潜水者在腿上穿着这种驱鲨器,驱鲨器产生的某种电场会使鲨鱼觉得“避之则吉”。
    An Australian firm unveiled on March 27, 2002 an electronic shark repellent unit which when attached to a swimmer's leg,it will emit an electronic field to warn of sharks.
  • 我做了自已的选择,永远也不会后悔。
    I've made my choice and I'll never repent it.
  • 不彻底的忏悔于害怕被惩罚而对自己罪的懊悔,并非于对上帝的爱
    Repentance for sin motivated by fear of punishment rather than by love of God.
  • 你们要作善果来证明自己真心悔改。不要心里以为‘我们有亚伯拉罕为我们的祖宗'。
    Then prove your your repentance by the fruit it bears; and do not presume to say to yourselves,"we have Abraham for our father."
  • 于一种迷信的想法,她希望天主会因为她的改悔和皈依而把美貌和健康留给她。
    Her past appeared to her to be one of the major causes of her illness, and a kind of superstition led her to hope that God would allow her to keep her beauty and her health in exchange for her repentance and conversion.
  • 总统的逝世引起乎意料的反响。
    The president's death had unexpected repercussion.
  • 我预言,董事长会在圣诞节聚会上把他平时经常讲的乏味的笑话又拿来。
    I predict the Chairman will be dishing up his usual repertoire of boring jokes at the Christmas party.
  • 自一九九六年移居加拿大以来,刘芳每年定期在欧洲国家巡回演,活跃于欧美的音乐舞台上,并参加各种艺术节,每年举行近百场音乐会,包括个人独奏及与其他音乐家和乐队合作,得到了专家和听众极高的赞誉.
    Since moving to Canada in 1996, Liu Fang has built a remarkable artistic profile by captivating audiences and critics with the richness and grace of her playing as well as her wide ranging repertoire.
  • 洛加尼斯必须完成一个近乎满分的动作才能获得金牌,而他真的做到了这一点。他最后做了其拿手好戏中最难的动作:一个抱膝1周半空翻,就这样仅以0.1分的优势从熊倪那儿夺走金牌。
    Louganis had to make a near perfect dive to take the gold and he did it with the most difficult one in his repertoire, a 1-1/2 somersault in tuck position, allowing him to edge Xiong Ni by a mere point to win the gold.
  • 简加上这几戏,使她的演剧目得到了加强。
    Jane weighed down her repertory with these plays.
  • 她在一个轮演剧目剧团里演三年。
    She acted with a repertory company for three years.
  • 在一九九七年,香港话剧团推了6剧作,合共演84场,吸引观众达52423人次。
    The Hong Kong Repertory Theatre staged six productions in 84performances in 1997, attracting 52423 people.
  • 在那些非常杰而成为人们所喜爱的各种音乐形式的乐曲中,只有贝多芬和莫扎特才能在数量上同柴可夫斯基相匹敌。
    Only Beethoven and Mozart can rival Tschaikovsky in the number of compositions in various musical forms that stand out as repertory favorites.
  • 常备剧目的剧院就该挣扎着维持生计,而管弦乐团却享受着慷慨的资助,这几乎已成为了一个传统。
    It has almost become a tradition that repertory theatres are expected to manage on a shoestring, while quite generous grants are given to orchestras.
  • 西方文化的另一个特点是强调个人的贡献,或许这有历史与宗教的原因。以个人为主是西方传统风格,演变到今日表现在西方文化和创造发明中往往是制造个人英雄,并将其英雄作风和贡献突于集体之上。
    Another characteristic of Western culture is the emphasis on individual contribution. Perhaps there may be some historical or religious reasons, but the mainstay of Western culture is the individual. This trait is manifested in the adulation of individual heroes in Western culture and creativity. The individual's heroic exploits and contributions are placed above collective effort.
  • 以个人为主是西方传统风格,演变到今日表现在西方文化和创造发明中往往是制造个人英雄,并将其英雄作风和贡献突于集体之上。
    Perhaps there may be some historical or religious reasons, but the mainstay of Western culture is the individual. This trait is manifested in the adulation of individual heroes in Western culture and creativity. The individual's heroic exploits and contributions are placed above collective effort.
  • 同一个句子里以不同的格或者曲折变化现的重复。
    repetition of a word in a different case or inflection in the same sentence.
  • 毛泽东同志多次不赞成歌功颂德,提不以个人名字给地方、企业命名,不祝寿、不送礼。
    Comrade Mao said on numerous occasions that he was against adulation of anyone, and he proposed that no places or enterprises should be named after leaders and that there should be no celebration of their birthdays and no presentation of gifts.
  • 为了安全完成驾驶任务,在高速公路上驾车与在乡村公路上驾驶车辆的状态相比,可区分θ波与β波状态。
    The repetitious nature of that form of driving compared to a country road would differentiate a theta state and a beta state in order to perform the driving task safely.
  • 减少字符串中由于字符的重复现而占据的数据媒体空间。
    In a character string, to reduce the space taken on a data medium by repetitive characters.
  • 贝克汉姆透露,有关人员告诉他除了参加英格兰队的比赛,否则请他不要离开他酒店单独行,因为球迷对他的崇拜实在是太疯狂,根本无法控制。
    Beckham said he had been told not to leave his team hotel except when on England duties, because the adulation from Japanese fans was so overwhelming.
  • 在人类可能会发笑的场面,如与同类或人类嬉戏,或胳肢搔痒,它们会张大嘴巴,露它们的牙齿,嘴角收缩,发响亮而重复的声音。
    The great apes, such as chimpanzees, do something similar to humans. They open their mouths wide, expose their teeth, retract the corners of their lips, and make loud and repetitive vocaliza tions in situations that tend to evoke human laughter, like when playing with one another or with humans, or when tickled.
  • 笨拙的表现愚钝的;愚蠢的
    Marked by a lack of adroitness; inept.