  • 日本国立业科研机构
    National Agricultural Scientific Institutions in Japan
  • 故事发生在弗吉尼亚州皮里营的"场"--中情局的秘密培训基地。一名年轻的情报受训生怀疑他的教练(和"场"的其他人)是双重间谍。
    Set at the "secret"CIA training facility called the Farm at Camp Peary in Virginia,a young agent trainee suspects his instructor (and others at the Farm) of being a double agent.
  • 村我们远离了在大城市生活的种种焦虑。
    In the country , we insulated ourselves from the worries of life in a big town.
  • 使红军从斗争中日益增加其数量和提高其质量,能在将来三省总的暴动中执行它的必要的使命;使各县地方武装即赤卫队和工暴动队的数量增加质量提高起来,此时能够与挨户团和小量军队作战,将来能够保全边界政权;
    constantly expand the Red Army and enhance its quality through struggle so that it can fulfil its mission in the coming general insurrection of the three provinces;
  • 但是这种战争,不到资产阶级处于真正无能之时,不到无产阶级的大多数有了武装起义和进行战争的决心之时,不到民群众已经自愿援助无产阶级之时,起义和战争是不应该举行的。
    But this insurrection and war should not be launched until the bourgeoisie becomes really helpless, until the majority of the proletariat are determined to rise in arms and fight, and until the rural masses are giving willing help to the proletariat.
  • 使各县地方武装即赤卫队和工暴动队的数量增加质量提高起来,此时能够与挨户团和小量军队作战,将来能够保全边界政权;
    enlarge the local armed forces in the counties, that is, the Red Guards and the workers' and peasants' insurrection detachments, and enhance their quality so that they are able to fight the landlords' levies and small armed units now and safeguard the political power of the border area in the future;
  • 地方武装有赤卫队和工暴动队。
    The local armed forces consist of Red Guards and insurrectionary detachments of workers and peasants.
  • 乡村普遍组织了工暴动队,区县两级则有赤卫队。
    Insurrectionary detachments of workers and peasants were organized in the villages, and Red Guards were formed at the district and county levels.
  • 然而知识分子如果不和工民众相结合,则将一事无成。
    But the intellectuals will accomplish nothing if they fail to integrate themselves with the workers and peasants.
  • 真正的革命者必定是愿意并且实行和工民众相结合的。
    A true revolutionary must be one who is willing to integrate himself with the workers and peasants and actually does so.
  • 我们的文艺工作者必须走与工兵相结合的道路。
    Our literary and art workers must take the road of integrating with the workers, peasants and soldiers.
  • 发展小城镇要以现有的县城和有条件的建制镇为基础,科学规划,合理布局,同发展乡镇企业和村服务业结合起来。
    We should develop small towns on the basis of existing county seats and of organic towns where conditions permit, make scientific planning and a rational layout, integrating their development with the expansion of township and village enterprises and the rural service sector.
  • 所以,无论如何,中国无产阶级、民、知识分子和其他小资产阶级,乃是决定国家命运的基本势力。
    Therefore, the proletariat, the peasantry, the intelligentsia and the other sections of the petty bourgeoisie undoubtedly constitute the basic forces determining China's fate.
  • 这种社会势力是:工人阶级、民阶级、知识分子和进步的资产阶级,就是革命的工、、兵、学、商,而其根本的革命力量是工,革命的领导阶级是工人阶级。
    These social forces are the working class, the peasantry, the intelligentsia and the progressive section of the bourgeoisie, that is, the revolutionary workers, peasants, soldiers, students and intellectuals, and businessmen, with the workers and peasants as the basic revolutionary forces and the workers as the class which leads the revolution.
  • 就是无产阶级和共产党在全国政治势力中的比重的增长,就是民、知识分子和城市小资产阶级或者已经或者可能承认无产阶级和共产党的领导权,就是民主共和国的国营经济和劳动人民的合作经济。
    The increasing relative importance of the proletariat and the Communist Party among the political forces in the country; leadership by the proletariat and the Communist Party which the peasantry, intelligentsia and the urban petty bourgeoisie already accept or are likely to accept; and the state sector of the economy owned by the democratic republic, and the co-operative sector of the economy owned by the working people.
  • 本港的业主要采用精耕细作方式,生产优质的新鲜副食品。
    Local agriculture is directed towards the production of high quality fresh food crops through intensive land use.
  • 在50年代,我们这一地区鸟类学家最关心的是稀有的野火鸡。纯种野火鸡已经和户的家养火鸡混种,品种质量有所下降。
    In those days, during the 1950s, the big concern of ornithologists in our area was the wild turkey. They were rare, and the pure-strain wild turkeys had begun to interbreed with farmers domestic stock. The species was being degraded.
  •  任何单位不得截留、挪用各级人民政府拨付用于业的资金和银行的业贷款。
    No unit shall intercept or misappropriate the funds for agriculture allocated by people's governments at various levels or agricultural loans by banks.
  • 第四十一条 县级以上人民政府应组织财政、金融、粮食、供销等有关部门和单位及时筹足产品收购资金,任何单位或者个人不得截留或者挪用。
    Article 41 People's governments at or above the county level shall organize the relevant departments and units such as those of finance, banking, grain, supply and marketing to raise in time enough funds for purchasing agricultural products. No unit or individual may intercept or misappropriate such funds.
  • 在平原区,大力推广窄冠型杨树与作物间作,并营造田林网;
    Intercropping of narrow crown poplar and agricultural crops will be popularized and networks of forest belts on farmland will be built.
  • 巩固完善大中城市蔬菜生产基地,鼓励区通过间作套种等多熟制栽培措施,发展蔬菜生产,稳定提高蔬菜均衡供给水平和有效供给能力。
    It will consolidate and perfect vegetable production bases around large and medium-sized cities, and encourage farming areas to expand vegetable production through intercropping, relay intercropping and oth er multi-harvest cultivation measures so as to improve the balanced supply of vegetables and enhance the capability for the effective supply of vegetables.
  • 中国支持并积极参与联合国系统开展的各种海洋事务,加入了联合国教科文组织政府间海洋学委员会、海洋研究科学委员会、海洋气象委员会、国际海事组织、联合国粮组织、北太平洋海洋科学组织、太平洋科学技术大会等近20个国际组织,并与几十个国家在海洋事务方面开展了广泛的合作与交流。
    China has always supported and actively participated in the various forms of marine-related activities promoted by the United Nations. China has joined nearly 20 international organizations, including the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO/IOC), Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR), Commission on Maritime Meteorology (CMM), International Maritime Organization (IMO), UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES), and Pacific Conference on Science and Technology (PACON). China has also engaged extensively in cooperation and exchanges in maritime affairs with scores of countries in the world.
  • 决定的因素,在中国内部是国共两党的合作和在这一合作的基础上的国民党政策的转变,是工群众的力量;
    Internally, the decisive factors are Kuomintang-Communist co-operation and a change in Kuomintang policy on the basis of this co-operation, and the strength of the worker and peasant masses.
  • 全国党派,从共产党到国民党;全国人民,从工人民到资产阶级;全国军队,从主力军到游击队;
    Internally, they comprise all the political parties in the country from the Communist Party to the Kuomintang, all the people from the workers and peasants to the bourgeoisie, and all the armed forces from the regular forces to the guerrillas;
  • 西藏在1959年民主改革之前,是一个比欧洲中世纪还要黑暗的政教合一的封建奴制社会。
    Before the Democratic Reform of 1959 Tibet had long been a society languishing under a system of feudal serfdom which intertwined politics with religion, a society which was even darker than the European society of the Middle Ages.
  • 往往与小地主利害联在一起。
    The interests of the rich peasants are often interwoven with those of the small landlords.
  • 当革命初期,中间阶级表面上投降贫阶级,实际则利用他们从前的社会地位及家族主义,恐吓贫,延宕分田的时间。
    In the early days of the revolution the intermediate class ostensibly capitulated to the poor peasant class, but in reality they exploited their traditional social position and clan authority to intimidate the poor peasants for the purpose of delaying the distribution of land.
  • 因为这种经济压迫,不但中等阶级忍不住,工人、贫和红军亦恐将有耐不住之时。
    For not only is such economic strain intolerable to the intermediate class, but some day it will prove too much even for the workers, poor peasants and Red Army men.
  • 夫拿著大棒追赶闯进来的人。
    The farmer come after the intruder with a big stick.
  • 夫习惯于艰苦的劳动。
    Farmers are inured to hard work.
  • 接受调查的所有人都曾在20世纪30年代填写过一份英格兰和苏格兰城市及村家庭饮食状况的调查表。
    All of the adults in the study had filled in a food inventory during the 1930s for a research study looking into the eating habits of families in rural and urban areas of England and Scotland.
  • 无论是村改革还是城市改革,其基本内容和基本经验都是开放,对内把经济搞活,对外更加开放。
    We can say this will be a comprehensive reform. The basic content of both rural and urban reform is to invigorate the domestic economy and open China wider to the outside world.