  • 充满灵感的绘画
    A painting full of inspiration.
  • 例如给他人一本励志的书,就是为他带来一些可使他的生命满奇迹的东西。
    Give someone a good inspirational book,for instance,and you give that person something that will work wonders in his or her life.
  • 满惧怕的好奇与尊敬感引起。
    inspired by a feeling of fearful wonderment or reverence.
  • 尽管按揭利率大幅下调以及市民的负担能力亦见提高,但碍于市民对就业前景和入息是否稳定仍有忧虑,加上新推出的楼宇供应裕,购买意欲仍然受到抑制。
    Notwithstanding substantially reduced mortgage rates and improved affordability, buying interests were restrained by concern over job security and income instability, and by the ample supply of new flats in the pipeline.
  • 金管局的政策力求高度透明,使金融界及广大市民能分了解货币发行局的运作情况,并加强公众对联系汇率的信心。
    The HKMA pursues a policy of transparency to ensure that the financial industry and the wider public are fully informed of the currency board operations and to instil public confidence on the link.
  • 充满爱意的言辞
    Words instinct with love.
  • 这幅画满着生机,美极了。
    The picture is instinct with life and beauty.
  • 收益低、变化无常的天气和农民们对改变现状的本能抵制都妨碍农民们(早富有和最有远见者除外)分利用新型机械。
    Low profits, the uncertainties of the weather, and farmers' instinctive resistance to change prevented all but the richest and most far-sighted farmers from taking advantage of the new age of machines.
  • 她还补说这项活动已制度化并且在活动中接待单位也做得更加完善。
    " But she added that the event has become institutionalized and that employers have become better at it.
  • 工具当工具的东西;工具
    One that serves as a means; an instrumentality.
  • 中国劳动力裕固然有利于发展的一面,但在资金短缺、资源相对不足的条件下,解决不断增长的劳动力就业问题是相当困难的。
    On one hand, China's abundant labour force is of course conducive to development. On the other, however, it will be considerably difficult to tackle the problem of employment of a continuously growing labour force under the shortage of funds and the relative insufficiency of resources.
  • 他们在这项工程中没有给以分的帮助。
    They gave insufficient help in this project.
  • 他们没有给以分的帮助。
    They gave insufficient help.
  • 不实施或不分实施;
    Failure to Work or Insufficient Working;
  • 表演不分表演(角色)不足或缺乏表现力
    To perform(a role) weakly or with insufficient expressiveness.
  • 逼迫、挤压或塞如不足的空间;塞满
    To force, press, or squeeze into an insufficient space; stuff.
  • 人生是从不分的前提引申出分的结论的艺术。
    Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusion from insufficient premises.
  • 分的没有足够的能力来实现某种需求或达到某种要求的;不足的
    Not adequate to fulfill a need or meet a requirement; insufficient.
  • 他认为那只是在小范围内作的不分的市场调查。
    He feels that insufficient market was done and only in a limited area.
  • 使营养不足以提供营养不足的数量或质量来维持适当的健康和生长
    To provide with insufficient quantity or quality of nourishment to sustain proper health and growth.
  • 生活是一种艺术,要在不足的前提下得出足的结论。(巴特勒)
    Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises.( S. Butler)
  • 纤维填料一种用作填材料或绝缘材料的轻人造纤维,如做棉被、枕头或外套
    Lightweight synthetic fiber used as filling or insulation, as in comforters, pillows, and outerwear.
  • 在工程规划阶段,当局分考虑工程费用、社会成本,以及其他费用和收益,以选取最佳方案。
    During the project planning stage, the construction costs, social costs and other intangible costs as well as possible revenues to be generated are taken into account in deciding the best option for implementation.
  •  分利用北京地区的优势,通过整合资源和政策扶持,发展有规模的体育企业集团。
    Make full use of Beijing's regional advantages to develop sports enterprise groups of scale by integrating the sports resources and giving policy support.
  •  分认识奥运会的政治、经济和社会效益的巨大作用,要树立社会体育、竞技体育、体育产业三位一体的现代体育发展观。
    Fully realize the tremendous political, economic and social effect of the Olympic Games, and establish the modern notion of sports development by integrating public sports, competition sports and sports industry into one.
  • 分应用现代科学技术的最新研究成果,特别是生物、信息、材料等领域内的最新成果。
    China will intensively apply latest developments of modern science and technology, particularly those new achievements in biology, information and materials.
  • 雷达截击系统在1940年空战中得到了分考验。
    The radar interception system was fully put to the test by the air truffles of 1940.
  • 调解当调解人;调解
    To act as an intermediary; mediate.
  • 他拒绝当这两个董事之间的调解人。
    He refused to act as an intermediary between the two director.
  • 当生者和死者仲裁人的人。
    someone who serves as an intermediary between the living and the dead.
  • 分发挥行业协会和中介机构的作用,改革和完善其自律机制,重视广大群众和新闻媒体的监督作用。
    We need to give full play to the role of industrial associations and intermediary organizations, change and improve their mechanisms of self-discipline and attach importance to supervision by the general public and news media.
  • 由于阶级的出现,几千年来人类的生活中满了战争,每一个民族都不知打了几多仗,或在民族集团之内打,或在民族集团之间打。
    For several thousand years since the emergence of classes, the life of mankind has been full of wars; Each nation has fought countless wars, either internally or with other nations.