  • 路費已削減到不能再減的最低限度了
    Expenditure on road repair has been cut to an irreducible minimum
  • 路費已削減到不能再減的最低限度了。
    Expenditure on road repair have is cut to an irreducible minimum.
  • 他就是以賽亞先知所說的:在曠野高聲呼叫‘為主路,一條筆直的路'的那個人。
    It is of him that the prophet Isaiah spoke when he said, A voice crying aloud in the wilderness,‘Prepare a way for the Lord; clear a straight path for him.'
  • 他們主動配合人民解放軍平息叛亂,各地群衆紛紛組織自衛隊、聯防隊、保畜隊等自衛性組織,為平叛大軍路、運輸、送信、引路、燒茶送水、站崗放哨、救治傷員,使叛亂分子陷於孤立。
    They took the initiative to help the PLA in putting down the rebellion. Various self-defense, joint-defense, livestock protection and other forms of joint-defense teams sprang up in various places to build roads, provide transport, dispatch mail, serve as guides, boil tea, send water, stand sentry and give first-aid to wounded PLA soldiers, effectively isolating the rebels.
  • 密歇爾,一個以色列小夥子,留着未經剪的長鬍子,戴着深度眼鏡,把頭埋在一大堆地圖和旅遊册裏。
    Michael, a young Israeli with a long, unshaven beard and thick glasses, buried his nose in a pile of maps and travel books.
  • 這是幾份我為你們草擬的日程,讓我們把它過一遍,衹要你們覺得需要,可以隨時提出改。
    Here are some copies of the tentative itinerary we drafted for you. Let's go over it. Please feel free to make changes wherever you feel necessary.
  • 汽車前,你得用千斤頂把汽車擡起來。
    You need a jack to lift the car before repairing it.
  • 我的夾剋衫需要補。
    My jacket want mending.
  • 支持給予中國永久貿易地位的美國參議員周二火力持續增強,再度否决多項他們聲稱可能嚴重威脅將於今年立法通過此貿易關係的正案。
    Senate supporters of putting trade with China on a permanent status kept their momentum going Tuesday, defeating more amendments they said could seriously jeopardize passage of the legislation this year.
  • “鐘錶商把你的表給好了嗎?”“衹好了一點兒。”
    "Was your watch improved by the jeweler?" "Only in a small degree."
  • 男孩一動手鐘就把機件弄亂了。
    The boy jiggered up the machinery in his first attempt at fixing the clock.
  • 這臺打字機跳字, 需要理。
    This typewriter jumps and needs repairing.
  • 這個路口將建一座立交橋。
    An overpass will be built at this junction.
  • 在剋洛諾斯反對朱庇特的鬥爭中,普羅米斯站到了奧林波斯山諸神的一邊。
    In the conflict between Cronus and Jupiter, Prometheus had adopted the cause of the Olympian deities.
  • 艾奇遜堪薩斯州東北部一城市,位於堪薩斯城西北。該市是西行旅客的一個重要的補給站,尤指在1859年艾奇遜,托皮卡和聖菲鐵路建以後。人口10,656
    A city of northeast Kansas northwest of Kansas City. The city was an important outfitting point for westward travelers, especially after the foundation of the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad in1859. Population,10, 656.
  • 透過纏纏繞繞的優榔。香蕉樹和木棉樹(木棉樹必須要技,否者就要伸到玻璃屋頂上了)以及其它植物,再也看不到亞利桑那沙漠了。
    The Arizona desert is no longer visible through the tangle of sugar palms, banana and Kapok trees ( the latter have to be trimmed so they don't burst through the glass ceiling ), and other vegetation.
  • 我不會理汽車引擎,這超出了我的知識範圍。
    I can't repair a car engine; it's quite beyond my ken.
  • 核心的改以patch文件來分發。
    Changes to the kernel sources are distributed as patch files.
  • 特別是1989年至1994年,國傢投入5300萬元、黃金1000公斤,對著名的布達拉宮進行了維
    Between 1989 and 1994, the state invested 53 million yuan and 1,000 kg of gold in repairing the famous Potala Palace in Lhasa.
  • 國傢資助專款670萬元、黃金111公斤、白銀2000多公斤及大量珠寶,復了五世至九世班禪靈塔祀殿。
    Another special fund of 6.7 million yuan, together with 111 kg of gold and over 2,000 kg of silver and a large amount of gems, has been provided to finance the restoration of the funerary stupas and sacrificial halls of the fifth to the ninth Panchen Lamas.
  • 1984年,中央資助專款670萬元,黃金111公斤,白銀2000公斤及大量珠寶,在十世班禪大師主持下,復了五至九世班禪靈塔、祀殿。
    In 1984, the central government provided 6.7 million yuan in special funds, 111 kg of gold, 2,000 kg of silver and large quantities of jewelry for the renovation, under the direction of the late 10th Bainqen Lama, of the holy stupas and the memorial halls for the 5th to the 9th Bainqen Lamas.
  • 由二零零二年九月起,所有新聘幼稚園校長均須畢幼稚園教育證書課程或同等課程。
    All newly appointed kindergarten principals will be required to have completed the Certificate in Kindergarten Education or its equivalent as from September 2002.
  • 為加快改善幼稚園教育質素,政府已將新入職幼稚園校長均須畢幼稚園教育證書課程或相等課程的目標落實日期,由二零零四年九月提前到二零零二年九月。
    To improve the quality of kindergarten education at a faster rate, the target of requiring all newly appointed kindergarten principals to have completed the Certificate in Kindergarten Education or its equivalent has been advanced from September 2004 to September 2002.
  • 我們用應急箱的工具對輪胎進行了理。
    We'd carried out running repairs to the tyre with our emergency kit.
  • 這個廚房需要翻修。
    The kitchen needs making over.
  • 我們正用現代化設備裝廚房。
    We're having the kitchen done up.
  • 該不該英吉利海峽隧道,是一個難以决定的復雜問題。
    Whether the Channel tunnel should be built or not is a knotty point.
  • 因此,我們期望老師除具有深厚的學養,對教學有重大的使命感外,還兼備高尚的情操和廣阔的胸襟,並且不斷進,與時並進。
    Therefore, we expect teachers to be knowledgeable and have a strong sense of mission in teaching with noble values, broad vision and a zeal for continuous self-improvement.
  • 但是把這一原則付諸實踐可能需要改《京都議定書》。
    But putting that principle into practice might require changes to Kyoto.
  • 考剋斯訂報告中提到(82頁)“美國與中國實驗室對實驗室交換項目於80年代末期終止。但是於1993年又重新啓動。”
    The"redacted" Cox Report mentions (p.82)"US and PRC lab-to-lab exchanges were ended in the late 1980s, but were resumed in 1993."
  • 他們把有貢獻的科學家、教授、工程師誣衊為資産階級學術權威,把我們黨和國傢培養成長的優秀中年青年科學技術人員,誣衊為正主義苗子。
    Scientists, professors and engineers distinguished for their contributions were labelled "bourgeois academic authorities" , and outstanding young and middle-aged scientists and technicians trained by our Party and state were vilified as ``shoots of revisionism''.
  • 築一條鐵路要花費許多勞動力。
    It takes a lot of labor to build a railway.