  • 即使在战乱的环境中,然大力发展基础科学和人才的培养,创造优良的科研究环境,从而推动了应用科学的发展。
    Even in the throes of a wartime environment, the country still puts a lot of effort into developing the basic sciences, cultivating talent and creating a conducive research environment to push ahead the development of the applied sciences.
  • 他虽然快30岁了,但然受着母亲的管束。
    He is still under his mother's thumb, even though he is nearly 30.
  • 好啊,那是说我们然平手。
    Well, that means we're still tied.
  • 他仍然时时痛饮。
    He still ties a bag on now and again.
  • 我们开始时碰到一些料想不到的困难,但是然完成了任务
    Although we met with some unexpected difficulties at the beginning, we fulfilled our task all tile same.
  • 那人猛地跌倒,膝盖和胳膊肘都重重地砸在大厅的地板砖上,但他的手里紧紧地攥着那个不属于他的皮夹。
    He falls hard, banging knee and elbow on the tile floor of the terminal, but manages to hang on to the wallet which is not his.
  • 另一方面,位于汀九的机场核心计划展览中心然广受欢迎,年内,共有超过437000名市民到场参观。
    Meanwhile, the ACP Exhibition Centre at Ting Kau remained popular, with over 437 000 members of the public visiting it in 1997.
  • 我敢打赌,即使他修理了发动机,车然不能发动。
    I'll lay odds that the car still won't start even after he's tinkered with the engine.
  • 这艘船有16个水密舱,即使两个水密舱撞坏,它能漂浮。
    The 46,000 ton Titanic was then the largest ship in the world. She had 16 watertight compartments. Even if two of these were damaged, she could still float.
  • 然没有标题的自传;许多绘画都只用'无题'作为标题。
    his still untitled autobiography; many paintings are titled simply `Untitled'.
  • 然没有标题的自传;许多绘画都只用'无题'作为标题。
    his still untitled autobiography; many paintings are titled simply `Untitled'.
  • 地面泥泞不平, 我们吃力地向前走.
    The ground was muddy and uneven, but we toiled on.
  • 复仇中最可原谅的一种就是为了报没有法律纠正的那一种仇的;可是在这种情形里那报仇的人也应当留神,他那报复的行为要没有法律惩罚才好;否则他底仇人然要占先的,因为二人之间吃亏底比例乃是二比一也。
    The most tolerable sort of revenge, is for those wrongs which there is no law to remedy: but then, let a man take heed the revenge be such as there is no law to punish: else,a man's enemy is still before hand, and it is two for one.
  • “我认为杜卡基斯做得还算不错,”顾问说。“他藉本特森之助打下了基础,民主党在德州的声势比1984年好得多。但是杜卡基斯从本特森沾来的声势嫌不够。”
    "I think Dukakis has done a tolerably good job. " the consultant said. "He got a base from Bentsen, and it's a lot more respectable to be for the Democrats in Texas than it was in 1984. But not enough of Bentsen's strength has rubbed off on Dukakis."
  • 我们盲目消费,难得欢笑,疯狂飙车,动辄发怒;深夜才入睡,起床时浑身疲惫;懒于读书,酷爱电视,疏于祈祷。
    We spend too recklessly, laugh too fast, get angry too quickly, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too often, and pray too seldom.
  • 甚至在林彪、“四人帮”那样迫害和摧残知识分子的时候,广大科学技术人员也没有动摇对党对社会主义的信任,在极端困难的条件下,然坚持科学技术工作。
    Their faith in the Party and in socialism never wavered, even when Lin Biao and the Gang of Four were persecuting and tormenting intellectuals, and they kept on working in their specialities under extremely difficult conditions.
  • 倾盆大雨使地震区遭受到更大的损失,那里成千上万的人因为害怕再发生地地震而在露宿。
    Torrential rain has inflicted more damage in the earthquake zone where millions are still camping out in fear of fresh tremors.
  • 福达然很难相信自己的眼睛和耳朵,这只乌龟确实在跟他说话,她说话的语调就像她走路一样慢。
    Faldan could still hardly beleive his own eyes and ears.Indeed, the tortoise was speaking to him!Her voice was as slow as her walking.
  • 官方现在禁止进口乌龟,但有些乌龟似乎然通过后门进来了,并流入了宠物商店。
    The importing of tortoises is now officially banned, but some still seem get in by the back door and find their way into pet shops.
  • 敌人严刑拷打,他凛然而立。
    The man remained on his feet in spited of the enemy's cruel torture.
  • 在一九九九年,内地然是香港最大的贸易伙伴,占香港贸易总额的39%。
    In 1999, the Mainland was still Hong Kong's largest trading partner, accounting for 39 per cent of Hong Kong's total trade.
  • 在一九九九年,内地然是香港最大的贸易伙伴,占香港贸易总额的39%。
    In 1999, the Mainland was still Hong Kong's largest trading partner, accounting for 39 per cent of Hong Kong's total trade.
  • 许多国家里,年轻人保持着妇女结婚时穿白色长礼服的传统。
    In many countries young people still keep up the tradition that women will get married in a long white dress.
  • 古代的传统仍旧盛行
    An ancient tradition that still prevails.
  • 在穿着和举止方面很传统
    Followed family tradition in dress and manners.
  • 一向贡献良多的纺织及制衣业,今天然是一个主要的生产行业。
    Our traditionally important textile and clothing industry is still at the heart of this sector.
  • 二零零一年十一月十二日,127813位然持有原本获分配的盈富基金单位的合资格投资者,获配发第二批盈富基金特别红股基金单位。
    On November 12, 2001, the second tranche of TraHK Loyalty Bonus Units was allocated to 127 813 qualified investors who were still holding their original TraHK units on that date.
  • 和平与发展这两大课题至今一个都没有解决,天下很不太平。
    Up to now, neither of the two questions, i.e., peace and development, has been resolved. The world we live in is still far from tranquil.
  • 医生们对如何适当使用镇静剂的问题意见不一致。
    Doctors are still at issue over the proper use of tranquillizers.
  • 为把信息从一个存储设备传送到另一个存储设备之后信息保留在原存储设备上而设计的功能或过程。
    The function or procedure designed to retain information in one storage device after transferring it to another device.
  • 存储装置中的数据被传送到其它设备或同一设备其它位置之后,此数据然保持在存储装置中的功能。
    The function of retaining information in one storage device after transferring it to another device or to another location in the same device.
  • 医生靠输血使他然活着。
    The doctor kept him alive by a blood transfusion.