  • 感生通过用中子流、r射线线和其它些粒子流射向个物质而产生(例如,放射现象)
    To produce(radioactivity, for example) artificially by bombardment of a substance with neutrons, gamma rays, and other particles.
  • 居里放射性强度单位,相当于秒钟内发生3。7?010次裂变
    A unit of radioactivity, equal to the amount of a radioactive isotope that decays at the rate of3.7?010 disintegrations per second.
  • 位科学家曾经发现,种叫铀的金属发出种辐射,后来玛丽。居里把这种辐射现象称为放射性。
    A certain scientist had discovered that a metal called uranium gave off a kind of radiation, which Marie Curie was late to call radioactivity.
  • 哈利是位迷人且讨人喜欢的年轻人。
    Harry is a charming and agreeable young man.
  • 如果释放到个区域的放射性物质的量低至对人体不构成损害,那么植物体和动物也不会受到影响。
    Plants and animals will be protected if the amount of radioactivity released into an area is low enough to be safe for human beings.
  • 所有这些元素都放出种射线,我称之为放射性射线,这在放射性研究过程中新发现的物质属性也因此获得了放射性这名称。
    All the elements emitting such radiation I have termed radioactive, and the new property of matter revealed in this emission has thus received the name radioactivity.
  • 这样我们就创造了种寻找新元素的新方法,这种新方法是以放射性作为原子属性为基础的。
    We were thus led to create a new method of searching for new elements, a method based on radioactivity considered as an atomic property of matter.
  • 安排对你是合意的吗?
    Would this arrangement is agreeable to you?
  • 因此,人工制造放射性元素开辟了放射性科学的新天地,使得皮埃尔·居里和玛丽·居里的研究成果得到进步发展。
    The artificial creation of radio-elements opens a new field to the science of radioactivity and so provides an extension of the work of Pierre and Marie Curie.
  • 从这角度来看这个问题,可以说分离镭的工作是放射性学科这大厦的基石。
    Viewing the subject from this angle, it can be said that the task of isolating radium is the corner-stone of the edifice of the science of radioactivity.
  • 半减期被活的有机体摄入的放射性元素经过生物衰减及放射性衰变过程综合,其剂量减至半所需要的时间
    The time required for the radioactivity of material taken in by a living organism to be reduced to half its initial value by a combination of biological elimination processes and radioactive decay.
  • 元素的发现与分离过程为我的假设提供了个证据:即放射性是物质的原子属性,能为找到新的元素提供途径。
    The history of the discovery and the isolation of this substance has furnished proof of my hypothesis that radioactivity is an atomic property of matter and can provide a means of seeking new elements.
  • 假设形成了现今的放射性理论,据此理论我们可以准确地预言约三十种新元素的存在,对于这些元素我们般既不能用化学方法进行分离,也不能用化学方法描述其特征。
    This hypothesis has led to present-day theories of radioactivity, according to which we can predict with certainty the existence of about 30 new elements which we cannot generally either isolate or characterize by chemical methods.
  • 我想在这里回顾下放射性研究的非同般的发展情况;这新兴学科起源于三十多年前贝克勒尔和居里夫妇的研究工作。
    I would like here to recall the extraordinary development of radioactivity, this new science which had its origin, less then forty years ago in the work of Henri Becquerel and of Pierre and Marie Curie.
  • 发生紧急事故,天文台便会加强辐射监测,并评估收集到的放射及气象资料,以估计放射性物质在全港的输送、扩散及沉积情况,而且会就必须采取的对策向政府提供技术意见。
    In any emergency, the Observatory will intensify radiation monitoring and assess the radiological and meteorological information collected to estimate the transport, dispersion and deposition of any radioactivity over Hong Kong. It will also give the government technical advice on any necessary counter-measures.
  • 种改变使变得更加愉快舒服的。
    an improvement that makes something more agreeable.
  • 如果事先用无线电联系好,你也许就会把切事情安排妥当了。
    If you radioed ahead, you might get something Traced up.
  • 他电令717团把前进速度加快倍,取近道直插目的地。
    He radioed 717th regiment to double its pace and short-cut its route to its destination.
  • 条船发出无线电求救信号
    A ship radioing for help.
  • 香气种怡人的香味或气味
    A pleasing, agreeable scent or odor.
  • 嗯,每个月五千部收音机和千部录音机。
    say, 5,000 transistor radios monthly, and 1,000 tape recorders.
  • 他试听的所有收音机中,只有部是令人满意的。
    Of all the radios he tried, only one was satisfactory.
  • 间屋子,放满了椅子、灯、收音机等等的
    A room full of chairs, lamps, radios, and what have you.
  • 半导体收音机的价格预计还会进步下降。
    The prices of transistor radios are expected to go further down.
  • 计算机可以通过插座与全国计算网络联接,就象用架收音机样。
    Computers could be plugged into a national network and be used like radios.
  • 你有台收音电唱机,对吗?
    You have a radiogram, do not you?
  • 你有台收音电唱机,对吗?
    You have a radiogram, have not you?
  • 种令人愉快或有趣的谈论。
    an agreeable or amusing remark.
  • 静脉造影种静脉的放射线照片,在注入射线不能显著穿透的物质后拍摄
    A radiograph of a vein after injection of a radiopaque substance.
  • 实际上,第张解剖学上的x光照片就是能显示内部骨骼的伦琴夫人的左手。
    In fact, the very first radiograph of human anatomy was of Mrs.Roentgen's left hand, revealing the skeleton inside.
  • 制作x光照片的过程;利用射线而不是可见光在辐射敏感物质表面生成个图象。
    the process of making a radiograph; producing an image on a radiosensitive surface by radiation other than visible light.
  • 种愉快的、惬意的心情。
    a cheerful and agreeable mood.