  • 能够把东西裂为许多小的高速断片的炸弹。
    a bomb designed to break into many small high-velocity fragments.
  • 婴儿的皮肤十柔滑。
    Baby's skin is as soft as velvet.
  • 棕榈科植物棕榈科(或槟榔科)的各种主要的热带常绿树、灌木或木质藤本植物,特点为有无支的树干,其顶端集生羽状或掌状的树叶,并带有明显的平行叶脉
    Any of various chiefly tropical evergreen trees, shrubs, or woody vines of the family Palmae(or Arecaceae), characteristically having unbranched trunks with a crown of large pinnate or palmate leaves having conspicuous parallel venation.
  • 那边有台收25美硬币的自动售货机。
    We have a vending machine right over there that takes quarters.
  • 不过,他们也必须能够辨针对他们的敌意行动,和为了国家整体利益而实行的政策。
    But the Malays must distinguish between a personal vendetta acting against them and a conscious effort within the system to make policies for the common good of the nation.
  • 这些问题已经过充讨论.
    These issues have been very well ventilated.
  • 场馆设计中充利用自然采光、通风等技术手段。
    In the design of the venues, full consideration will be given to make use of natural light and ventilation.
  • 但后来维纳斯连续得2赢了这场比赛。
    But after that Venus got the two-point advantage needed to win the game.
  • 如果你想去的话,可以搭火车从撒伯利到通顿,走车站的北面出口,再问“维侬大和”,差不多走五钟就到了。
    If you'd like to go there, take a train from Salisbury to Taunton. Leave the station by the North Exit and ask for "Vernal Yamato". It's only about a five-minute walk.
  •  充发挥北京人才密集、国际交往活跃的优势,发掘国内外智力资源,选拔、培养和使用高素质、国际化、复合型体育人才,为2008年奥运会提供可靠的人才保障。
    Give full play to Beijing's advantage of concentrated talented people and lively international exchanges to seek out the intellectual resources at home and abroad, select, train and employ high-quality, international and versatile gifted personnel to provide a reliable human support for the 2008 Olympic Games.
  • 汤姆唱独唱部,然后大家一起唱合唱部
    Tom sang the verses and everybody joined in chorus.
  • 这个版本比那个版本得好。
    This version is better paragraphed than that one.
  • 也称为升级。通过增加硬件或软件或通过用改进的硬件或软件版本代替当前的相应部来提高计算机系统的能力。
    Also upgrade. To improve the capability of a computer systemby adding hardware or software or by replacing current units of hardware or software with improved versions.
  • 脚、足有椎骨的腿的最下端,在站立或行走时直接与地面接触的部
    The lower extremity of the vertebrate leg that is in direct contact with the ground in standing or walking.
  • 人脑从中央垂直地为两半球
    The human brain is divided vertically down the middle into two hemispheres.
  • 在落实政策时,还要特别注意那些老工人、技术骨干、老劳模,要把这一部人的积极性调动起来。
    In implementing the relevant Party policies, we should particularly concentrate on arousing the enthusiasm of veteran workers, key technicians and veteran model workers.
  • 大会收到的提案包括增加常任理事国和非常任理事国的数目、轮换或享安理会的席位、修改否决权和改进安理会的工作方法。
    Proposals before the General Assembly include increasing the number of permanent and non-permanent members, rotating or sharing Council seats, modifying the veto power, and improving the Council's working methods.
  • 2001年仅北京市、安徽省、河北省各级环保局否定的不符合环保要求的建设项目别为154个、68个、100个;
    In 2001, the projects vetoes by the environmental protection departments in Beijing, Anhui and Hebei due to the violation of environmental laws hit 154, 68 and 100 ones respectively.
  • 赫拉对宙斯沾花惹草的行为十恼火,常常千方百计地设下圈套羞辱他。
    Vexed by his infidelities, she often humiliated him by her scheming ways.
  • 你所讲的十可行,但我心里觉得……
    What you are saying is perfectly viable, but I have a gut feeling that...
  • 但他妈妈却注意到这个安静、内向的孩子对音乐十敏感:一听到西方流行乐,他就好像要跳舞的样子。
    But his mother noticed the quiet, shy boy was sensitive to music: when he heard western pop music, he seemed to vibrate.
  • 然后用标定的激光束去轰击气体子,产生振动,形成麦克风能够探听到的声波。
    The gas molecules are later bombarded with calibrated laser beams, which makes them vibrate. This Produces a soundwave picked up by the microphones.
  • 黑社会;罪犯社会社会的一部,从事犯罪和罪恶行为和并以此目的组织起来
    The part of society that is engaged in and organized for the purpose of crime and vice.
  • 那便会产生失业率越高、担此负担的纳税人越少的恶性循环。
    And then you have a vicious circle of more unemployment and fewer taxpayers to share the burden.
  • 我家的狗见到人就狂吠,但跟孩子们在一起时却十老实。
    Our dog barks viciously at strangers, but it's as gentle as a lamb with the children.
  • 我猜想大部从小是球迷的人,学会了忠诚,学会忍受挫折,以及更好地应对人生的枯荣沉浮。
    I suspect that most people, who grow up as sports fans, learn loyalty, learn to endure defeat and learn to deal better with the vicissitudes of life.
  • 我们在错划阶级、浮财、杀人等问题上,都曾打到中农,而尤以在军粮供应上损害中农利益最大,甚至还损害到贫农的利益。
    The middle peasants were victimized by all the mistakes we made in differentiating classes, distributing movable property, executing people, etc.; we encroached upon their interests very seriously in imposing grain levies on them, and we even harmed the interests of poor peasants.
  • 汉诺威英国统治家族(1741-1901年),当1837年维多利亚登上王位时,汉诺威与大不列颠的王权相
    British ruling family(1714-1901). When Victoria ascended the throne in1837, the crowns of Hanover and Great Britain were separated.
  • 如果我们把过去几十年的革命做一个总结,那便是只得到了暂时的部的胜利,没有永久的全国的胜利。
    If we are to sum up the revolution during the past decades, we may say that it has won only temporary and partial victories and not permanent and nation-wide victory.
  • dvd影像储存的另一个大进步是它的525线辨率。这个辨率远远大于激光盘媒体所提供的辨率,几乎是标准家用录像系统(vhs)辨率标准的两倍。
    Another big improvement of DVD video storage is its 525-line resolution, which is far greater than the resolution offered by laser disc media and almost twice the resolution of standard VHS videotape.
  • 他们一伙瓜分赢利。
    They-vied up the profits among themselves.
  • 一九九七年底时,滞港的越南船民和难民人数别为687名和1213名。
    By the end of 1997, there were 687 Vietnamese migrants and 1213 refugees in the HKSAR.