  • 人们变得尖刻,说了许心平气和时不会说或措辞过激的话。
    People became bitter, many things were said which in calmer moments might have been left unsaid, or might have been worded more thoughtfully.
  • 你多么粗心大意!
    Howthoughtless of you!
  • 约翰对宗教轻率地加以评论给自己招来了很麻烦。
    John's thoughtless remark about religion got him into a lot of hot water.
  • 我的工资达一万元。
    I received no less than ten thousand yen for my work.
  • 孙:10多亿。
    Over a thousand millions.
  • 军队每年转业的干部有几万,最近两年还要一点,每年有十几万。
    Tens of thousands of armymen are demobilized to serve as civilian cadres every year, and during the past two years this number has increased to more than one hundred thousand a year.
  • 少美金换1000日元呢?
    How many dollars for ten thousand yen?
  • 这个问题从理论到实践,有好具体问题要研究解决。
    As we move from theory to practice in this regard, we will have to thrash out a great many specific problems.
  • 他们那样讨论问题,我认为比正式讨论的气氛令人愉快得
    They thrash matters out like that, which is a sight more pleasant in my opinion than the atmosphere of an official discussion.
  • 细毛上有很污点或污斑。
    having many worn or threadbare spots in the nap.
  • 这根绳子是由许股线搓成的。
    This rope is twisted from many threads.
  • 新法律威胁要剥夺许人的最基本的自由。
    The new laws threaten to deprive many people of the most elementary freedom.
  • 这种气体被密封在冰箱和空调器里面,在这里它们并不威胁环境。
    Much of those gases are sealed in refrigerators and air conditioners, where they do not threaten the environment.
  • 量几次再裁。(谚)
    Measure thrice before you cut once.
  • 我们研究所现在的学生比1966年时二倍。
    There are thrice as many students in our institute now as there are in 1966.
  • 我们研究所现在的学生比1966年时二倍。
    There are thrice as many students in our institute now as there was in 1966.
  • 如果这种静态的雅致都是这么可爱,那么,看见那动态的雅致所感受到的激动该是么强烈。
    If this static grace can be so lovely, how much more acute must be the thrill of seeing grace in motion.
  • 你凭什么指望我收拾你的烂摊子?孩子是你的。主意是你拿的,美滋滋儿的感觉也是你的。尤其,你认为在照顾孩子上应该减一些税。你可曾想到那些因为负担不起,才决定一个孩子以后不再生的人。
    Why do you expect me to pick up your slack? It's YOUR baby. It was YOUR choice and YOUR thrill. To top it off, you think you should get even more of a tax break for child care. How about people who choose not to have more than one child because they can't afford it?
  • 王平:目前,国际上举行的大赛项目很,而且比赛内容也更加惊险、紧张、激烈。
    Wang Ping: At the moment, there are many events of motorcy-cling in the world. Furthermore, the contents of the race are more thrilling and are fiercer and tenser.
  • 王平:目前,国际上举行的大赛项目很,而且比赛内容也更加惊险、紧张、激烈。
    Wang Ping: At the moment, there are many events of motorcy-cling in the world. Furthermore, the contents of the race are more thrilling and are fiercer and tenser.
  • 英国巴斯大学的心理学讲师杰弗里·加文说,许网友通过在网上的接触彼此已经十分了解了,因此当他们在现实生活中见面时,他们在网络空间的"虚拟"关系往往会得到很顺利的发展。
    Many "virtual" relationships thrive once potential partners meet face-to-face because they already know each other so well through their online encounters, said Jeffrey Gavin, a lecturer in psychology at the University of Bath.
  • 因为位子就那么,还要精兵简政,老的不腾出位子,年轻的上不了,事业怎么能兴旺发达。
    We only have a limited number of posts; besides, we are planning to streamline our administration. If the old don't make way, how can the young be promoted? And if they can't, how is our cause to thrive?
  • 名留千古的文学创作还是在环境最恶劣,作者身心最受打击的时候写出的。
    Many great literary works were written in the worst possible environment, when the authors were in the throes of great physical and spiritual pain.
  • 人群聚集在一起的数目众的人;人群
    A large number of persons gathered together; a throng.
  • 假日傍晚有那么年轻人聚在长长的东海岸公园边,只能望洋兴叹,仅在娱乐中心才有个小小的公厕,有人挤在那里换泳衣。
    In the evenings and during the holidays, many young people who throng the long beachfront of the East Coast Park gaze at the sea in despair. People can only squeeze into the small toilet at the entertainment center to change into their swimming gear.
  • 您要用长时间打完电话?
    How soon will you be through?
  • 你能投多远?
    How far can you throw.
  • 她有点像维利亚时代的女性,不肯违背自己老父的意愿。
    Be a sort of throwback to the victorian age, she will not go against her old dad's wish.
  • 她有点像维利亚时代的女性,不肯违背自己老父的意愿
    Being a sort of throwback to the Victorian age, she would not go against her old dad 's wish
  • 因为突然来了三个不速之客要接待,她心里直冒火
    She was rather annoyed at that three extra guests suddenly thrusted on her
  • 他们次大胆插入敌后。
    Many times they made bold thrusts into the enemy's area.
  • 角骨腕部接近拇指根底部的骨头
    A bone in the wrist at the base of the thumb.