  • 改革使我们国发生了巨大变化。
    The reform have result in tremendous change in our country.
  • 这就是说,华语的语言环境(社会的、学校的,庭的)已有了很大的改善。这使得大人和小孩的华语水平也都有了提高。
    As a result, the standard of Chinese has gone up tremendously for both the adults and the young.
  • 使乡间猛烈震动的地震;当内战震撼这个国
    Tremors that convulsed the countryside; when civil war convulsed the nation.
  • 使乡间猛烈震动的地震;当内战震撼这个国
    Tremors that convulsed the countryside; when civil war convulsed the nation.
  • 原始艺术作品的属于或关于非工业化的文化,特指经济发展状况水平低下的氏族文化的艺术所创作的作品的
    Of or relating to the work of an artist from a nonindustrial, often tribal culture, especially a culture that is characterized by a low level of economic complexity.
  • 图腾一种动物、植物或自然物体,在某一部落或传统民族中作为一氏族或庭的象征,有时被尊为其创建者、祖先或守护者
    An animal, a plant, or a natural object serving among certain tribal or traditional peoples as the emblem of a clan or family and sometimes revered as its founder, ancestor, or guardian.
  • 这可以理解,然而这毕竟是个大遗憾。因为不论过去或现在,许多品格崇高,才华横溢而又坎坷一生的艺术往往并不长寿,甚至英年早逝。
    Though we can understand why such a condition was imposed, this is really unfortunate as a number of writers, whose great talents enable them to produce brilliant literary works, tend to encounter tribulations in their lives and die at the height of their profession.
  • 按照革命化、年轻化、知识化、专业化方针,建设一支能够担当重任、经得起风浪考验的高素质的领导干部队伍,特别是培养造就大批善于治党治国治军的优秀领导人才,是党和国长治久安的根本大计。
    It is a matter of vital importance for maintaining prolonged stability of the Party and state to build a contingent of high-caliber leading cadres capable of assuming heavy responsibilities and withstanding the test of trials and tribulations, and especially to train a large number of outstanding leading cadres for the mission of running the Party, state and army in accordance with the principle of bringing up more revolutionary, younger, better educated and more professionally competent cadres.
  • 她的是她高雅品味的明证
    Her home is a tribute to her good taste.
  •  我提议,大起立,为死难的烈士们默哀!
    Let us stand in silent tribute to the martyrs!
  • 全国人民都高度赞扬这些科学所作出的卓越贡献。
    The whole country pays tribute to these scientists for their outstanding contributions.
  • 许多被征服的国要向古罗马的统治者纳贡。
    Many conquered nations have to pay tribute to the ruler of ancient Rome.
  • 我们必须称颂那些为使这个国成为自由之邦而出力的人。
    We must give tribute to all those who help make this a free country.
  • 位于加利福尼亚州的优山美地国公园内的一个瀑布;每年之中的一段时间会缩减成滴流状。
    a series of waterfalls in Yosemite National Park in California; is reduced to a trickle for part of each year.
  • 避暑客现在开始陆陆续续地回
    Summer visitors are now trickling home.
  • 从病毒里提取编码是一项精细的工作,所以到目前为止还是由计算机专人工操作的。
    Extracting a signature from a virus is a tricky task that until now has always been left to a human expert.
  • 对工程类课程来说,这还说得通,但我所教的课程——写作课,却难以按时按量造出文笔娴熟的21岁作,写作课要想达到职业观念强的学生所渴望达到的教学成果真是难上加难。
    This could make sense for an engineering course,but in my field,creative writing,which rarely churns out polished 21 year old writers, it is trickier to provide the results that the career? minded student craves.
  • 有的则有些特别,祖籍、出生地、成长地、成地、工作地各有不同,跨城市、跨省份、跨国,被问到“你是哪里人?”的时候,背后选项越多,选择某一答案的考量就颇有意思了。
    But it is trickier for a person whose ancestral home, birthplace, the place he grew up, got married and worked in are not the same - in different cities, provinces and even countries. There is a lot more that he can choose to say in response to the simple "Where are you from? "query. Why and what he decides to say may reveal a lot about him.
  • 这可怜的小伙从他的三轮童车上摔下来了。
    The poor little fellow fell off his tricycle.
  • 在观看三人组合在一儿童医院表演的人群中,有一位是"boyzone"的经理路易斯·沃尔什。
    Among the viewers who saw the trio perform in a children's hospital was Boyzone's manager,Louis Walsh.
  • 2001年8月,中国劳动和社会保障部同中华全国总工会、中国企业联合会建立了国协调劳动关系三方会议制度,并召开了第一次国级协调劳动关系三方会议,使中国的劳动关系协调工作有了一个较为规范和稳定的工作机制。
    In August 2001, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, All-China Federation of Trade Unions and China Enterprise Association jointly established the State Tripartite Conference System of Labor Relations Coordination, and convened the first national tripartite conference of labor relations coordination, setting a standard and stable operating mechanism for China's labor relations coordination.
  • 联网系统除可提供紧急电力支援外,更可让两电力公司进行符合经济原则的能源交流,并减低为应付其他机组出现故障所需的发电量运转储备,从而使用户节省开支。
    This provides emergency back-up and achieves cost savings to consumers through economic energy transfers between the two systems and a reduction in the amount of generating capacity that needs to be kept as spinning reserve against the tripping of other units.
  • 人格渺小的艺术产生了渺小的艺术;
    an artist with a trivial personality produces trivial art;
  • 现在我已习惯了人的冒犯,所以我不生气。
    I'm rather used to having my toes trodden on by now, so I don't get upset.
  • 的独立虽然使中国人民的生命不再遭受外国侵略者的蹂躏,但是,还必须在此基础上使人民享有基本的生活保障,才能真正解决生存权问题。
    National independence has protected the Chinese people from being trodden under the heels of foreign invaders. However, the problem of the people's right to subsistence can be truly solved only when their basic means of livelihood are guaranteed.
  • 他们总是向世界许多国派遣奸细。
    They are always sending the Trojan horses to many countries in the world.
  • 奥德修斯伊萨卡的国王,特洛伊战争中的希腊首领,在十年的漂泊后才回到
    The king of Ithaca, a leader of the Greeks in the Trojan War, who reached home after ten years of wandering.
  • 汉普登,约翰1594-1643英国政治,反对查理一世的国会领导者。他为国会招集了一支军队,后来在英国内战中被杀死
    English politician and leader of Parliament against Charles I. He raised a troop for Parliament and was killed in the English Civil War.
  • 大家都去开会了。
    Everyone trooped into the meeting.
  • 我们大成群地进出室内。
    We all trooped into the room.
  • 我们大成群地进出室内。
    We all trooped into the room.
  • 在热带地区的许多国,仍然允许使用ddt。
    Many countries, especially in the tropics, still permit the use of DDT.