  • 他度假之后,气色好了。
    He's had a holiday and looks the better for it.
  • 他度假之后,气色好了。
    He's had a holiday and looks the better for it.
  • 西安的电影院戏院并不少,但是在工业区一个也没有,要看戏的人找不到戏院,有戏院的地方没有少人去看戏,这个布局显然是不适当的。
    In Xi'an there are more than a few cinemas and theatres, but none is in the industrial district, so that those who want to see plays have difficulty finding a theatre, and where theatres are located, there are few patrons. The layout of theatres is obviously irrational.
  • 在兰州我看到很简易的东西,戏院还可以放电影,座位也不错,这样的戏院盖起来只花十万元,有的花钱更少就解决问题。
    I saw a lot of simple facilities in Lanzhou. For example, theatres there also serve as cinemas with quite comfortable seats. It took only one hundred thousand yuan, and sometimes even less, to build such a theatre.
  • 在会演期间演出了许戏曲节目。
    Theatrical performances were presented during these festivals.
  • 开场一场幕剧演出中的第一幕
    The first act in a theatrical variety show.
  • 照大数人那样干,人们会把你称赞。
    Do as most men do and men will speak well of thee.
  • 虔诚的基督徒为宗教信仰而死。
    Many Christians have given their lives for their faith.
  • 演员从街头表演开始他们的艺术生涯。
    Mary actors get theirs start in road shows.
  • 我们的教室和他们的教室有同样的窗户。
    Our classroom has as many windows as theirs.
  • 我们的教室和他们的教室有同样的窗户。
    Our classroom have as many window as theirs.
  • 多谢他们。
    It was very kind of them.
  • 不过到那时,在很地方草已长了根。
    By then, howeveer, in many places the grass had already taken root.
  • 同样,西藏40年来文化的发展是在消灭比欧洲中世纪还要黑暗的政教合一的封建农奴制这样一个巨大的社会变革的条件下出现的。
    The development of Tibetan culture in the last four decades and more has been achieved in the course of the same great social change marked by the elimination of feudal serfdom under theocracy that was even darker than the European system in the Middle Ages.
  • 同样,西藏40年来文化的发展是在消灭比欧洲中世纪还要黑暗的政教合一的封建农奴制这样一个巨大的社会变革的条件下出现的。
    The development of Tibetan culture in the last four decades and more has been achieved in the course of the same great social change marked by the elimination of feudal serfdom under theocracy that was even darker than the European system in the Middle Ages.
  • 1996年4月,联邦特工逮捕了西奥凯辛斯基因为他被怀疑是尤那邦摩恐怖分子。
    In April 1996 federal agents arrested Theodore Kaczynski,a suspect they thought to be the Unabomber.
  • “成为一个好公民的第一个要求…是他能够并且乐意努力做好其份内工作”(西奥·罗斯福)
    "The first requisite of a good citizen... is that he shall be able and willing to pull his weight"(Theodore Roosevelt).
  • 1903年,西奥·罗斯福同哥伦比亚政府达成一项协定,美国有权占用巴拿马省地区修建运河;
    In 1903 Theodore Roosevelt reached an agreement with the Colombian government giving America the right to occupy the area in the State of Panama to build a canal.
  • 托马斯·阿奎那创建于世纪的广泛的神学教义,明我会教士仍在教受。
    the comprehensive theological doctrine created by Saint Thomas Aquinas in the 13th century and still taught by the Dominicans.
  • 这种发明乃是理论发现的直接后果,而且有关自然力的知识的每一次扩展,都会产生丰富的实际应用成果。
    many such inventions having been the direct consequences of theoretic discoveries, and every extension of knowledge of the powers of nature being fruitful of applications to the purposes of outward life.
  • 写些从思想上、理论上论述坚持四项基本原则的文章。
    More articles should be written to explain, both ideologically and theoretically, the importance of adhering to the Four Cardinal Principles.
  • 在近几个月理论工作者的讨论中,提出的问题很
    A lot of questions have been raised in the discussions among theoretical workers in the last few months.
  • 但是,尽管很少有人认为,在象什么是财富这样简单的问题上,概念会发生严重的混乱,可历史上确曾出现过这样的概念混乱。理论家和政治家在某一时期都曾普遍地受到这方面的影响。许世代以来,概念的混乱引导欧洲的政策走上一条彻头彻尾错误的道路。
    But, little as it might be expected that any mischievous confusion of ideas could take place on a subject so simple as the question, what is to be considered as wealth, it is matter of history, that such confusion of ideas has existed-that theorists and practical politicians have been equally and at one period universally, infected by it, and that for many generations it gave a thoroughly false direction to the policy of Europe.
  • 关于实践是检验真理唯一标准的讨论,关于党的历史特别是建国以来历史的科学总结,关于建设有中国特色的社会主义,关于经济和政治体制的改革,关于建设社会主义精神文明和加强共产主义、爱国主义思想教育,围绕这些,理论界做了许研究、论证和宣传工作,发挥了积极的作用。
    Our theorists have contributed a great deal by studying, expounding and publicizing the theory that practice is the sole criterion for testing truth, the scientific analysis of the Party's history, especially in the period since the founding of the People's Republic, and the need to build socialism with Chinese characteristics, to reform the economic and political structures, build a socialist society advanced in ethics and culture and to educate people in communism and patriotism.
  • 劳拉·伊尔像许心理治疗专家那样,鼓励妇女们尽量做一些让人觉得好的事情,在婚姻生活之外培养一些兴趣爱好和友谊。
    Doyle,like many therapists, urges women to do nice things for themselves and build on their interests and friendships outside of marriage.
  • 中心内不但有医生和护士,还有其他专业人员,包括营养师、职业治疗师、物理治疗师和临床心理学家,以照顾长者方面的需要。
    Professionals like doctors, nurses, dieticians, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and clinical psychologists are working together at each centre to look after the various needs of the elderly.
  • 医生嘱我走走,以此治疗我乏力的膝盖。
    The doctor prescribed walking as therapy for my weak knee.
  • 你做了很了,就停下来吧。
    You have done enough, you may stop there.
  • 那儿有许凶猛的动物。”
    There are bad animals there."
  • 那阴凉的地方不多。
    There is not much shade there.
  • "是不是两年前?""差不。"
    "Was it two years ago? " "There or thereabouts."
  • “是不是两年前?”“差不。”
    "Was it two years ago?" "There or thereabouts."