Chinese English Sentence:
  • 洛,戴维·亚历山大·西尔1891-1963国政治漫画家,他创造了傲慢的布林普上校这个极端保守分子形象
    British political cartoonist who created the pompous Colonel Blimp.
  • 刘先生说这种被称为"骨牙角膜修复"的复杂手术对国35万登过记的盲人或半盲人并非全都适用,它只适合那些因角膜而失明但是眼睛还没完全丧失功能的病人。
    Mr Liu says while the complex surgery -- called osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis (OOKP) -- could not help all the 350,000 registered blind or partially-sighted people in the UK, it may be suitable for patients with severe corneal blindness whose eyes can otherwise still function.
  • 往后的时间,就不得不变成法和德意两大帝国主义集团直接冲突的局面。
    From now on the situation will inevitably develop into one of direct conflict between the two big imperialist blocs, the Anglo-French bloc and the German-Italian bloc.
  • 这一时期双方斗争实际上都是试探的性质,直到美摊出封锁的牌。
    Actually, the struggle between the two sides during this period was of an exploratory nature until Britain and the United States brought the blockade into play.
  • 狮子的鬃毛颜色从金黄色到黑色不等,而且长度可以达到一尺。
    Lions' manes vary from light blond to black and can be up to a foot long.
  • 国内税务署寄给我一张100多镑的税单,不过他们不可能从石头里榨出油来,因为我并没有那么多钱。
    The Inland Revenue have sent me a tax bill for more than a hundred pounds, but they can't get blood out of a stone because I just haven't got the money.
  • 他们对它的血腥镇压进行了勇的回击。
    They fought back heroically against its bloody suppression.
  • 年夭折的诗人何其多。
    How many poets were cut off in the bloom of their years.
  • 不管帝国主义者投多少炸弹也不能把这座雄的城市消灭掉。
    No amount of imperialists' bombs could blot out this heroic city.
  • 1815年6月18日拿破仑遇见了他的最后战败的战斗;普鲁士和国军队在布卢彻和惠灵顿公爵领导下击败了拿破仑领导下的法国军队。
    the battle on 18 June 1815 in which Napoleon met his final defeat; Prussian and British forces under Blucher and the Duke of Wellington routed the French forces under Napoleon.
  • 他当时开的是为他特制的“蓝鸟”赛车。车长三十尺,发动机二千五百马力。
    Bluebird, the car he was driving, had been specially built for him. It was over30 feet in length and had a 2500 horse- power engine.
  • 你看这辆蓝车只开30里的时速吗?
    Do you think the blue car is only do30?
  • “你要是把精力放在自己的工作上就好,”那个诚实而又坦率的国人说道。
    "It'd be better all round if you get on with you work," he said, the honest, bluff John Bull.
  • 不必拐弯抹角,事实是,如果你说得一口漂亮的语,人们会对你另眼相看。
    Blunt as it may sound, people do look up to you if you speak good English.
  • 为了进一步消除台式机和笔记本机之间的界限,特尔将在1999年下半年推出双速功能的移动用处理器,此设计用于节省笔记本机的电池寿命。
    To further blur the lines between desktops and notebooks, Intel will introduce in the second half of 1999 its mobile processor with dual speed capability, designed to save notebook battery life.
  • 丹麦法在9世纪和10世纪时,由丹麦入侵者和殖民者在国东北部施行的法律体系
    The body of law established by the Danish invaders and settlers in northeast England in the ninth and tenth centuries.
  • 国)救济院里让有劳动能力的人进行劳动学习技术。
    (Brit) a poorhouse where able-bodied poor are compelled to labor.
  • 他的雄事迹体现了人民解放军的光荣传统。
    His heroic deeds bodied forth the glorious tradition of the PLA.
  • 国君主的保卫(正式的)中的官员。
    officer in the (ceremonial) bodyguard of the British monarch.
  • 国)一种喧闹的现实玩笑(特别是通过大学生)。
    (British) a boisterous practical joke (especially by college students).
  • 武的个个昂首挺胸,双手高举,直指天空。
    the valiant warrior kings, with head and hands boldly uplifted in the sight of heaven.
  • 勇勇气和胆量,如在战斗中;勇敢
    Courage and boldness, as in battle; bravery.
  • 汉科乌马山玻利维亚西部的一座山,位于的的喀喀湖东岸附近,海拔约6,554米(21,490尺)
    A mountain, about6, 554 m(21, 490 ft) high, of western Bolivia near the eastern shore of Lake Titicaca.
  • 国)波洛尼亚香肠的另外一个名字。
    (British) another name for Bologna sausage.
  • 英美对德战略轰炸
    Anglo-American Strategic Bombardment against Germany
  • 马哈拉施特拉邦印度历史上中西部的一个地区。从14世纪早期到17世纪中期由印度的穆斯林统治者控制,到19世纪被国人并入孟买省。说马拉地语的那部分地区在1960年成为一个独立的邦
    A historical region of west-central India. It was controlled by the Moslem rulers of India from the early14th to the mid-17th century and incorporated by the British into the province of Bombay in the19th century. The Marathi-speaking section of the region became a separate state in1960.
  • 在90年代(海湾战争期间),仅需一架轻型轰炸机(f?117a隐形飞机)出动1个架次,该机只携带1枚1吨重的炸弹,炸弹将落在所瞄准目标的10尺范围之内。
    In the l990s (Iraq) this required one sortie by a light bomber (the F-117A Stealth),carrying a single one- ton bomb that will land within ten feet of where it is aimed.
  • 在60年代(越战期间),由于使用更为精确的轰炸系统,摧毁同样目标只需出动喷气式战斗轰炸机(f?4"鬼怪式")176架次,每架飞机携带1枚炸弹(其中一半炸弹偏离目标400多尺);
    In the 1960s (Vietnam) more accurate bombing systems allowed the same target to be destroyed with 176 jet fighter- bomber (F- 4 Phantom) sorties,each carrying one bomb (half of which would land more than 400 feet from the target).
  • 让我们分析一下在过去50年里发生的3次战争,轰炸一个长100尺宽60尺的目标(通常是一幢可容纳一个指挥所、一家工厂或其他单位的大楼),毁伤概率为90%,需要多少飞行架次和投掷多少炸弹:在40年代(二战时期),需出动重型轰炸机(b?17)1500架次,投掷1吨重的炸弹9000枚(有一半炸弹偏离目标3300多尺);
    To put this into perspective,consider what it took--in three wars,over the past fifty years-- to achieve a 90 percent probability of destroying a target measuring sixty feet by one hundred feet (a building,usually housing a headquarters,factory,or whatever).In the s (World War II) this required 1,500 heavy bomber (B-17) sorties dropping 9,000 one- ton bombs (half of which would land more than 3000 feet from the target).
  • 敌人轮番轰炸,他们仍勇地抵抗。
    They held out bravely against repeated enemy bombing.
  • 以每小时九十里的速度在高速公路上疾驶
    Bombing down the motorway at ninety miles an hour
  • 这就是为什么去年拉丁摇滚顶尖男孩瑞奇·马丁格外卖力地制作其第二张文专辑《先声夺人》,以证明自己并非只会扭屁股。
    That's why last year's Latin rock poster boy Ricky Martin is working extra hard to establish himself as more than just a bonbon shaking phenom with his second English? language album,“ Sound Loaded.