  • 很明显,研究课题标以“纳米技术”的标签会比“应用中尺度材料科学”的标签更具吸引力。
    Certainly labeling a research proposal "nanotechnology" has a more alluring ring than calling it "applied mesoscale materials science".
  • 找到好工作是无望的;秘密的行动总统提供了迷人但常常虚幻的允诺,认为他们可以在没有令人烦恼的争论和公开的决定这些民主的重要成分的情况下达到外交政策的目标。
    illusive hopes of of finding a better job; Secret activities offer presidents the alluring but often illusory promise that they can achieve foreign policy goals without the bothersome debate and open decision that are staples of democracy.
  • 除外,在此不能不提的是作者的用典之妙,诗中每个典故和背景实在巧合,例如“甘旨”指甜的美味这里是一个人父母的细致关怀的、“脍炙、羊枣”指兽的烤肉和羊枣这里是对父母尽孝的、“膏火资”(膏火文学指用来照明的动物的脂肪但是在清代指发贫穷学生的补助,资只是指钱),都是一些和孝道有关的典故,正和大儿子的行动,一致无异。
    Apart from this, one could not fail to mention the poet's brilliant use of allusions. (%s)Every allusion fits the purpose and circumstance like a glove. For example "gan zhi" meaning "sweet delicacies", is now a personification of filial care of one's parents. Another allusion "kuai zhi, yang zao" meaning "shredded roast meat and sheep dates", is a personification of delicacies and reverence for one's parents. Another colorful and interesting expression is gao huo zi (the term gao huo literally meaning " animal fat for lighting" but means a stipend for poor students during the Qing dynasty and zi just means "money"). These allusions pertain to the virtue of filial piety and aptly describe the behavior his elder son.
  • 移交货物和服务同盟以援助共同的事业。
    the transfer of goods and services to an ally to aid in a common cause.
  • 我带来一袋杏仁软糖。
    He brought me a bag of almond paste.
  • 我几乎把正事忘了。
    Almost Forget My Business.
  • 街上的乞丐一些施舍。
    He gave alms to beggars in the street.
  • 施舍物,救济金帮助穷人出的物品;布施
    Something given to help the needy; alms.
  • 我是不施舍的,我还没穷到能够施舍人的地步嘛。(意指越是富人越不愿意施舍)
    I do not give alms; I am not poor enough for that.
  • 玛吉以前每星期为她的母亲购物,但嫁了阿尔杰农后她自己不干了,她要人们叫她玛格丽特,而且还有仆人为自己家里采购食品。
    Maggie used to do the shopping for her mother every week but she keeps aloof now; she's married Algernon, insists on being called Margaret, and has servants to buy the food for the household.
  • 老师全班大声朗读这首诗。
    The teacher read the poem aloud to the class.
  • 我们朗诵了一些故事[诗]。
    He read some stories [poems] aloud to us.
  • 有时候她我们读一读最喜欢的段落。
    Sometimes she would read aloud to us her favourite passages.
  • 用点矩阵印表机印一份初稿我看,如果无误,就用激光印表机印出完稿。
    Print out a draft for me to look at on the dot matrix printer and if that's alright, print the final copy on the laser printer.
  • 1871年法国把阿尔萨斯洛林地区割让了德国。
    France ceded Alsace - Lorraine to Germany in 1 8 7 1.
  • 迪涅的那些有钱的女忏悔者和虔诚的妇女,多次凑了些钱,要为主教的经堂修一座美观的新祭坛,他每次把钱收下,却都送了穷人。
    His wealthy penitents and the sainted women of D---- had more than once assessed themselves to raise the money for a new altar for Monseigneur's oratory; on each occasion he had taken the money and had given it to the poor.
  • 安装翼…建翼部或附属物,如一个建筑或圣坛背壁装饰画
    To furnish with side or subordinate extensions, as a building or an altarpiece.
  • 靠自己刻苦奋斗而后成功的人,其所完成的工作,没有一个好到令女性不想他稍加修改的程度。
    No self-made man ever did such a good job that some woman didn't want to make a few alteration.
  • 还有一种办法就是,当你抵达学校后,你可以和学校商谈此事,学校那时也有可能予你资助。
    Alternatively, after you have arrived in school, you can talk to the school and the school may give you one then.
  • 另外,如果网站运营者,如国家气象局,需要加快响应时间(因为大量的用户点击其站点),那么含有最多的下载信息的缓存可以加速把图像传用户,而没有使服务器因回答对同一信息不断的请求而放慢速度。
    Alternatively, if a Web site operator, such as the National Weather Service, needs to accelerate response time because a lot of users are hitting its site, a cache containing the most-downloaded information can speed pictures to users without bogging down the server with constant requests for the same information.
  • 尽管你已嫁了他,爱伦……"。
    Although you married him, Helen..."
  • 你票。总共是10个人。
    Here you are, altogether 10 people.
  • 校友会活动校友们带来了经济效益
    Activities held by the alumni bring economic benefit.
  • 帮助我的校友写谢函。
    I write thank - you note to alumni who helped me out.
  • 这位富有的校友把其一半的财产捐赠这所大学。
    The rich alumnus endow the college with half of his fortune.
  • 牙医用汞合金我补牙。
    The dentist used amalgam to fill my teeth.
  • 不要让自己一个业余运动员打败了。
    Don't let yourself be beaten by an amateur.
  • 真怪,那工作竟然交了一个万万想不到的人。
    Amazingly, the job went to a rank outsider.
  • 位于西雅图的amazon.com公司把书与cd推荐可能购买的用户的能力就是一个例子,这是根据用户在此网站注册时列出的兴趣作出的。
    An example is Seattle-based Amazon.com Inc.'s ability to suggest books or CDs users may want to purchase based on interests they list when registering with the site.
  • 他每个礼拜必送报告大使。
    He never failed to send the ambassador a report each week.
  • 新大使被引见总统。
    The new ambassador was presented to the president.
  • 通过外交渠道传达大使的消息
    Messages that go through diplomatic channels to the ambassador.