  • 我想暂时开演讲的主要话题说几句话。
    I'd like to depart from the main subject of my speech for a few moments.
  • 在未死之前而开活着的亲朋,是一则极端的罪恶。
    It is an extreme evil to depart from the company of the living before you die.
  • 他离开法国了。
    He departed from France.
  • 火车已驶离车站。
    The train has departed from the station.
  • 有30多人已经离开了。
    As many as thirty people have already departed.
  • 他们在大雨中离去。
    They departed in the midst of a heavy rain.
  • 他刚开,腾格拉尔就凑了过来说道:
    As he departed, Danglars approached, and said,--
  • 早班火车5点钟离站。
    The early train departed from the station at 5 o’clock.
  • 男孩子用完了冰淇淋,付了费便开了。
    The boy finished the ice cream, paid the cashier and departed.
  • 客人开时狗被关在书房里。
    The dog was shut in the study while the visitors departed.
  • 大清早开;战役初期就获得重大胜利
    Departed early in the day; scored important victories early in the campaign.
  • 由于唯一停靠我港的月班轮刚刚驶,货物只能下月装船。
    As the only direct steamer which calls at our port once a month has just departed, goods can only be shipped next month.
  • 这就忘记了事物的本质,也就开了中国的发展道路。这样,关系就大了。
    This shows that they have forgotten the essence of the matter and that they have departed from the road China must take in its development.
  • 文职人员方面,也有272名一般职系及188名部门职系人员因退休、调往其他部门、被终止服务、合约届满或被撤职等理由而开警队。
    Likewise, 272 general grade, and 188 departmental grade civilian staff left the Force through various means such as retirement, transfer to other government departments, termination of their service, completion of contract or dismissal.
  • 如果我们事先知道你要开,我们会到机场送行。
    If we had known of your departure, we would have seen you off at the airport.
  • 他们恰在发洪水之前开, 走得真是时候.
    Their departure just before the floods was providential.
  • 分离或告别
    A departure or farewell.
  • 离开或告别
    A departure or leave-taking.
  • 飞机什么时候离港?
    When's the departure time?
  • 离题话;插入语
    A parenthetical departure; a digression.
  • 背离常规;越轨
    Departure from a norm; deviation.
  • 他因为她的去而感到伤心。
    He felt saddened by her departure.
  • 希望他的开没有被发现。
    hoped his departure had passed unnoticed.
  • 我听说他的开是出人意料的
    I understand his departure was unexpected.
  • 因他的朋友去而悲伤
    Unhappy over his friend's departure.
  • 她突然去,打乱了我的计划.
    Her sudden departure has disarranged my plans.
  • 出埃及以色列人开埃及
    The departure of the Israelites from Egypt.
  • 迅速离开;逃之夭夭
    To make a quick departure; run away.
  • 大批去大群人的
    A departure of a large number of people.
  • 任何偏马克思教义的危险的主义。
    any dangerous departure from the teachings of Marx.
  • 你通知了他们你想去吗?
    Have you informed them of your intended departure?
  • 他的去在我们的生活中造成了空虚。
    His departure created a vacuum in our lives.