  • 中间还打了一些小仗,凡是有机会取得胜利的,没有丧失过机会,该干的都干了。
    Before that, of course, we fought a few skirmishes. We never let pass a chance of winning a victory; We did everything we should have done.
  • 我对这一问题茫不解,几小时後终於顿开茅塞。
    I puzzled over it for hours before it finally clicked.
  • 我对你的警告,你显全不理解。
    My warning obviously hasn't sunk into your thick skull.
  • 不知从何方来的新摩天大楼使视线里的一切变得相形见拙。
    Suddenly, out of nowhere, the new skyscraper dwarfs everything in sight.
  • 伦敦最高的房屋同纽约的摩天大厦比较起来,仍很小。
    The tallest buildings in London are small in comparison with the skyscrapers of New York.
  • 研究西洋生活和学术的人,无论是在中国或留学外国,对于西方的伟大成就——由医药、地质学、天文学,到摩天大楼、美丽的汽车公路和天色彩的照相机——自是惊叹不置。
    It is natural that the Chinese student of Western life and learning, whether in China or studying abroad, is dazzled by the brilliant achievements of the West, from medicine, geology, astronomy to tall skyscrapers, beautiful motor highways and natural-color cameras.
  • 相反的,柯员顿公司仍维持他的售价,但却大幅度提高他的产量。
    Instead Clayton Homes kept its prices level and jacked its production skyward.
  • 社会确认20世纪60年代末期一个寒冷的早晨,在纽约熙来攘往的人行道上,一个人突停了下来,抬头向天空凝望了60秒,虽天上空无一物。
    Social Validation On a wintry morning in the late 1960s, a man stopped on a busy New York City sidewalk and gazed skyward for 60 seconds, at nothing in particular.
  • 当安德尔在佛罗里达州进行销售冲刺时,柯灵顿的公司——柯灵顿房屋公司——正在快速成长之中,虽市场对新活动房屋的需求量非常大,但他并没有像一般生意人一样趁机哄抬价格。
    His company,Clayton Homes,was already growing rapidly when Hunrricane Andrew decimated South Florida.The need for new mobile homes was enormous and fast. Clayton could have followed the examples of many Florida business owners and jacked his prices skyward.
  • ,他一封信也没给她写。
    Apparently he never wrote a letter to her.
  • ,这不是说我们可以放松对两面派的工作,过去许多两面派对抗日作了不少的帮助,而且两面派是最广泛的,也是争取成为革命两面派的基矗
    Of course, this does not mean we can slacken our work among ordinary double-dealers. In the past many of them have helped us a great deal in the anti-Japanese war; moreover, they are numerous and constitute the main elements for us to transform into revolutionary double-dealers.
  • 马克思说的武装起义之后一刻也不应该停止进攻,这是说乘敌不备而突起义的群众,应该不让反动的统治者有保守政权或恢复政权的机会,趁此一瞬间把国内反动的统治势力打个措手不及,而不要满足于已得的胜利,轻视敌人,放松对于敌人的进攻,或者畏缩不前,坐失消灭敌人的时机,招致革命的失败。
    When Marx said that once an armed uprising is started there must not be a moment's pause in the attack, he meant that the masses, having taken the enemy unawares in an insurrection, must give the reactionary rulers no chance to retain or recover their political power, must seize this moment to beat the nation's reactionary ruling forces when they are unprepared, and must not rest content with the victories already won, underestimate the enemy, slacken their attacks or hesitate to press forward, and so let slip the opportunity of destroying the enemy, bringing failure to the revolution.
  • 他是个懒鬼,他居悄悄地溜走而把清除工作留给我们来做。
    He's a slacker, he actually skipped off and left us to do the clearing away.
  • 他们虽很疲倦,但是他们的热情却始终饱满。
    Though they were very tired, their enthusiasm never slacked off.
  • (希腊神话)美杜沙死后,血液产生的不死的飞马;由于有雅典娜所赐马勒的帮助被柏勒罗丰驯服;缪斯的飞马是超想象的象征。
    (Greek mythology) immortal winged horse that sprang from the blood of the slain Medusa; was tamed by Bellerophon with the help of a bridle given him by Athena; as the flying horse of the Muses it is a symbol of high-flying imagination.
  • 猛力关上突地并很响地关上;撞上
    To close suddenly and loudly; slam.
  • 他颓然倒在床上。
    He slammed himself down on his bed.
  • 他猛把文件扔进抽屉。
    He slammed the papers into the drawer.
  • 这是说批评,不是说造谣诬蔑,攻击谩骂,那是不许可的。
    Of course, I'm referring to criticism and not to rumour-mongering, slander, abuse and groundless charges, none of which should be tolerated.
  • 别人的眼睛当是“斜斜吊起来”的,因为别人的眼睛长得跟我们不一样。
    Sure, the other fellow's eyes are "off slant," BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT THE SAME AS OUR OWN.
  • 我被背后突的一击差点打倒。
    I was nearly knocked down by a slap on the back.
  • 我记得的下一个事情是什么人给了我脸上一耳光,后把我从地上拖起来。
    The next thing I remembered was someone slapping my face and pulling me up from the floor.
  • 他突抓起帽子载上,离去了。
    He suddenly slapped his hat on his head and left.
  • 最高法院毅决定将毒品走私者处以死刑。
    The Supreme Court slapped on the death penalty for narcotics smugglers.
  • 我还记得他的眼睛是如何从湛蓝变成灰蓝,后是死一般地毫无生气。
    The way they had changed from blue to slate..Lifeless and dead.
  • 大人,那女人是不是妖妇,我不管,我们仍得把她烧死。
    My lord: I wipe the slate as far as the witchcraft goes. None the less, we must burn the woman.
  • 在乡间有一种和平宁静的气氛,和大城市的气氛截不同。
    There is an atmosphere of peace and calm in the country, quite different from the atmosphere of a big city.
  • 在空无一人的办公室里电话铃突地发出刺耳的尖叫声。
    Telephone shrilled unattended in deserted office.
  • 男孩子们突迸发出刺耳的兴奋的欢呼声。
    The boys broke into shrill, excited cheering.
  • 这个人痛下决心,毅处理困难局面。
    The man made up his mind to grasp the thistle firmly.
  • 火车轰隆隆地驶入一个隧道,四周的一切都漆黑一团。
    Suddenly the train roared into a tunnel and everything was black.
  • 汤姆·克鲁斯欣接受在《木兰花》中出演一个低俗的性指导者,《木兰花》是《一夜成名》的导演p.t.安德森执导的另一部电影。
    Tom Cruise jumped at[1] the chance to play a sleazy sex guru in Magnolia, the new ensemble[2] piece from Boogie Nights director P.T. Anderson.