执行保障消费者的法例。 Enforcement of Consumer Protection Legislation
消委会也排解消费方面的纠纷,为消费者提供资讯、解答查询,以及推行消费者教育活动等。 It also mediates in consumer disputes, disseminates consumer information and advice and organises consumer education activities.
潜在的消费品购买力 potential purchasing power for consumer goods
各种各样的消费品都是家庭自己生产的。 All miscellaneous consumer-goods are home-produced.
我是「消费者报导」(杂志)忠实读者。 I take pleasure in the"Consumer Report."
三是生活消费品销售增长。 3. Increasing sales volume of consumer goods.
其他消费品的销售量也增长了。 Sales of other consumer goods also rose.
这对消费者意味着什么? What does this mean for the consumer?
信誉是消费界的生命线. Credit is the life blood of the consumer society.
消费品市场销售平稳增长。 Sales of consumer goods at domestic market increased steadily.
你们的城市大体上是个消费城市。 Your city is by and large a consumer city.
消费者诉讼基金为有理投诉和兴讼的消费者提供法律协助。 The Consumer Legal Action Fund provides legal assistance to consumers with meritorious cases for the protection of consumer interests.
如果让这个不知道怎样发起的消费者运动持续更长一些时间,他们就将不能看到为消费者保护法而斗争的消费者了。 If the Topsy-like growth of the consumer movement is allowed to continue much longer they won't be able to see the consumer for consumer protection laws.
消委会的服务网络遍及各区,设有热线电话系统及12个谘询中心,为广大消费者提供调解投诉及谘询服务。 The council provides a complaint and advice service to the consumer public through an extensive network of telephone hotlines and 12 consumer advice centres.
允许有条件的商业银行经批准开办消费信贷业务,鼓励商业银行试办一些消费贷款的新品种。 Capable commercial banks will be permitted to offer consumer credit, and will be encouraged to provide some new consumer loan products on a trial basis.
易于理解的小说;有益消费者的制度 A reader-friendly novel; a consumer-friendly policy.
信誉是消费界的生命线。 Credit is the life-blood of the consumer society.
opencola是全球第一种“开放源代码”的消费产品。 OpenCola is the world's first "open source" consumer product.
很高的通货膨胀率对于消费者来说意味着日子不好过了 A high inflation rate importing hard times for the consumer.
虚假广告已损坏了该公司在消费者中的形象。 Deceptive advertising have damaged the company's image among the consumer.
英国政府中保护消费者以免遭不公平或非法交易伤害的一个部门。 British government department which protect consumer against unfair or illegal business.
客户不答应取消剩余合同,如强迫其答应,则将产生严重后果。 Consumer uganda to cancel contract balance but if force result serious.
进行广告宣传,使消费者熟悉产品,是至关重要的。 It's vital to impress the consumer with a good advertising campaign.
谢谢您四月二十五日有关消费品的来函。 Thank you for your letter of April 25 concerning the consumer goods.
商品从生产者到消费者转移的过程中所涉及的商业职能 The commercial functions involved in transferring goods from producer to consumer.
消费者利益保护委员会的创立旨在保护顾客的权益,使其免受奸商的欺诈。 The Consumer Council exists to defend the customer against unscrupulous traders.
上千种消费品在百货商店出售。 THousands of consumer goods are on offer in the department store.
国民收入的大部分用于消费。 A good part of the national income was spent on consumer goods.
由消费者不知不觉负担的税款(如从价税)。 a tax paid unwittingly by the consumer (such as ad valorem taxes).
在那个城市消费品生产将增长6.6%。 Consumer goods production was to go up by 6.6percent ing that city.