Chinese English Sentence:
  • 的掩映下,美国的一架无人驾驶侦察机悄无声息地盘旋在夜空中,向美国传回颗粒状图像。
    Invisible under the stars, an ummanned American spy plane circled inaudibly over a stretch of dark landscape, transmitting grainy images back to the United States.
  • 期我要去看我的外婆。
    I will go to visit my grandmother next week.
  • 上个期日,我家隆重庆祝了我祖父母的金婚纪念日。
    Our family celebrated my grandparents' golden wedding anniversary in a big way last Sunday.
  • 聚星障
    acute corneal disease with granular opacity
  • 让他休息一个期。“
    Let him run at grass for a week.
  • 北美的一种有禾草状叶的水生草本植物,具黄色状花。
    grassy-leaved North American aquatic plant with yellow star-shaped blossoms.
  • 南美草原南美的一个大而多草的平原,零地长有一些灌木丛和小树
    A large grassy plain in South America, with scattered bushes and small trees.
  • 引力是把一个恒上所有的原子聚集在一起的力量。
    Gravitation is the force which holds all the atoms of a star together.
  • 一个恒或行把一个物体控制在它的重力场的过程。
    a process whereby a star or planet holds an object in its gravitational field.
  • 内核的引力与形成轨道的气体的引力相同。然而,如果这种平衡被打破,恒就会进人几种不同的阶段。
    The gravitational pull from the core of the star is equal to the gravitational pull of the gases fotming a type of orbit, however when this equality is broken the star can go into several different stages.
  • 由恒坍塌所形成的空间中的一个区域;一个具有极强引力场的区域。
    a region of space resulting from the collapse of a star; extremely high gravitational field.
  • 所有的黑洞都是因为恒的引力坍缩而形成,这种恒通常有一颗巨大而厚重的核心。
    All black holes are formed from the gravitational collapse of a star, usually having a great, massive, core.
  • (航空)飞行物接近一个行体以从其引力场中获取能量的轨道。
    (spaceflight) a trajectory that passes close to a planetary body in order to gain energy from its gravitational field.
  • 来自双子系统正常恒的物质,会被压缩体的重力场所捕获。
    Matter comes from the norrna.1 star in a binary system can be caught by the gravitational field of the compact star.
  • 出现这种情况的原因在于没有巨大的引力作用于这些气体,因而恒力量不断削弱、变小。
    This occurs because there is not a tremendous gravitational pull upon those gases and therefore the star weakens and becomes smaller.
  • 大多数流在进入地球大气层时就已经被烧化了,除了一些特别大的流,它们穿过大气层,被地心引力拖了下来。
    Most meteors do burn up when they enter the earth's atmosphere, with the exception of the large meteors, which are dragged through the earth's atmosphere by the earth's gravitational pull.
  • 如果恒的内核非常巨大(大约相当于六一八个太阳质量),则很可能在恒的气体即将燃尽时,气体由于受到引力作用而向内坍塌,强行进人内核。
    If the core of the star is so massive (approximately 6-8 solar masses; one solar mass being equal to the sun's mass) then it is most likely that when the star's gases are almost consumed those gases will collapse inward, forced into the core by the gravitational force laid upon them.
  • 在不久的将来人造卫将会跟踪牧场上羊群的活动习性,以便能够更加合理地规划牧场,而这就是让动物们更加"快乐"的计划中的一项内容。
    Satellites will shortly swing into action to track sheep grazing habits as part of a project to design farms that make animals happier.
  • 我下期来请你给汽车上上油。
    I'm coming in next week to have you grease the car.
  • 我下期来请你给汽车上上油。
    I am coming in next week to have you grease the car.
  • 天南科的一种具鳞茎的肉质草本植物,产于亚洲东南部的热带,其球茎可食用。
    foul-smelling somewhat fleshy tropical plant of southeastern Asia cultivated for its edible corms or in the greenhouse for its large leaves and showy dark red spathe surrounding a large spadix.
  • 进入瑞典皇家剧院附属学校学习,为她的表演艺术打下了坚实的基础。另一位出生于瑞典的好莱坞明葛丽泰·嘉宝也是在这里开始了她的演艺生涯。
    Her understanding of the art came at the royal dramatic theater school where Greta Garbo had also taken her first steps toward a career in a film.
  • 在几期内她的头发就变灰白了。
    She's gone grey within a few weeks.
  • 他不愿意下期加班,但是只好忍受着。
    He doesn't want to work late next week but he'll just have to grin and bear it.
  • 埃斯特拉达有辞职一条路数千民菲律宾民众上街要求埃斯特拉达台,副总统期三表示辞职是唯一解决菲律宾「信心危机」方法。
    As tens of thousands of Filipinos marched demanding President Joseph Estrada step down, the vice president said Wednesday that resignation is the only way to end the"crisis of confidence" gripping the Philippines.
  • 大约一个期之后,我正跟一只叫格利兹的大灰熊待在一起,它是我最喜欢的"客人"之一。
    A week or so later,I was spending time with one of my favorite “ guests” --a giant grizzly bear named Griz.
  • 5美元几乎是他家里一期饭食的开销。
    Five dollars would buy almost a week's groceries for his family.
  • 他很会体谅人:要是我们到期二左右手头紧了起来,他就赊给我一些食品杂货,直到期五再付款。
    He's very understanding: if I'm hard up by the middle of the week he'll always let me have a few groceries on tick till Friday.
  • 这个期的食品生意情况怎么样?
    How are tricks in the grocery trade this week?
  • 气象卫星地面系统
    ground system for meteorological satellite
  • 期天他猎获了三只松鸡。
    He hunted three grouse last Sunday.
  • 在整个发射任务期间,凡有美方卫和设备的厂房,都交由美方安全人员负责警卫,中方人员绝对不得接近,若因工作需要必须入内。
    During the whole launch process, all buildings housing American satellites and equipment were guarded by American security staff, and personnel from the Chinese side were forbidden from approaching secured area.