  • 香港一直是充满干劲和活力的地,人人均可畅抒己见。
    We remain a robust and lively community where people have no hesitation in speaking their minds.
  • 劳拉·多伊尔,33岁,来自加利福尼亚,一位金发壮实的妇女。抚养她的父母经常争斗不止,教她懂得了婚姻双应是平等的伙伴关系。
    Doyle, 33, a robust blond from Calif, was reared by battling parents who taught her that marriage should be an equal partnership.
  • 这种训练的结果表明,它比任何其他法更能适应要求,中加全面,也更加严格它需要有很强的适应力。
    That training has proved itself more adaptable and more comprehensive, well as more exacting, than any other.
  • 可是,小罗杰·梅森远在离夏乐特威勒布6千英里外的地,正准备打篮球,而不是上学念书。
    Roger Mason Jr., however, was over 6,000 miles away from Charlottesville, getting ready to hit the boards rather than the books.
  • ”所以,任何希望很快就能赢得女士芳心的男士最好放慢速度,延长自己的日程表,并且对善良、可靠性此类面的人身品质给予足够的重视,就像注重自己的发型、穿着和适应性一样。
    So any man who hopes to sweep a woman off her feet had better lengthen his timetable, and pay as much attention to characteristics such as kindness and dependability as he does to his hair, his clothes and his adaptability.
  • 说,两名拐劫嫌疑犯——布里安·莫里斯及罗纳·罗杰斯均为三十岁,住皇后区——用装着空头子弹的自动手枪使他进退不得。
    Two alleged kidnappers –Brian Morris and Ronald Rogers, both 30 and from Queens-kept him at bay with automatic pistols loaded with hollow-point bullets, police said.
  • 你能使你的思想适应新的生活式吗?
    Can you adapt your way of thinking to the new life-style?
  • 以开玩笑的不诚实的式。
    in a playfully roguish manner.
  • 杰夫:双每人连滚两个球为一轮,10轮一局。
    Jeff: One round is completed after each person of the two parties roils twice in succession.
  • 他们不得不使他们的生活式适应那里的条件。
    They had to adapt their lifestyle to the condition there.
  • 比赛时,运动员努力要做到使自己适应对的球而不让对适应你的球。
    During a competition, the athletes should make themselves adapt to the opponent's balls, rather than make the opponent adapt to your balls.
  • 你必须于法适合客观情况。
    You must adapt method to circumstance.
  • 采用适应一种特别的测量
    To adapt to a specified measurement.
  • 亚当斯,查尔斯·弗朗西斯1807-1886美国外交家,内战期间驻英大使,劝阻英国官承认南部邦联政府
    First Lady of the United States(1797-1801) as the wife of President John Adams. Her letters to her husband provide a vivid picture of life in colonial Massachusetts.
  • 亚当斯先生向斯宾塞先生热情地讲解着它的功能。然而,对似乎对此没有多大兴趣。
    Mr. Adams enthusiastically explained its workings to Mr. Spencer, who, however, didn’t seem to take a great interest in it.
  • 打字机上的一根金属棒,它上面带着摩擦滚轮,用来在打字位置上把纸压紧在压纸卷筒上。参阅platen。
    On a typewriter, a metal rod with a friction roller designed to hold the paper firmly against the platen above the typing position.
  • “通常来说,我知道他在什么地,但我却不总能说出他从哪里来”(罗伯特·m·亚当斯)
    "Generally, I knew where he was at, but couldn't always tell where he was coming from?Robert M. Adams).
  • 请把所有的官文件送给亚当斯先生,他现在在办公室里。
    Please take all the official documents up to Mr.Adams who is now in his office.
  • 四面八都伸出了援助之手。
    Offers of help are rolling in.
  • 亚当斯先生,安娜贝尔的父亲,这位典型的地银行家,也对斯宾塞非常满意。
    Mr. Adams, Annabel’s father, who was a typical country banker, approved of Spencer.
  • 证券及期货业面,各交易所、结算所和注册中介团体在过渡前已完成为解决电脑公元二千年数位问题所需进行的全部工作。
    For the securities and futures industry, all of the work required to achieve Year 2000 compliance by the exchanges, clearing houses and the registered intermediaries had been completed before the rollover.
  • 工业界不仅看到了当前技术(如cd-rom光驱)的使用在增加,而且也看到多媒体机器工作式在增加。
    The industry not only has seen an increase in the use of current technologies such as CD-ROM drives, but also in the way multimedia machines work.
  • 一种分布于罗马尼亚的东浪漫文学语言。
    an eastern Romance language spoken in Rumania.
  • 公司的针是阻止职员之间的风流韵事。
    It is company policy to discourage office romances.
  • 这里只要考察一下欧洲基督教建筑艺术—东伟大营造艺术的妹妹,那便一目了然,它像一个广大的生成层,分成三个既分明又重叠的晶带:罗曼带,峨特带,文艺复兴带——我们宁可称之为希腊—罗马带。
    Not to consider here anything except the Christian architecture of Europe, that younger sister of the great masonries of the Orient, it appears to the eyes as an immense formation divided into three well-defined zones, which are superposed,the one upon the other: the Romanesque zone*, the Gothic zone, the zone of the Renaissance, which we would gladly call the Greco-Roman zone.
  • 在现代罗曼语族中,意大利语、法语、西班牙语、葡萄牙语和罗马尼亚语分别是各自整个民族的语言,而加泰罗尼亚语、普罗旺斯语、拉蒂亚罗曼斯言、撒丁语和摩尔达维亚语则仅仅是各别国家中较小区域的语言。
    Of the modern Romance languages, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Rumanian are each the language of an entire nation, while Catalan, Provencal, Rhaeto-Romanic, Sardinian, and Moldavian are confined to smaller areas within individual countries.
  • 由于后来的征服者来自北,罗马人又将金发与贵族统治联系在了一起。
    Thanks to conquerors from the North, Romans also associated blondness with aristocracy.
  • 英格兰东南部一郡;第一个被罗马人殖民的地
    a county in southeastern England; the first to be colonized by the Romans.
  • 在罗马帝国的鼎盛时期,罗马人控制了西世界的绝大部分。
    In the heyday of their empire, the Romans controlled most of the western world.
  • 以一种浪漫的式做事。
    act in a romantic way.
  • 柔板,慢板特指使用慢板作为指挥放式的舒缓的乐节,乐章或乐曲
    A slow passage, movement, or work, especially one using adagio as the direction.
  • 用传奇的式来解释某事物。
    interpret in a romantic way.