  • 据说住在森林里的印第安人长得非常吓人,他们有着像瓶底一样的‘脚'。
    a being of whom the forest Indians are said to be mortally afraid, with a hoof shaped like the heel of a bottle.
  • 镜子挂在起室的墙上。
    The mirror was hooked to the wall in the lounge.
  • 他希望在这个国家定下来。
    He hoped to settle(down) in this country.
  • 海牛一种海牛属食草性水生哺乳动物,长有蹼状前鳍,中扁平的尾巴,产于美国佛罗里达州、南美洲北部、西非和加勒比海地区海岸温暖的水域中
    Any of various herbivorous aquatic mammals of the genus Trichechus, having paddlelike front flippers and a horizontally flattened tail and found in warm coastal waters of Florida, northern South America, West Africa, and the Caribbean.
  • 这个小捣蛋无休止地作弄他失明了的邻
    The little horror never stops playing tricks on his blind neighbour.
  • 民对医院服务的需求仍然殷切。
    Demand for hospital services remained high.
  • 岛上的民以好客闻名。
    The islanders are known for their hospitality.
  • 根据囚犯监管试释计划及释前就业计划,倘监管释囚委员会批准,囚犯可申请直接由监狱提早释放,接受善后监管,或申请外出工作,并在指定的宿舍住,但须接受善后辅导服务。
    Under the 'Release Under Supervision' and 'Pre-release Employment' Schemes, and subject to the approval of the Release Under Supervision Board, successful applicants may be discharged directly from prison for after-care supervision or permitted to go out to work and live in a designated hostel with after-care services.
  • 下星期他们将迁入新
    They are going to move to a new house next week.
  • 他们同居。
    They are playing house.
  • 大客船一种有帆和有时有发动机的住船,用在尼罗河上
    A houseboat having sails and sometimes an engine, used on the Nile.
  • 别的邻们有的执教足球队,探视病人,有的驱车访问那些羁于家的人,教育那些悲观厌世的人,教成年人读书。”
    Other neighbors coach soccer teams, visit the sick, give rides to the housebound, tutor dropouts, teach adults to read.
  • 科科经过三天训练后就养成了家卫生的习惯,且从没有干过淘气的事。
    He was housebroken in three days and has never done anything naughty.
  • 一群住宅的集合;是人们所住的地方。
    housing collectively; structures in which people are housed.
  • 迄一九九八年底,约有280万人于新市镇。新市镇设有各类社区及康乐设施,包括学校、街市、购物中心、公园、游憩用地,以及便捷的交通连系。
    At the end of the year, about 2.8 million people were housed in the new towns, enjoying a wide range of community and recreational facilities, including schools, markets and shopping centres, parks and open spaces and convenient transport links.
  • 从教导所或劳教中心释放的年轻男犯,如被鉴定有特殊需要,便须在丰力楼住最多3个月,才可获准回家或到其他地方住,但仍须接受善后监管。
    Young male offenders identified as having special needs are, on discharge from a training centre or the detention centre, housed at Phoenix House for up to three months before they are permitted to live at home or in other places while they continue to receive after-care supervision.
  • 一切生活起都在这个单间内进行,这就是细胞。
    All the housekeeping went on in one room.
  • 约翰和玛丽结婚了吗?——哦,没有,只是同罢了。
    Are John and Mary married? —Oh, on, it’s just a case of light housekeeping.
  • 庆贺迁入新的礼物;庆祝迁入新的晚会
    A housewarming present; a housewarming party.
  • 住在一个家庭并作轻的家务活来回报的年轻的外国人。
    a young foreigner who lives with a family in return for doing light housework.
  • 新的房屋计划未徵询当地民的意见, 他们感到非常气愤.
    Local residents were angry at not being brought in on (ie not being consulted about) the new housing scheme.
  • "大多数发展中国家,许多人的住条件很差。"
    In most of the developing countries too many people are living in bad housing.
  • 蜂箱尤指为让蜜蜂住而筑的结构
    A structure for housing bees, especially honeybees.
  • 阿尔文美国得克萨斯东南休斯顿南部的一城市,主要是住区。人口19,220
    A city of southeast Texas south of Houston. It is chiefly residential. Population,19, 220.
  • 几个世纪以来与世隔绝的生活;因为他们住在与世隔绝的地方而保持了(风俗)——w·h·哈德孙;远离文明中心的孤立的小村庄;无名的村庄。
    existed over the centuries as a world apart; preserved because they inhabited a place apart- W.H.Hudson; tiny isolated villages remote from centers of civilization; an obscure village.
  • 波基普西美国纽约州东南部城市,临哈得逊河,位于纽约市以北。1687年荷兰人开始在此定。波基普西是瓦萨尔学院(成立于1861年)的所在地。人口28,844
    A city of southeast New York on the Hudson River north of New York City. Settled by the Dutch in1687, Poughkeepsie is the seat of Vassar College(chartered1861). Population,28, 844.
  • 美国的同情心,同时也远远超越了我们自己的国界,在人道主义援助方面,我们于世界首位,援助世界各地的人们。
    American compassion also stretches way beyond our borders. We're the number one provider of humanitarian aid to people in need throughout the world.
  • 美国的同情心,同时也远远超越了我们自己的国界,在人道主义援助方面,我们于世界首位,援助世界各地的人们。
    American compassion stretches way beyond our borders. We are the number one provider of humanitarian aid to people in need throughout the world.
  • 人类便居住在这里。
    And humanity live here.
  • 真正高贵的标志并不是趾高气扬,而是身高位而谦虚谨慎。
    A mark of true nobility is, not to hold one's head high, but to bear one's self humbly in a high station of life.
  • 虽然萧先生还算满意,第八次迁也很有可能。萧太太憎恨炎热、潮湿的夏天,跟邻又嫌太近,真是痛苦不堪。“要命我也得搬家。”萧太太说。
    While Mr. Schroeter is fairly content, an eighth move is a real possibility. Mrs. Schroeter, who hates the hot, humid summers and living so close to her neighbors, is miserable. "I'd give my eye teeth to get out of here," Mrs. Schroeter said.
  • 年内,本港的海洋哺乳类动物受特别注视,主要原因是,在本港海域栖的印度太平洋驼背豚(俗称中华白海豚)被选定为象征香港回归的吉祥物。
    During the year, the marine mammals of Hong Kong have attracted special attention. This was mainly because the resident species, Indo-Pacific Hump-backed dolphin, commonly known as Chinese White Dolphin, was chosen as the mascot for Hong Kong's transition.